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Author: 廖啟銘
Chi-Ming Liao
Thesis Title: 芝麻開門--以平衡計分卡建構全方位具體行動策略系統
Open Sesame—Building Operations In Strategy System With Balance Score Card
Advisor: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Committee: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
Ying-Jung Yeh
Chun-nan Chen
Jen-Wei Cheng
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
Thesis Publication Year: 2022
Graduation Academic Year: 110
Language: 中文
Pages: 66
Keywords (in Chinese): 績效考核組織扁平化顧問式行銷行銷策略
Keywords (in other languages): performance assessment, flat organization, relationship marketing, marketing strategy
Reference times: Clicks: 449Downloads: 0
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  • 企業經營的主要目的在於追求卓越績效,以達到永續經營為最終目標。而績效的具體表現,在傳統的觀念裡,檢視重點往往是聚焦在財務數據的表現結果,例如營收成長率、毛利率、淨利率、逾期帳款率等等,而忽略了其他有助於企業長期發展所應具備之條件的重視與資源投入,例如新商品的研發或是人力資源的培養。但企業的績效必須從更高的角度,更宏觀的面向去進行整體的評估。進一步而言,若從企業內部觀察則是員工行為的價值創造,與管理體制效率的展現;若從外部觀察,則是來自客戶的滿意度回饋,與投資大眾對於企業財務數據的評價。

    The main purpose of business management is to pursue excellent performance, and to achieve sustainable operation is the ultimate goal. In terms of the specific indicators of performance, in the traditional concept, the focuses are often on the performance of financial data, such as revenue growth rate, gross margin, net profit rate, and overdue payment rate, while ignoring the importance and resource input of other aspects that are indispensable to the long-term development of enterprises. For example, the research and development of new products or the human resources development. However, when it comes to the evaluation of enterprise performance, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive evaluation from a higher angle and a broader perspective. To be specific, when observing the internal aspects of an enterprise, the creation of behavioural value of employees and the demonstration of management system efficiency should be examined; when observing the external aspects of an enterprise, feedback of customer satisfaction and the investors’ evaluation of corporate financial data should be addressed.

    In recent years, diverse thoughts and models have been put forward with respect to the performance-related strategy-making methods. Among these models, there is the balanced scorecard concept developed in 1992 by Kaplan and Norton, two distinguished professors at Harvard University. This model uses a logical framework for strategy formulation that not only includes the traditional verification mechanism commonly used for financial dimensions, but also underlines and assesses leading indicators, such as implove competency, efficient processes, customer satisfaction, and other aspects that can actively create forward-looking factors for future development. In short, the core concept of balanced scorecard is to help managers put forth an integrated strategy of action, so that the performance assessment system and strategic coordination can be highly consistent, achieving strategic integration and focus, ultimately being reflected by enterprise performance.

    The writing of this thesis adopts the format of a Harvard case study. It consists of two parts: main text and teaching guide. This thesis mainly describes the challenges and difficulties faced by case enterprises in the course of operation. Through an easily understandable way, the teaching guide further explores the theoretical basis of various management modes by discussing the problems, in hopes to provide reference basis for the business managers regarding management knowledge and practical affairs.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 壹、個案本文 1 一、開場白 1 二、產業背景 3 (一) 全球芝麻產業背景 3 (二) 台灣芝麻產業概況 5 (三) 台灣芝麻產業結構概述 7 三、個案公司背景 8 (一) 公司概況簡介 8 (二) 個案公司組織架構 9 四、個案公司面臨的挑戰 10 (一) 呆板的績效考核制度,為了做而做的工作項目 10 (二) 層層報告的管理制度,浪費許多的時間,造成效能低下 12 (三) 因顧客滿意度下降而引發的訂單流失危機 13 (四) 因標示不實而引起的營銷下滑 15 貳、教學指引 21 一、個案總覽 21 (一) 教學目標與適用課程 21 (二) 學生課前準備 25 (三) 討論問題 25 (四) 個案人物介紹 25 二、個案分析 26 (一) 課程目標一: 績效考核輔助制度 26 (二) 課程目標二: 組織變革管理 34 (三) 課程目標三: 客戶滿意度 38 (四) 課程目標四: 行銷策略的優化 42 三、教學建議 46 (一) 教學時間規劃 46 (二) 板書規劃 47 參考文獻

    陳瑩芳(2020)。專業技術型非營利組織變革之歷史制度研究: 以財團法人塑膠工業技術發展中心為例。東海大學行政管理暨政策學系第三部門碩士在職專班,台中市。
    劉春蘭(2015) 應用平衡計分卡探討美髪業經營績效衡量-以大台北區為例。環球科技大學企業管理系中小企業經營策略管理碩士班,雲林縣。

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