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研究生: 蔡忠原
Chung-Yuan Tsai
論文名稱: 應用電流斜率及反電動勢混合法之無位置偵測永磁同步電動機驅動系統
A Position Sensorless Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Based on Current-Slope and Back-EMF Hybrid Approach
指導教授: 劉添華
Tian-Hua Liu
口試委員: 廖聰明
Chang-Ming Liaw
Faa-Jeng Lin
Chung-Ming Young
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 158
中文關鍵詞: 混合式轉軸角度估測方法預測型控制器內藏式永磁同步電動機
外文關鍵詞: hybrid position estimation method, predictive controller, interior permanent magnet synchronous motor
相關次數: 點閱:482下載:0
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本文探討以混合式方法實現轉軸角度的估測,進一步達成無轉軸偵測元件內藏式永磁同步電動機的閉迴路速度控制。為了達到寬廣的控速範圍,文中使用兩種不同的轉軸角度估測方法,在靜止及低速時,測量零電壓向量產生的電流斜率,並利用電流斜率推導轉軸角度,使得電動機在靜止狀態下能夠順利啟動。在中、高轉速時,則使用延伸型反電動勢法估測轉軸角度,本文所提的方法,可以使驅動系統在0 r/min至3000 r/min間進行速度控制,並且具有良好的響應。

This thesis proposes a hybrid approach to estimate the rotor position for a sensorless IPMSM close-loop speed control system. To achieve a wide adjustable speed range, two different sensorless methods are used. At the standstill and low speed, the current-slope measuring method of the zero voltage vector is used to estimate the rotor position. As a result, the IPMSM starts from standstill smoothly. At the middle and high speed, the extend back-EMF method is used to estimate the rotor position. The proposed method can operate the IPMSM drive system at different speeds from 0 r/min to 3000 r/min with good responses.
To improve the dynamic responses of the proposed drive system, a predictive speed-loop controller is proposed to achieve fast transient responses, good load disturbance responses, and good tracking responses. In addition, to avoid the saturation of the input current, this paper also discusses the limitation of current input into the performance index to improve the poor response due to the controller’s constraints.
A digital signal processor, TMS320F28379D with delta-sigma A/D converters are used as a control center to execute the rotor position/speed estimation algorithm and the control algorithm. Experimental results can validate the theoretical analysis to show the correctness and feasibility of this proposed method in the thesis.

中文摘要......I Abstract.....II 目錄.........III 圖目錄.......VI 表目錄.......XI 符號索引.....XII 第一章 緒論.....1 1.1 背景.....1 1.2 文獻回顧 .....2 1.3 研究動機 .....6 1.4 論文大綱 .....7 第二章 內藏式永磁同步電動機.....8 2.1 簡介.....8 2.2 結構及特性.....8 2.3數學模型.....11 第三章 驅動系統.....19 3.1 簡介.....19 3.2 變頻器及脈波寬度調變.....20 3.2.1變頻器.....20 3.2.1脈波寬度調變.....22 3.3 永磁同步電動機的驅控.....25 3.3.1最大轉矩/安培控制.....26 3.3.2弱磁控制.....27 第四章 轉軸角度估測.....32 4.1 簡介 32 4.2 零電壓向量電流斜率估測方法.....34 4.2.1基本原理.....34 4.2.2估測器的設計.....41 4.2.3初始角度估測及極性判別.....47 4.2.4電流斜率的擷取方法.....52 4.2.5應用其他電動機的可行性.....53 4.3延伸型反電動勢估測方法.....55 4.3.1基本原理.....55 4.3.2估測器的設計.....57 4.3.3估測器的穩定性分析.....60 4.4轉軸角/速度估測器設計.....62 第五章 預測型控制器.....64 5.1 簡介.....64 5.2預測型速度控制器.....65 5.2.1基本原理.....65 5.2.2限制條件.....69 第六章 系統研製.....76 6.1 簡介.....76 6.2硬體電路.....78 6.2.1 變頻器與驅動電路.....78 6.2.2 電流偵測電路.....81 6.2.3 電源供應電路.....83 6.2.4 數位信號處理器.....84 6.3軟體程式.....86 6.3.1 主程式.....86 6.3.2 中斷程式.....88 第七章 實測結果.....90 7.1 簡介.....90 7.2 實測.....92 第八章 結論與未來研究方向.....131 參考文獻.....132

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