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研究生: 江福源
論文名稱: 以ISM法分析投標營造商資質審查準則間之關係
Using the ISM Method to Analyze the Relationships between Various Contractor Prequalification Criteria
指導教授: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
口試委員: 簡紹琦
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 投標營造商資質審查合格營造商詮釋結構模式矩陣乘法分類法
外文關鍵詞: Interpretative Structural Modeling, Matrices Impacts Croises-Multiplication Appliance Classement
相關次數: 點閱:256下載:0
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  • 營造工程的業主為選擇一個合格且具履約能力的營造商,對投標營造商進行資質審查是在業界常用的方法。投標營造商資質審查機制是一個多面向多準則的審查流程,而在這流程中較具決定性的準則,應是營造工程的業主在選商時須著重考量的因素。因此,本研究應用詮釋結構模式(Interpretive Structural Modeling, ISM)及影響矩陣乘法分類法(Impact Matrix Cross-Reference Multiplication Applied to a Classification, MICMAC)分析探討影響投標營造商資質審查機制中,各準則間的相關性及淘選出具決定性的準則,以讓營造工程的業主在選擇營造商時能著重考量。

    In order to select a qualified contractor with the ability to perform the contract, it is a common method for the owner of the construction project to carry out the pre-qualification review of the contractor. The reviewing of contractor prequalification is a multi-criteria making-decision process, and the more decisive criteria in this process should be the factors that the construction project owners should pay more attention to when selecting contractors. Therefore, this study applies the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) and the Matrices Impacts Croises-Multiplication Appliance Classement (MICMAC) to analyze and discuss the relationships between the various contractor prequalification criteria and to select the decisive criteria.
    The first stop of this study was to review the literatures and invited several experts and scholars to evaluate the relationships between the criteria for the contractor prequalification, and the second stop was to analyze the relationship between the criteria using ISM. And confirmed the decisive criteria for the contractor prequalification by MICMAC method.
    The research results show that we use ISM method to establish seven-layer hierarchical structure for the contractor prequalification criteria, among which the most decisive criteria are engineering experience, management knowledge and management accountability. In addition, based on the driving power and dependence power of each criterion, they can be grouped into four clusters according to MICMAC. The results of this study also show that ISM can sort the complex criteria for the contractor prequalification and help the owners to select qualified contractors in the bidding strategy planning of construction projects.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 論文架構 4 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1投標營造商資質審查之評估模型 5 2.1.1 因子加權模型 8 2.1.2 專家系統模型 9 2.1.3 多屬性分析模型 10 2.1.4 模糊理論模型 11 2.1.5 計劃評核術模型 12 2.1.6 層級分析法模型 13 2.1.7 多屬性效用模型 13 2.1.8 案例式推理模型 14 2.1.9 類神經網路模型 15 2.2投標營造商資格審查之評估準則 15 2.3 詮釋結構模式在營建工程相關領域之運用 22 2.3.1影響建築資訊模型推展之因子分析 23 2.3.2.營建專案開發成功之因子分析 24 2.3.3土壤液化因子分析 25 第三章 研究方法 27 3.1 詮釋結構模式的概念與方法 27 3.2 影響矩陣乘法分類法 31 第四章 分析成果 35 4.1評估準則的選擇與評價 35 4.2以詮釋結構模式分析各評估準則間之關聯性 37 4.2.1 發展結構自我影響矩陣 37 4.2.2 發展可達矩陣(reachability matrix) 38 4.2.3 發展層級區分 39 4.2.4 詮釋結構模式層級架構模型的形成 41 4.2.5 詮釋結構模式成果與文獻之比較 42 4.3 以影響矩陣乘法分類法分析各評估準則之特性分類 48 第五章 結論與建議 49 5.1 詮釋結構模式分析說明結論 49 5.2 詮釋結構模式分析與文獻比較結論 50 5.3 影響矩陣乘法分類法分析結論 50 5.4 本研究之貢獻與後續研究建議 51 參考文獻 54

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