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研究生: 謝旻峰
Min-Feng Hsieh
論文名稱: 互動式選擇權教學系統輔助期權教學之 個案學習成效研究
Case study effectiveness of interactive option teaching system
指導教授: 繆維中
Wei-Chung Miao
口試委員: 張琬喻
Woan-Yuh Jang
Chun-Nan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 選擇權策略數位教學圖像化學習B-S模型質性分析主動性學習
外文關鍵詞: Option strategies, E-Learning, Graphic Learning, B-S formula, Qualitative analysis, Active Learning
相關次數: 點閱:436下載:1
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  • 由於近年來金融危機發生愈加頻繁,許多人開始注重自我的財務管理,然而隨著市面上的金融產品越來越複雜,加上網際網路的發達導致大量訊息流通,讓許多人無法辨別真偽而蒙受損失,因此財務相關的教育便十分重要。然而,傳統的理論學習法往往讓不同背景的人學習遭遇到困難,加上如期貨與選擇權等數學性質更強的領域更是令人退避三舍,因此,本研究希望引用教學模組的方式,用更加直觀的方式引導學生學習,並且激發其的主動性,讓財務學習不再是惡夢。本文同時採用量化及質化的方式分析資料,量化學生們的測驗成績,以判斷學生的學習成效是否有進步,而質化分析則是針對學生的主觀感受,以調查不同背景的學生是否皆能激發其學習熱忱。

    Due to the increasing frequency of financial crisis in recent years, many people began to pay attention to their own wealth management. However, not only the financial products became complex, but the well-development of the internet made a lot of information delivery fast; these make people who do not have financial background suffered from the wrong information. That is the key point that makes the education of finance becoming crucial. However, the traditional theoretical learning method often makes it difficult for people of different backgrounds to learn, and the fields with stronger mathematical properties such as the future and option are more retreating. Therefore, this study hopes to introduce the teaching software modules in an intuitive way, which can enhance their interest to learn deep. In this project, quantitative and qualitative methods are both used to analyze the data collected from our class. In the quantitative part, we collect students' test scores to observe whether their learning results have improved or not. The qualitative analysis aims to understand students' subjective feelings, in order to see whether students with different backgrounds can benefit in the learning processes and whether their enthusiasm for learning is encouraged.
    In the analysis of the research results, the quantitative results of the test scores show that most of the subjects can make a certain degree of improvement in the concept understanding and calculating ability after using the teaching module, and also have a considerable understanding of the related extension applications. However, in the part of graphic comprehension, there is a phenomenon that the learning ability by different backgrounds is different. However, overall, the learning effect is significantly improved. In the qualitative analysis, the feedback-form analyzes that the positive evaluation of the module by the subject is concentrated on the convenience of use and speed up the understanding of basic concept, but the optimization of the user interface still has room for improvement.

    第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究貢獻 1 1.3 研究架構 2 第2章 參考文獻 4 2.1 既有操作軟體 4 2.2 與發展模組相關之數學模組討論 6 第3章 研究方法 8 3.1 研究對象 8 3.2 研究課程背景 9 3.3 研究假說 12 3.4 研究工具 12 3.4.1 模組引入前之引導教材(引導教材) 12 3.4.2 模組操作前的觀念前測(前測)及操作後的觀念後測(後測) 13 3.4.3 模組之使用者介面(模組) 21 3.4.4 測試完後的回饋問卷(問卷) 28 3.4.5 學生學習成效訪談(訪談) 29 3.5 資料蒐集方法及程序 30 第4章 結果分析 31 4.1 研究限制 31 4.2 前後測量化分析比較 31 4.2.1 模組1分析結果 31 4.2.2 模組2分析結果 34 4.2.3 模組3分析結果 36 4.2.4 模組4分析結果 39 4.3 問卷回饋單分析 41 4.4 期末心得分析 43 4.5個人訪談分析 45 4.6 綜合結果分析 53 第5章 結論與建議 56 5.1 結論 56 5.2 研究建議 57 第6章 參考文獻 58 附錄A 模組2後測問卷 60 附錄B 模組3前測問卷 62 附錄C 模組3後測問卷 63 附錄D 模組4前測問卷 66 附錄E 模組4後測問卷 68




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