研究生: |
歐陽蓉 Jung - Ou Yang |
論文名稱: |
平衡計分卡應用於提昇銀行資訊系統服務品質之研究 Using Balance Score Card to Improve Service Quality for Banking Information System |
指導教授: |
Tzong-Chen Wu |
口試委員: |
Ruey Huei Yeh 陳正綱 Cheng-Kang Chen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 59 |
中文關鍵詞: | 資訊系統服務品質 、績效衡量 |
外文關鍵詞: | Service Quality of Information System, Effective Measurement |
相關次數: | 點閱:288 下載:2 |
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本研究藉由與個案公司資訊單位進行訪談、並觀察及瞭解資訊單位對其各自所服務的單位之類型、等級及標準的設定,作爲設計資訊單位衡量服務品質及績效的標準及策略制定之參考,以平衡計分卡為基礎,運用於協助銀行資訊單位對於其內部顧客、資訊系統使用單位之服務品質的衡量,發展適合個案銀行資訊單位的策略地圖和平衡計分卡,導引資訊服務改善方向,進一步提升銀行業的企業內部之資訊服務品質水準,期使資訊單位的目標與銀行整體策略目標相連結 。
於針對資訊單位推行平衡計分卡策略後,達到以下之效果:1.依據資訊系統使用者對系統服務的等級,制定品質評量標準,而提昇服務效能及使用者滿意度。 2.結合平衡計分卡的四構面訂定資訊部門策略,提昇資訊單位服務品質。 3.發展銀行業內部資訊服務單位專屬的策略地圖。
Presently, to strengthen their competitiveness, the banking industry is spending huge investment aggressively in system development. Along with the continual investment on the developing of information technology (IT) system. However, they face several challenges like; whether or not the IT system design meet the users needed, what technology to implement to make the system work perfectly, how to improve the user's satisfaction level to attain the expecting goal and result of the investment, and finally how to improve the quality of the IT system.
This research is based on the interview among individual company of the information technology department, through the observation and realization each IT service department set up its own service of the category, hierarchy and standard flow for evaluating its' service quality, performance criteria and strategy formulation reference.
On the basis of balance score card, utilizing it to assist IT department on evaluating service quality towards its' internal customers and the department of using information system. Furthermore, to develop the strategy map and balance score card that is appropriate for the individual banking information department, so as to result in improving the direction of IT service, and upgrade the internal IT service quality level of the banking industry. Finally, we hope to achieve the goal of IT department to align with the entire banking strategy.
We can achieve the following outcomes after IT department carry out the strategy of the balance score card.
1.Based on the hierarchy of system service that request by IT users, we set up the criteria of quality evaluation; in order to meet users' satisfaction by improving the service efficiency.
2.To improve IT service quality, we make the strategy of IT department by consolidating the overall consideration of balance score card.
3.To develop the exclusive strategy map for internal information service center in banking industry.
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