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研究生: 李羿慧
Yi-Hui Lee
論文名稱: 面滾式直傘齒輪齒面數學模式之研究
指導教授: 石伊蓓
Yi-Pei Shih
口試委員: 蔡高岳
Kao-Yueh Tsai
Chin-Hsing Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 直傘齒輪面滾式切製法內擺線直線機構齒面相對修形齒面接觸分析齒面拓樸量測
外文關鍵詞: Straight bevel gears, face-hobbing method, hypocycloidal straight mechanism, ease-off topography, tooth contact analysis (TCA), flank topographic measurement
相關次數: 點閱:407下載:9
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The face-hobbing method is one of the leading methods for manufacturing spiral gears and hypoid gears. Because it is a continuous-indexing and double flank cutting process, it supports high productivity, precision, and cutting gears with better contact bearing. Since this method generates extended epicycloidal flanks of bevel gears, so it is not suitable for cutting straight bevel gears. In this thesis, a special straight line mechanism of hypocycloidal motion is utilized to fabricate straight bevel gears by setting the radius of a rolling circle equals to half of the radius of a base circle. The mathematical model of a straight bevel gear is developed based on a universal face-hobbing bevel gear generator. This model contains three modules: a face-hobbed cutter, an imaginary generating gear, and the relative motion between an imaginary generating gear and the work gear. The tooth tapering and undercutting conditions of the face-hobbed straight bevel gear are checked, and the contact conditions of the designed gear pairs are investigated by ease-off topography, as well as the TCA.
In the thesis, the operating procedure for the tooth topographic measurement of bevel gears by gear measuring center is interpreted, and the nominal data are also generated. A numerical example of the face-hobbed straight bevel gears without a cutter tilt, in the essay, is presented to validate the proposed mathematical model, and then the experiment for measuring straight bevel gears is implemented to validate the nominal data.

指導教授推薦書 I 學位考試委員會審定書 II 中文摘要 III Abstract IV 誌 謝 V 目 錄 VI 符號索引 VIII 圖索引 XII 表索引 XIV 第 1 章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 文獻回顧 3 1.4 論文架構 5 第 2 章 面滾式直傘齒輪齒面數學模式 6 2.1 前言 6 2.2 直傘齒輪齒胚設計 6 2.2.1 面滾式直傘齒輪對齒胚設計 9 2.2.2 平面假想產形輪齒胚設計 11 2.2.3 齒面寬設計 13 2.3 內擺線之直線運動 14 2.4 面滾式刀盤數學模式 15 2.5 平面假想產形輪數學模式 19 2.5.1 標準平面假想產形輪 20 2.5.2 面滾式平面假想產形輪 22 2.6 面滾式直傘齒輪數學模式 24 2.7 面滾式直傘齒輪齒頂變尖檢查與齒底過切分析 28 2.8 小結 30 第 3 章 齒面相對修形拓樸與齒面接觸分析 32 3.1 前言 32 3.2 面滾式直傘齒輪齒面相對修形 32 3.3 面滾式直傘齒輪對齒面接觸分析 35 3.4 小結 38 第 4 章 傘齒輪齒面拓樸量測 39 4.1 前言 39 4.2 齒輪量測專用機 39 4.3 齒面量測點資料 40 4.3.1. 檔案MESINFO.CDS 41 4.3.2. 檔案SOLL1.CDS 42 4.3.3. 檔案ACTU1.CDS 45 4.4 傘齒輪齒面拓樸量測操作流程 47 4.5 小結 53 第 5 章 數值範例 54 5.1 前言 54 5.2 面滾式直傘齒輪數值範例 54 5.3 面滾式直傘齒輪齒面相對修形與齒面接觸分析之結果 65 5.4 面滾式直傘齒輪齒面拓樸量測數值範例 67 5.5 市售直傘齒輪齒面拓樸量測實驗 74 5.6 小結 83 第 6 章 結論與建議 85 6.1 結果與討論 85 6.2 建議與未來展望 86 參考文獻 88 附錄 A. 節圓直徑估算表I 91 附錄 B. 節圓直徑估算表II 92 附錄 C. MESINFO.CDS 93 附錄 D. SOLL1.CDS(小齒輪) 93 附錄 E. SOLL1.CDS(大齒輪) 94 附錄 F. ACTU1.CDS(小齒輪) 95 附錄 G. ACTU1.CDS(大齒輪) 95 附錄 H. P40輸出之市售小齒輪量測資料 96 附錄 I. P40輸出之市售小齒輪齒面拓樸量測報表 96 附錄 J. P40輸出之市售大齒輪量測資料 96 附錄 K. P40輸出之市售大齒輪齒面拓樸量測報表 96 作者簡介 97 授權書 98

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