Author: |
林龍信 Lung-hsin Lin |
Thesis Title: |
工業電腦廠商在博弈娛樂事業之競爭優勢與競爭策略分析 A Study Of Competitive Advantage And Competitive Strategy As IPC Is Applied To Gaming Industry |
Advisor: |
Cheng-Kang Chen |
Committee: |
T-C Wu 葉瑞徽 R-H Yeh |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2009 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 97 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 104 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 工業電腦 、博弈娛樂事業 、資源基礎論 、核心資源 、競爭優勢 、競爭策略 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Industrial Personal Computer (IPC), Gaming Industry, Resource-based View(RBV), Core Competence, Competitive Strategy, Competitive Advantage |
Reference times: | Clicks: 901 Downloads: 26 |
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(一) 評估博奕產業應用領域特性、工業電腦產品特性,定義產品價值導向,來分析產品競爭優勢。
(二) 分析企業核心資源,透過多種策略評估或分析矩陣,定位工業電腦在博奕市場之競爭優勢。
(三) 以(一)、(二)兩者為構面,再發展與建構出競爭策略模式。
Although the Industrial Personal Computer (IPC) has been moving into the stage of Market Maturity, the breakthrough opportunities are usually found by IPC firms, when the new industries which apply IPC products are growing.
Gaming industry is stepping into the stage of Market Growth. In particular, the demands of Lottery machines and Slot machines have been both growing fast for the past decade.It contributes to the development of IPC industries.
The main purpose of this study is to explore the competitive advantage and competitive strategy for IPC firms when they enter the market of gaming industries, as company A is an example. The frame of the study is based on the theory of the resource-based view (RBV). And the study was explored by the method of qualitative. From the resource-based view, the competitive advantage is decided by how a firm kept and gathered the internal resources and its capabilities, just as the following flows(as a circle, too), 「resource & core competence → competitive advantage→ competitive strategy→ find the gaps of resource & core competence →competitive advantage」.
Product and Market are as two ways to be developed in the case. Moreover, to cross the two dimensions as a matrix of Strategy Pattern to analyze what are the suitable strategies should be taken by IPC firms, in order to keep and create their continuous competitive advantage.
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