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研究生: 溫漢啟
Hanke Marcelino
論文名稱: Instagram 社交媒體平台 2021 中的建築攝影原則
The Principle of Architectural Photography in Instagram Social Media Platform 2021
指導教授: Tiago Costa
Tiago Costa
口試委員: 陳嘉萍
Julie C. Chen
Meng-Ting Tsai
Meng-Ting Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 建築學建築攝影社交媒體平台社交媒體
外文關鍵詞: Architecture, Architectural photography, Instagram, Social Media
相關次數: 點閱:481下載:8
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另一方面,發佈內容的地方很重要。如今,社交媒體平台是訪問量最大的獲取信息的地方。 Instagram 是一個視覺社交媒體平台,旨在分享用戶的內容。其平台中的功能、算法和規則總是有目的地吸引更多觀眾。分析這方面的知識對於發佈內容是必要的。
本研究旨在研究這兩個相關領域,以找到平衡點,以便在 Instagram 平台上生成具有良好傳播功能的最佳圖像。希望了解這一點,建築內容將比其他內容更好地呈現,並使建築更有價值。
與團體觀眾相關的建築攝影方面有自己的規則、技術和建築攝影理論,在其他技術中更具參與性。有必要考慮 Instagram 平台功能。

In the era of information technology, the reduced role of publications made an architect must know how to present their creation. Delivering ideas and more important to make people come to spaces through image is necessary.  Architectural photography is an efficient way to do it. Documenting the long process of construction efficiently and publishing impact will help architecture content be more valuable in general.   
On the other hand, a place for publishing the contents is important. Nowadays social media platform is the most visited place to get information. Instagram is a visual social media platform with the purpose to share users' content. Features, algorithms, and rules in its platform always chance in purpose to get more audiences. Knowledge to analyze this aspect is necessary to publish content.
This research aims to study these two related fields to find equilibrium in purpose producing the best image as possible with well-spread features on the Instagram platform. In hope knowing this, Architectural content will be more well-present compared to the other contents and make architecture will be more valuable.
Aspect in architectural photography related for group audiences own rules, techniques, and theory of architectural photography which have more engagement among the others techniques. Instagram platform features are necessary to be considered.

ABSTRACT 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 LIST OF TABLES 7 LIST OF FIGURES 9 INTRODUCTION 17 1.1. Background 17 1.2. Research Question 19 1.3. Research Objective 20 1.4. Research Method 20 LITERATURE REVIEW 22 2.1. Architecture Photography 22 2.1.1. Gears 27 2.1.2. Visual Language...................................................................................33 2.1.3. Capturing Technuqie and post processing.............................................41 2.2. Digital Media 47 2.1. Indicators 49 2.3. Summary Architecture photography relate to social media 55 CASE STUDY 58 3.1. Case Study less than 5000 Followers 60 3.2. Case Study 50,000-100,000 Followers 69 3.3. Case Study more than 1,000,000 Followers 76 COMPARISON AND FINDINGS 84 4.1. Case Study and Concepts Comparison 84 4.2. Findings 85 CONCLUSION 90 5.1. Conclusion 90 5.2. Future Study 92 LIST OF REFERENCES 93

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