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研究生: 吳家霖
Chia-Lin Wu
論文名稱: 瞳孔影像安全與美化之研究
A study on the security and beautification of images with pupils
指導教授: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
口試委員: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Bor-Shen Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 瞳孔反射深度學習超解析物體辨識影像安全
外文關鍵詞: pupil reflection, deep learning, super-resolution, object recognition, ,image security
相關次數: 點閱:398下載:0
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Taking selfies with a close distance using a smartphone is already most our daily activity. However, with the rapid advances on software and hardware, we have already been exposed with high risk when taking such pictures. Although a human pupil can only occupy a small proportion in a photo, after the adjustment of brightness, contrast, and saturation, together with image super-resolution, the information revealed by the pupil reflection could become obvious. Not only the object in the image could become clearer after the processing, but also the technique of facial super-resolution can partially restore the low-resolution facial information, thus greatly increasing the chance of exposing related privacy. As we human being are quite strong on recognizing things, it can be shown that only through a blurred image, as long as the involved person is relatively familiar, we could discover a great deal of important information. In this paper, super-resolution and related image processing of the pupil reflection image are implemented, and then the resulting image is used for object recognition to understand the potential risk. Statistics are collected based on distance, brightness and risk, so that we have a better understanding on how they co-related. To sum up, our system can assess the risk of an image with pupil reflection, replace the reflection image if necessary, and as a result, not only the corresponding eyes are made brighter, but also the potential risk of exposing privacy is completely removed.
keywords: pupil reflection, deep learning, super-resolution, object recognition, image security

摘要 2 Abstract 3 誌謝 4 目錄 5 圖目錄 7 表目錄 11 第一章、緒論 12 1.1研究動機 12 1.2研究目的 13 1.3論文架構 15 第二章、文獻探討 16 2.1 超解析 16 2.1.1 卷積神經網絡CNN-Convolutional Neural Networks 16 2.1.1 生成對抗網絡GAN-Generative Adversarial Network 18 2.1.2 殘差密集網絡RDN-Residual Dense Network 20 2.1.3 人臉超解析FSR-Face Super Resolution 21 2.2 影像辨識 24 2.2.1 Google Vision 25 2.2.2 Google Lens 26 2.3 反魚眼 27 第三章、瞳孔反射影像隱私風險 28 3.1系統流程與設計 28 3.1.1 系統環境 31 3.2瞳孔反射影像與初步調校 32 3.2.1角膜成像 32 3.2.2 瞳孔反射影像初步調整 34 3.3反魚眼系統實作 38 棋盤格矯正法 38 經緯度矯正法 39 3.4超解析系統實作 40 3.4.1 RDN超解析 40 3.4.2 FSR人臉超解析-Face Super Resolution 42 3.5瞳孔反射影像偵測 44 3.6影像解析地標資訊 47 3.7風險分析 50 第四章、瞳孔反射影像風險移除 53 4.1解除安全疑慮與美化系統實作 53 4.2系統整合 57 第五章、結論 58 5.1 結論與檢討 58 5.2 未來展望 58 第六章、參考文獻 60

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