研究生: |
王皓 Hao - Wang |
論文名稱: |
結合HMM頻譜模型與PV信號模型之語音信號合成方法 A Speech Signal Synthesis Method Combining HMM Spectral Model And PV Signal Model |
指導教授: |
Hung-yan Gu |
口試委員: |
Xi-jin Hong 馮輝文 Huei-wen Ferng 余明興 Ming-shing Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
電資學院 - 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 94 |
中文關鍵詞: | 隱藏式馬可夫模型 、相位聲碼器 |
外文關鍵詞: | hidden Markov model, phase vocoder |
相關次數: | 點閱:559 下載:3 |
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本論文提出一種語音信號之合成方法,將相位聲碼器( Phase Vocoder, PV )為基礎之信號模型與HMM頻譜模型作結合,以改善HMM合成語音信號的音質,並且提升合成語音與原始錄音之間的音色相似度。由於 PV參數不適合作為 HMM的特徵向量,我們先以DCC向量訓練HMM模型,在HMM完成訓練時,才從HMM各狀態所收集的音框中挑選、儲存數個適合的真實音框;在合成階段,先依HMM各狀態被指派的F0值去作真實音框挑選,再抓取被挑到之音框對應的PV參數去作信號合成。由於初始合成出的語音聽起來有怪音或是抖動的情形,因此我們在訓練階段發展了依F0值作分組挑選之真實音框挑選法,並且在合成階段發展了基於動態規劃演算法之真實音框挑選法,以及PV參數的中值平滑處理方法。音質聽測的結果顯示,有無作中值平滑處理,對受測者來說並沒有一定的好或壞;在音色相似度方面,受測者比較我們的方法與前人提出的 HMM + HNM語音信號合成法,對於內部語句,我們的方法獲得了較高的平均評分,但是對於外部語句,我們的方法因為音質不夠穩定,以至於聽測的平均評分並沒有特別偏向那一種方法。
In this thesis, a speech signal synthesis method that combines HMM (hidden markov model) spectral model with PV (phase vocoder) based singal model is proposed. This mehod is intended to improve the signal quality of synthetic speech by HMM, and to increase the timbre similarity between the synthetic speech and the recorded source speech. Because PV parameters are not suitable being used as the feature vectors for HMM, we train HMM models with DCC (discrete cepstral coefficients) vector first. Then, a few real frames are selected and saved, for each HMM state, from the collected frames on each state. In the synthesis stage, real frame selection is done first according to the F0 value assigned to an HMM state. Then, the PV parameters corresponding to a selected real frame are picked and used to synthesize speech signal. Nevertheless, the initial synthetic speech signal has the problem that click and vibration sounds are heard. Therefore, in the tranning stage, we develop a real frame selection method which splits the collected frames into several group according to their F0 values and selects a frame from each group. Also, in the synthesis stage, we develop a dynamic programming based real frame selection method, and a median smoothing method to smooth the PV parameters. According to the results of signal quality perception tests, the processing step of median smoothing is not always good or bad to the participants. As to the perception tests of timbre similarity, each participant compares our method with the method, HMM+HNM, proposed by another researcher. If inside sentences are played, our method obtains higher average score. If outside sentences are played, our method does not obtain distinguishable score. This is because the signal quality of our method’s synthetic speech is not stable enough.
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