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研究生: 陳柏存
Bo-tsun Chen
論文名稱: 以表面波譜法與支持向量機評估高溫損傷混凝土之性質
指導教授: 張大鵬
Ta-Peng Chang
口試委員: 陳振川
Jenn-Chuan Chern
Chung-Yue Wang
Yi -Ching Lin
Chia-Chi Cheng
Hung-Ming Chen
Chun-Tao Chen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 高溫混凝土爐石表面波譜法小波分析支持向量機
外文關鍵詞: high temperature, concrete, slag, the spectral analysis of surface wave (SASW), wavelet analysis, support vector machine (SVM)
相關次數: 點閱:997下載:1
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  • 混凝土為目前國內通用之建築材料,近年來爐石常用來添入混凝土以考量環保、工作性、經濟性與耐久性。火災則是常見災害之一,其中高溫常會造成混凝土結構物之損害,基於經劑性考量,部份結構構件經由適當的補強修復後繼續使用,因此對於高溫損傷程度之判斷相當重要,混凝土殘餘強度及其內部所受到之溫度為主要兩項用來判斷之指標。本研究中利用表面波譜法(SASW)來評估混凝土內部縱波(P-wave)波速以進一步推估混凝土殘餘強度,並利用支持向量機(SVM)具良好計算能力之特性進行評估混凝土內部所受到之溫度。
    首先製作以單一水膠比(W/B=0.6)灌製不同爐石取代量(0, 10, 30, 40, 60, 80%)置於高溫爐中分別以不同溫度(25, 200, 400, 600, 800oC)加熱後進行試驗,結果顯示在低於600oC時,較佳爐石取代量為20-30%,且當混凝土受到600oC高熱作用後,爐石取代量超過60%,其抗壓強度與動彈性模數下降相當顯著,同時利用統計迴歸方式得到不同爐石取代量與不同高溫之混凝土抗壓強度與動彈性係數之預測公式。
    另一方面,製作不同混凝土塊狀試體在單向度高溫作用後,以表面波譜法進行檢測。利用小波分析處理過濾實作檢測與數值模擬之接收器訊號後,可得到15~60 KHz之高頻訊號,進行頻散曲線繪製與內部縱波反算,與超音波速對照結果顯示,在400、600、800oC高溫作用後,經由實際檢測所計算出內部縱波波速平均誤差分別為10.0、5.5、12.0%,而數值模擬所計算出內部縱波波速平均誤差分別為8.7、8.7、10.6%。

    Concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials in civil engineering. The slag is usually added to the concrete for considering its effects on the environment, workability, durability and economics in recent years. On the other hand, fire disaster is one of the familiar accidents which cause great damage of concrete building exposed to high temperature. For the economic consideration, some of these fire-damaged concrete buildings can be recovered to their usable functions through the repairing and retrofitting methods. Therefore, it is important to investigate the situation of damage induced by the exposure to high temperature. Both of the residual compressive strength and exposed temperature are usually used to evaluate the situation of damage. In this study, the spectral analysis of surface wave (SASW) is used to evaluate the internal P-wave velocity of concrete and further determine the compressive strength of concrete. In addition, the support vector machine (SVM) approach is used to evaluate the exposed temperature due to its advantage of computational efficiency.
    First, the concrete cylinder specimens (W/B=0.6) were cast using several slag replacements (0, 10, 30, 40, 60, 80%) and tested after being placed in the furnace to exposed different temperatures (25, 200, 400, 600, 800oC), respectively. The results show that the residual engineering capability of concrete has an optimum replacement of 20-30% slag under 600oC and the engineering properties of concrete are reduced significantly at each elevated temperature for the GGBFS replacement greater than 60%. Moreover, the equation of compressive strength and Young’s modulus of concrete (W/B=0.6) at age of 28 days between different slag replacements and exposed temperatures are obtained by statisical regression equations.
    Then, the concrete beam specimens were cast and exposed to one-sided temperature of 400, 600, 800oC, respectively. The spectral analysis of surface wave (SASW) method is used to evaluate the internal P-wave velocity of concrete from surface. In addition, the numerical simulation is also used to verify the results. Both of experimental and numerical signal are obtained the frequency range of 15-60 KHz by using the wavelet filter. The results show that the average error of experiment is 10.0, 5.5 and 12.0% with the concrete exposed to 400, 600, 800oC, respectively. The average error of numerical simulation is 8.7, 8.7 and 10.6% with the concrete exposed to 400, 600, 800oC, respectively.
    The testing results of ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) and temperature from disk-shaped specimens are generated and used as the training and testing data for SVM. By using the data of UPV, the correctness of predicted temperatures with 1/4 and 1/3 of total data set is in the ranges of 77.37-81.23% and 82.94~89.80%,, respectively. Without UPV, the correctness of predicted temperatures is reduced to 53.33% and 61.37%, respectively. As a result, the SVM analysis shows that the most effective parameter to increase the correctness index of the predicted exposed temperature was identified as the ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete. It also shows that the accuracy of estimation for the SVM analysis increases with the increases of number of effective parameters and the ratio of training data sets to total data sets being considered in the calculation of SVM modeling.

