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研究生: 曾威誠
Wei-Cheng Tzeng
論文名稱: 半導體業導入顧客關係管理之關鍵成功因素探討
A Case Study of the Critical Success Factors in CRM of Semiconductor Business
指導教授: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
口試委員: 謝光進
Kong-King shieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 顧客關係管理作業模式關鍵成功因素
外文關鍵詞: Customer Relationship Management, Operation Model, Critical Success
相關次數: 點閱:627下載:1
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1. 半導體業CRM組織架構依上、中、下游業態別不同多採階層式、扁平式、專案式。
2. 依半導體業上、中、下游業態別不同,其CRM作業模式有產品導向、顧客導向二種。
3. 依半導體業上、中、下游業態別不同,建立的資料倉儲內容重點亦有所差異,上游業者以IC設計技術資料為主,中、下游業者以製造技術資料、客戶資料為主。
4. 在CRM實施的作業模式中,上、中、下游應該連成一氣,形成垂直專業分工,對客戶提供完整的解決方案之作業模式。

一、 後續者可針對半導體產業價值鏈,依不同業態別其CRM關鍵成功因素差異做比較,進行更深入的探討。
二、 在本研究中已提出產業價值鏈的CRM關鍵成功因素,但至今可能仍沒有業者有這方面的完整解決方案之CRM關鍵成功因素,故後續研究者可朝一方向繼續研究。
三、 應用CRM知識管理的學習型組織是具備什麼有形型態的組織亦是後續研究者,很好的研究方向。

The study of CRM critical success factor — take semiconductor industry as examples depending on semiconductor product field value chain,trying to develop different CRM critical success factor by different value chain position, such as IC design, Foundry, package, logistic.

Organized relational CRM articles, literatures, abstracts and project company’s data, to combine them to become researchable data base.

Then got four reasonable relativevariance factors for the study, that included product field value chain, organization structure, information technology and operation model.

The both of customer oriented CRM critical success factor and product oriented CRM operation model were a conclusion, which be selected base on business need, products characteristics and corporate primary service package, perceived service.

Of course, the type of customer oriented service is a trend. Aim at client’s need, how to combine the wisdom of knowledge management, the capacity of information technology, a successful plan of logistic, a interactive data mining system so that to support clients a integration and individual services, to help enterprises get better profit and revenues each other.

Approach to above purpose, a desirable scale, set up quickly, low-cost operation model will be very important and need between enterprises and KM suppliers.

第一章 緒論.................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 研究背景與動機.......................................................................................... 7 1.2 研究方法........................................................................................................ 8 1.3 研究架構...................................................................................................... 10 1.4 研究設計.................................................... ……………………………......11 第二章 文獻探討....................................................................................................... 12 2.1 顧客關係管理之相關理論..................................................................... 12 2.2 顧客忠誠度..................................................................................................24 2.3 關係行銷理論的演變................................................................................27 2.4 關鍵成功因素理論................................................................................... 30 第三章 產業現狀....................................................................................................... 39 3.1 台灣IC產業結構........................................................................................ 39 3.2 半導體晶圓產業特性.............................................................................. 40 3.3 半導體晶圓製程特性.............................................................................. 42 3.4 半導體零組件通路產業..........................................................................46 3.5 半導體產業國際競爭力...........................................................................52 第四章 個案分析....................................................................................................... 59 4.1 個案公司A(半導體龍頭業者)............................................................... 59 4.2 個案公司B(半導體上游業者)............................................................... 74 4.3 個案公司C(半導體下游業者)............................................................... 81 4.4 關鍵成功因素............................................................................................. 88 第五章 結論與建議...................................................................................................94 參考文獻....................................................................................................................... 96 一、中文文獻.............................................................................................................. 96 二、英文文獻......................................................................................................98

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