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研究生: 陳躬實
Joshua Kuntandi
指導教授: 吳清炎
Ching-Yan Wu
口試委員: 楊朝龍
Chao-Lung Yang
Bruce C.Y. Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: Industrial GasBusiness modelBusiness StrategyIndonesiaDistributor Company
外文關鍵詞: Industrial Gas, Business model, Business Strategy, Indonesia, Distributor Company
相關次數: 點閱:614下載:10
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Indonesia is one of Southeast Asian countries with an enormous amount of population and islands. It is also a developing country with various natural resources in their islands. One of the resources that many industries need for their business is industrial gas, e.g., Oxygen, Nitrogen, Acetylene, etc. This fact means that there is an opportunity for the industrial gas industry to expand business in Indonesia. Nowadays, the growth of the internet and e-commerce have changed the way how a business delivers value to the customer, especially to a distributor company. Additionally, manufacturers and retailers are investing in their distribution networks and supplying products directly to the customers. As a result, distributors are struggling to survive in the market and sustain profitability.
In order to survive in the market, distributors have to change their ways of doing business in this global era due to the use of internet in all of its business aspects. An industrial gas company will be used for case study in this thesis to create an innovative business model to survive in the market. The company can implement Internet of Things in their new strategy for their new business model to differ itself from its competitors, especially in Indonesia.

Indonesia is one of Southeast Asian countries with an enormous amount of population and islands. It is also a developing country with various natural resources in their islands. One of the resources that many industries need for their business is industrial gas, e.g., Oxygen, Nitrogen, Acetylene, etc. This fact means that there is an opportunity for the industrial gas industry to expand business in Indonesia. Nowadays, the growth of the internet and e-commerce have changed the way how a business delivers value to the customer, especially to a distributor company. Additionally, manufacturers and retailers are investing in their distribution networks and supplying products directly to the customers. As a result, distributors are struggling to survive in the market and sustain profitability.
In order to survive in the market, distributors have to change their ways of doing business in this global era due to the use of internet in all of its business aspects. An industrial gas company will be used for case study in this thesis to create an innovative business model to survive in the market. The company can implement Internet of Things in their new strategy for their new business model to differ itself from its competitors, especially in Indonesia.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii CHAPTER I 1 1.1 Research Motivation and Background 1 1.2 Research Objectives and Questions 2 1.3 Research Content and Flow Chart 2 CHAPTER II 4 2.1 Porter’s Five Forces 4 2.2 SWOT Analysis 6 2.3 Business Model Overview 8 2.3.1 Business Model Canvas 9 2.4 Internet of Things 13 2.4.1 IoT for Business 13 CHAPTER III 15 3.1 Research Design 15 3.2 Data Collection 15 3.2.1 Primary Data 15 3.2.2 Secondary Data 15 3.2.3 Analysis Data 16 3.3 Interview Process 16 3.3.1 Interviewee Information 17 3.3.2 Interview Question 17 CHAPTER IV 20 4.1 Industrial Gas Industry in Worldwide 20 4.2 Industrial Gas Industry in Indonesia 21 4.3 Company Introduction 23 4.4 Company Product 24 4.5 Vision and Mission 25 4.6 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 26 4.6.1 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Summary 27 4.7 SWOT Analysis 28 4.7.1 SWOT Analysis Summary 31 4.8 Current Business Model 32 4.8.1 Value Proposition 32 4.8.2 Customer Segment 32 4.8.3 Channels 33 4.8.4 Customer Relationship 33 4.8.5 Revenue Streams 33 4.8.6 Key Activities 33 4.8.7 Key Resources 33 4.8.8 Key Partnerships 33 4.8.9 Cost Structure 33 4.8.10 Current Business Model Analysis 34 4.9 Future Business Strategy for Industrial Gas Company 34 4.9.1 Customer Loyalty Business Model 34 4.9.2 Internet of Things 35 4.9.3 E-Commerce 36 4.9.4 Digitization 36 4.9.5 Future Business Strategy Summary 37 4.10 Challenge 38 4.11 New Business Model Canvas 39 4.11.1 Value proposition 39 4.11.2 Customer Segment and Customer Relationship 40 4.11.3 Channels 40 4.11.4 Revenue Stream and Cost Structure 40 4.11.5 Key Resources 41 CHAPTER V 42 5.1 Conclusion 42 5.2 Recommendation 43 5.3 Research Limitation and Suggestion for Future Study 44 REFERENCES 45

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