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Author: 鄭宇辰
Yu-Chen Cheng
Thesis Title: 一個應用於電子病歷的安全群組憑證簽章機制
A Secure Group Certificate Digital Signature Scheme for Electronic Medical Records
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Committee: 查士朝
Shi-Cho Cha
Ray-Lin Tso
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2015
Graduation Academic Year: 103
Language: 英文
Pages: 40
Keywords (in Chinese): 群組憑證數位簽章電子病歷前向安全
Keywords (in other languages): Group certificate, Digital signature, Electronic medical records, Forward security
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  • 隨著科技的進步,電子病歷已經逐漸取代紙本病歷,而為了使電子病歷具有與紙本病歷相同的法律效力,並確保其完整性,使用數位簽章技術對電子病歷加以簽署是很重要的。然而,一份病歷是由不同的醫療人員對一位病患所進行的診斷、檢查或相關記錄所組成,依照現行的做法,每位醫療人員都必須使用自己的私密金鑰對自己所撰寫之部分進行簽署,並在該份電子病歷中嵌入其相對應的憑證。但此種作法會造成一份電子病歷的長度隨著簽署者的人數上升而增加,且當私密金鑰遺失時,之前所簽署的簽章將會失去信賴,這些均會帶給需要長期保存的電子病歷潛在的威脅。

    Electronic medical records (EMR) gradually replace paper-based medical records with the advance of information technology. For having the same legal effect with paper-based medical records and ensuring the integrity, it is important for EMR to be signed by digital signature technology. However, an EMR consists of the diagnoses, examinations and related records of a patient from different medical personnel. According to existing practice, medical personnel need to sign on the written parts by their own secret keys and embed their corresponding certificates into this EMR. This approach would make the length of the EMR increase with the increasing of the number of signers. Otherwise, the previous signatures would not be trusted when the corresponding secret key is exposed. These will pose potential threats to the EMR that need to be kept for a long time.
    In this thesis, we propose a group certificate signature scheme for EMR. Medical personnel from the same division are considered to a group. The members of the group have their own secret keys. The signatures signed by the secret keys from the same group can be verified by corresponding group certificate. With this concept, we can effectively reduce the number of required certificates in an EMR. In addition to verify the integrity of the signed message, a verifier can determine the actual signer of it at the same time. We have executed the security analysis for some specific common attacks, we prove that the proposed scheme is secure enough and can ensure that previous signatures are still credible after the exposure of key. Thus, we believe that the proposed scheme can improve the existing approach of digital signature for EMR.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III Contents V List of Figures VI List of Tables VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Related Work 6 2.1 Forward Security 6 2.2 Group Signature Scheme 9 2.3 Group Certificate Signature Scheme 11 2.3.1 The scheme of Chang 11 2.3.2 The scheme of Yu and Hou 12 2.4 Preliminaries 15 2.4.1 Adversary Model 15 2.4.2 Discrete Logarithm Problem 15 2.4.3 Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial 16 Chapter 3 The Proposed Scheme 17 3.1 Assumption and Scheme Description 17 3.2 Notations 20 3.3 Algorithms 21 Chapter 4 Scheme Analysis 23 4.1 Security Analysis 23 4.2 Performance Analysis 29 4.3 Discussion 32 Chapter 5 Conclusion 35 References 36

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