    中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 誌謝 Ⅳ 目錄 Ⅴ 表目錄 Ⅸ 圖目錄 Ⅹ 壹、緒論 01 1-1 研究背景 01 1-2 研究項目與步驟 02 1-3 論文內容 02 貳、文獻回顧 06 2-1 混凝土高溫性質 06 2-1-1 混凝土組成材料性質變化 06 2-1-2 添加爐石粉之混凝土火害後工程性質變化 07 2-1-3 混凝土火害後殘餘工程性質檢測與評估 09 2-2 混凝土應力波檢測法 11 2-2-1 應力波型式與波傳原理 11 2-2-2 超音波法 13 2-2-3 暫態應力波檢測法 13 2-3 表面波譜法 14 2-3-1 表面波譜法之發展 14 2-3-2 表面波譜法之量測設置 16 2-3-3 頻散曲線之計算 16 2-3-4 內部縱波之反算 18 參、試驗計畫 22 3-1 試驗材料 22 3-2 試驗儀器與軟體 22 3-3 試驗配比 26 3-4 試驗項目與步驟 26 3-4-1 不同爐石取代量混凝土高溫後工程性質試驗 26 3-4-2 混凝土塊狀試體單面高溫作用後檢測 28 肆、試驗結果與分析 44 4-1不同爐石取代量對於混凝土高溫後工程性質之影響 44 4-1-1 抗壓強度 44 4-1-2 動彈性模數 45 4-1-3 超音波速 46 4-2不同爐石取代量混凝土高溫後工程性質預測公式之建立 47 4-2-1 顯著影響因子檢定(變異數分析) 47 4-2-2 複迴歸公式 48 4-3 混凝土受單面高溫作用後之工程性質 50 4-3-1 內部溫度分佈 50 4-3-2 超音波速檢測結果 51 4-3-3 鑽心切片試驗結果 52 4-3-4 綜合討論 55 伍、結合小波分析之表面波譜法檢測火害後混凝土結果分析與討論 81 5-1 小波分析理論 81 5-1-1 發展背景 81 5-1-2 多層解析度分析 82 5-1-3 連續小波轉換 83 5-2 結合小波分析之表面波譜法 83 5-2-1 小波分析程式撰寫 84 5-2-2 相角遮蔽 84 5-2-3 嘉伯頻譜圖與脈衝反應過濾技術 85 5-3 以表面波譜法檢測火害後混凝土之分析結果 87 5-3-1 小波分析處理 87 5-3-2 計算平均頻散曲線 88 5-3-3 內部縱波反算 88 5-4 表面波譜法檢測火害後混凝土之數值模擬分析結果 88 5-4-1 建模與前處理 88 5-4-2 加載與求解 90 5-4-3 計算平均頻散曲線 90 5-4-4 內部縱波反算 90 5-5 綜合討論 91 5-6 小波分析濾波之影響 91 陸、以支持向量機(SVM)建立火害後混凝土內部不同高溫之評估模式 116 6-1 支持向量機簡介 116 6-2 支持向量機原理 117 6-2-1 線性支持向量機 117 6-2-2 非線性支持向量機 119 6-3 火害後混凝土內部不同高溫評估模式之建立 120 6-3-1 資料前處理 120 6-3-2 評估結果與分析 122 柒、結論與建議 123 7-1 結論 128 7-1-1 不同爐石取代量混凝土經高溫作用後之工程係質 128 7-1-2 結合小波分析之表面波譜法檢測高溫受損混凝土內部縱波波速 130 7-1-3 以支持向量機評估高溫受損混凝土內部高溫 131 7-2 建議 132 參考文獻 134 作者簡介 140

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