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Author: 凃美綺
Mei-Ci Tu
Thesis Title: SVM、RF 與 MLP 應用於腦中風預測之比較研究
Comparing with the Application of SVM, RF, and MLP in Stroke Prediction
Advisor: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Committee: 劉俞志
Yu-Chih Liu
Hsiao-Lan Wei
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2019
Graduation Academic Year: 107
Language: 中文
Pages: 58
Keywords (in Chinese): 腦中風支援向量機隨機森林多層感知器模型訓練與驗證流程
Keywords (in other languages): Stroke, SVM, Random Forest, MLP, Model Training and Verification process
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腦中風為世界之第二大死亡原因,腦中風不僅造成人體生理上的不適,後續 的照護治療也造成社會與家庭上龐大的負擔,也嚴重影響了未來的生活品質,為 了避免腦中風的發生,唯有從平常生活作息中就開始注意與管理腦中風相關危險 因子,才能有效地預防腦中風的發生。而現今機器學習與深度學習技術已廣泛應 用於醫療領域,其中應用於腦中風之研究,資料多為醫學檢驗檢查之影像資料, 並使用圖像相關之模型進行建模,但其檢驗檢查資料取得不易,而且後續實際預 測腦中風時,也需病患實際到醫院進行檢驗檢查,才能透過檢驗檢查之影像資料 進行預測,因此模型在實際應用上較不便利且需花費額外的醫療資源,而檢驗檢 查對病患不僅是經濟上的負擔,也增加了病患急性腎功能衰退發生率,亦對國家 造成醫療上之負擔。
本研究使用美國疾病控制與預防中心的行為風險因子監測系統所進行之健 康電訪調查資料作為資料來源,並蒐集相關文獻彙整腦中風相關危險因子做為變 數篩選之依據,建構支援向量機、隨機森林與多層感知器之腦中風預測模型,並 建構一套模型訓練與驗證流程以及模型評估流程,依據模型評估指標比較各個模 型評估結果,並依照各評估指標挑選各面向之最佳模型,並發現以準確度為重的 情境之下,多層感知器於準確度評估指標中表現為最佳,以敏感度為重的情境之 下,支援向量機於敏感度評估指標中表現為最佳,以特異度為重的情境之下,隨 機森林於特異度評估指標中表現為最佳。本研究提出之建模與評估方式可提供後 人研究之參考,建構之模型亦能建構於資訊系統上做應用。

Stroke is the second cause of death in the world. Stroke not only causes physical discomfort in the human body, but subsequent care treatment also causes a huge burden on society and the family. It also seriously affects the quality of life in the future. In order to avoid the occurrence of stroke, people only pay attention to the risk factors related to stroke and control it from the usual routine, and people can effectively prevent the occurrence of stroke. Nowadays, machine learning and deep learning technology have been widely used in the medical field. Among them, the research on brain stroke is mostly the image data of medical examination, and it is modeled using the image algorithm. However, medical examination data is not easy to obtain. Moreover, when it is actually used in the future, it is also necessary for the patient to go to the hospital for examination, through this information to predict. Therefore, the model is less convenient in practical applications and requires additional medical resources. The inspection is not only an economic burden on the patient but also increases the incidence of acute renal function decline in the patient and increases a burden on the country.
This study employed the data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, and collected the stroke-related risk factors as the basis for the selection of variables. It further established a set of SVM, RF, and MLP of stroke prediction models, and constructed a set of model training and verification process and model evaluation process. The results of each model evaluation were compared based on the model evaluation indicators and then the best model of each evaluation was selected according to each evaluation indicator. It was found that the MLP was the best performance in the accuracy evaluation. SVM was the best performance in the sensitivity evaluation. RF was the best performance in the specificity evaluation. The modeling and evaluation methods proposed in this study can provide a reference for future research. The information system can also be developed based on the constructed model in this study.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究目的 5 1.4 研究流程 6 第二章、文獻探討 7 2.1 腦中風 7 2.2 機器學習與深度學習之相關醫療研究 9 2.3 機器學習 11 2.3.1 支援向量機 11 2.3.2 隨機森林 12 2.4 深度學習 13 2.4.1 多層感知器 13 第三章、研究方法 14 3.1 研究步驟 14 3.2 資料來源 15 3.3 研究變項 15 3.4 資料前處理 15 3.5 模型訓練架構 21 3.6 模型評估指標 28 第四章、研究結果分析 30 4.1 各模型訓練與驗證結果 30 4.1.1 評估流程結果 30 4.2 結果討論與分析 36 4.2.1 模型評估指標探討 36 4.2.2 發現 37 第五章、結論與建議 39 5.1 結論 39 5.2 討論 40 5.2.1 本研究與其他腦中風預測模型研究之比較 40 5.3 研究貢獻 41 5.3.1 學術面之貢獻 41 5.3.2 實務面之貢獻 42 5.4 研究限制 42 5.5 未來建議 43 參考文獻 44

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