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研究生: 林大統
Ta-Tang Lin
論文名稱: 電阻式隨機存取記憶體之鎢基氧化薄膜特性與光學分析電阻阻態
Characteristics and Resistance States of (WNiB)Ox for RRAM Device : An Optical Investigation
指導教授: 朱 瑾
Jinn P. Chu
口試委員: 王錫福
Sea-Fue Wang
Ching-Hwa Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 電阻式隨機存取記憶體非晶薄膜鎢鎳硼氧化物拉曼光譜懸擺鍵
外文關鍵詞: amorphous thin film, (WNiB)Ox, power induced
相關次數: 點閱:476下載:0
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電阻式記憶體具有金屬-絕緣體-金屬(MIM)的結構、開關速度快、長時間保留和其它的良好特性,這在非揮發性記憶體中十分具有潛力。由於簡單的MIM結構降低了元件的空間,因此縮短生產時間使得產率提高。在工業中經常使用鎢和鎳,並且該氧化物亦普遍用於電阻式記憶體。Pt/(WNiB)Ox / Pt元件由電漿光譜控制沉積並透過X光繞射和高解析穿透式電子顯微鏡確認為12到21奈米厚(WNiB)OX的非晶薄膜。無結晶取向問題的非晶結構優勢為均勻性良好且易控制於超薄製程。
Pt/(WNiB)Ox / Pt元件顯示偶數氬氧比之電性較奇數氬氧比要穩定,且在較高的氧氣比之試片必需有電致形成過程,較低之工作壓力具有較低電阻率,set過程的軟擊穿為能量誘導,reset過程由電場誘導引起。基於XPS的結果,我們可以得出這樣的結論氧化物表現出鎢的不同的狀態,包括W0,W4+和W6+從而合理地認為是氧空位容易被複雜的狀態形成。在set過程中該W0將導致過高的漏電流,而W6+具較高的電阻有助於高電阻阻態穩定,同時W4+對於電致形成過程與開關電源具有相當關聯性。各種樣品的能帶通過紫外光量測,測得越高能隙相對應較高的切換能量。
拉曼光譜則量測各種樣品之不同狀態下散射激發所得對應之結構。結果顯示W = O結構是有助於高電阻阻態穩定,由於結構穩定且沒有任何懸擺鍵。反之,在高電阻阻態與低電阻阻態皆具有許多O-W-O之結構易於形成懸擺鍵成為局部燈絲導致持久力測試中呈現不穩定之結果。最好的熱處理樣本,在低電阻阻態之主峰由W-O-O的轉變為O-W-O,不論高電阻阻態或是低電阻阻態皆為O-W-O,使set過程中得以較小的能量來改變電阻狀態。

Resistive random access memory (RRAM) has a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structure, fast switching speed, long-time retention and other good properties, which lead to potential applications in non-volatile memory. This simple MIM structure not only reduces the size of device but also enhances the yield; shorten production time, so that productivity can be increased. Nickel and tungsten are commonly used in the industry, and the compositions are popularly used for the RRAM at the same time. The Pt/(WNiB)Ox/Pt device fabrication was performed at argon to oxygen ratio of 14:6 (S14) to 17:3 (S17), while being controlled by an optical emission spectrum control system. The film exhibits a 12 to 21 nm-thick (WNiB)Ox amorphous structure, measured for XRD and HRTEM. The amorphous structure (no texture problem) could represent an advantage in terms of film uniformity and process control for integration in ultra-scaled devices.
It is demonstrated that the Pt/(WNiB)Ox/Pt device exhibits stability. The sample with 14:6 (S14) and 16:4 (S16) ratio (Ar:O2) showed the better results, however a forming process is required. In general, lower working pressure results in a lower resistance ratio. The set process soft breakdown in power induced, and reset processes rupture in electric field induced. Based on XPS results, we can conclude that the oxide shows different states for tungsten, including the W0, W4+ and W6+ thus it is reasonable to consider that oxygen vacancies form easily by the complex state. The W0 was resulting in too high leakage current for the set process, and the W6+ has higher resistance, which helps the HRS to be stable. The W4+ reveals the importance in the forming process and switching power. The band gap of various smaples were measured by UV, which reveals the higher gap energy with higher switching power.

The Raman scatter results reveal different states for various samples. The W=O terminal structure is helpful for the HRS to be stable, becoming to the stable terminal structure and without any dangling bonds. In contrast, a film with large amounts of *O-W-O* structure in the HRS. There easily to form dangling bonds with become partial filaments and exhibit unstablilty on the retention test. The best results were measured, after thermal treatment of a sample. The annealing changed the structure form (W-O-O) to O-W-O at the LRS. Becase both HRS and LRS have the O-W-O structure, the set process needs a smaller amount of energy to change the resistance state.
Therefore, to develop a RRAM device that has a quality controlled oxide film is important. To evaluate the resistive switching behaviors of (WNiB)Ox thin films for RRAM applications. The influences of the atomic binding structure have been investigated. Possible mechanisms underlying RS phenomenon in (WNiB)Ox thin films have been proposed, to find the key for the development of RRAM.

摘要 I Abstract V 致謝 VII Contents VIII List of Tables X List of Figures XI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Background 3 2.1 Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) 3 2.1.1 Unipolar Resistive Switching 6 2.1.2 Bipolar Resistive Switching 6 2.1.3 Nonpolar Resistive Switching 6 2.2 Challenges for RRAM 9 2.2.1 Excellent Endurance Performance 9 2.2.2 Quality Controlled and Switching Mechanism for RRAM 10 2.3 Mechanisms of Resistive Switching of RRAM 10 2.3.1 Conduction Filament Mechanism 11 2.3.2 Carrier Conduction Mechanism 13 2.3.3 Redox Reaction Switching Mechanism 15 2.3.4 Interface Conducting Path Mechanism 17 2.3.5 Variable-Range Hopping Conduction Mechanism (VRH) 18 2.5 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Measurement 20 2.6 Ultraviolet Light Measurement and Tauc Plot 21 2.7 Raman Scattering at Band Model 22 2.8 Selection of Oxide Materials 24 Chapter3 Experimental Procedures 27 3.1 RRAM Device Preparation 29 3.1.1 Substrate Preparation 29 3.1.2 Thin Film Deposition & Optical Emission Spectrum Control 31 3.1.4 Thermal Processing 34 3.2 Material Characterizations 3.2.1 Electrical Property Measurements 35 3.2.2 Surface Roughness Measurement 38 3.2.3 Crystallography Analysis 39 3.2.4 Chemical State Analysis 39 3.2.6 Optical Property Analysis 42 3.3 Sample Codes 44 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 45 4.1 The Substrates and (WNiB)Ox Layer Characterization 45 4.1.1 Morphology Results for substrates 45 4.1.2 Estimated thickness 48 4.1.3 XRD Crystallography Results 48 4.2 Resistive Switching Behaviors of Pt/(WNiB)Ox/Pt Devices 50 4.3 Chemical State and Microstructure for (WNiB)Ox Layer 74 4.3.1 XPS Results 74 4.3.2 TEM Results 82 4.4 Optical Property Results for (WNiB)Ox Layer 88 4.4.1 UV Results 88 4.4.2 Raman Results 93 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 103 5.1 Conclusions 103 5.2 Mechanism 105 5.3 Future Works 112 References 115  

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