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研究生: 林文洋
Wen-Yang Lin
論文名稱: 以碎形理論探討數位建築設計方法
Digital Architectural Design Using Fractals
指導教授: 簡聖芬
Sheng-Fen Chien
口試委員: 施宣光
Shen-Guan Shih
Teng-Wen Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 數位建築設計方法碎形
外文關鍵詞: digital architecture, design method, fractals
相關次數: 點閱:443下載:5
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本研究以碎形理論(fractal theory)為基礎,試圖藉由數位媒材的強大運算能力,建構一套新的建築設計方法。文獻回顧顯示,碎形理論可以有效的描述大自然的形體結構。透過碎形理論,複雜且有韻律的形體可以很容易的被衍生出來。因此,如果建築師重視複雜形體的韻律操控,碎形理論對他們將大有幫助。除此,當形體的有趣程度是取決於其結構的細部複雜度時,碎形維度(fractal dimension)將可量化此評估因子。



The goal of this research is to develop a design method that implements fractal as a computational mechanism to generate forms in the schematic phase of architectural design. Literature survey shows that fractal concepts are very useful in describing the complex structure of Nature and forms generated using fractal concepts are rich in rhythmic details. Therefore, architects who are concerned with the control of complex rhythms in their designs can benefit from the implementation of fractal theory. Also, the concept of fractal dimension is useful in quantifying the interestingness of a form if it is concerned about the progression of details of the form.

To generate an architectural form using fractal concepts, both an initiator and a set of generating rules are required. Through the implementation of the generating rules, the initiator is transformed into a different structure which is then, transformed again using the same set of generating rules. This process is able to carry on for an infinite number of times and is stopped according to the designer’s own choice. However, since the generated fractal forms are not applicable as solutions to architectural design problems, interpretations of the fractal forms are required. The method for fractal form interpretation is not fixed and it is depended on the designer’s own choice too.

The proposed architectural design method does not only cover the schematic phase of a design project, but also the development of the schematic result. It is verified through an architectural project. Beside that, the proposed design method also shows the essence of a digital architectural design method. Instead of manipulating artefacts directly, computational information is manipulated by the designer to produce forms.

中文摘要.........................................................................i Abstract........................................................................ii Acknowledgement................................................................iii Contents........................................................................iv List of Figures.................................................................vi List of Tables................................................................viii Chapter One: Introduction........................................................1 1.1 Motivation...................................................................1 1.2 Objective....................................................................2 1.3 Research Method..............................................................3 1.4 Thesis Outline...............................................................3 Chapter Two: Fractals on Architectures...........................................4 2.1 Fractal Concepts.............................................................4 2.2 Fractal Characteristics in Ancient Architectures.............................5 2.3 Application of Fractal Concepts on Architectural Criticism...................6 2.4 Impacts of Fractal Concepts on Contemporary Architectures....................7 2.5 Generative Architectural Design Using Fractal Concepts.......................7 2.6 Discussion..................................................................12 Chapter Three: Fractal-Based Architectural Design...............................13 3.1 A Conceptual Framework......................................................13 3.2 Generation..................................................................13 3.3 Interpretation..............................................................17 3.4 Articulation................................................................20 Chapter Four: A Photo Studio Design.............................................21 4.1 Design Goals and Objectives.................................................21 4.2 Site Analysis...............................................................22 4.3 Design Concepts.............................................................23 4.4 Generation of Fractal Forms.................................................24 4.5 Interpretation into Architectural Forms.....................................26 4.6 Articulations of Architectural Spaces.......................................28 4.7 Discussion..................................................................34 Chapter Five: Conclusion........................................................35 5.1 Contributions...............................................................35 5.2 Future Work.................................................................35 References......................................................................37 Appendix A: Attractive Forces on Fractal Forms..................................39 A.1 Form of Attractive Force....................................................39 A.2 Kind of Energy Distribution of Attractive Force.............................40 A.3 Effect of Attractive Force to the Surroundings..............................41 Appendix B: Fractal Form Evaluations............................................43 B.1 Attributes of the Generated Fractal Forms...................................43 B.2 Rankings on the Generated Fractal Forms.....................................46 Appendix C: Fractal Form Manipulations..........................................47 Appendix D: Calculations for the Fractal Dimensions.............................50 D.1 Calculations for Form 02....................................................50 D.2 Calculations for Form 03....................................................52 D.3 Calculations for Form 05....................................................53 D.4 Calculations for Form 06....................................................55 D.5 Calculations for Form 09....................................................56

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