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研究生: 呂輝鴻
論文名稱: 從訂單到大量客製化生產模式個案探討-以YFP公司有價印刷為例
From Make to Order to Mass Customization - A Case Study of YFP Company
指導教授: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Ren-Jieh Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 大量客製化標準化模組化延遲策略
外文關鍵詞: Mass Customization, Standardization, Modularization, Postponement Strategy
相關次數: 點閱:315下載:1
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Digital trend changes the lifestyle of social and it's also affect people's habits. Security printing industry is affected by science and technology in recent years. The foundation of the business management has substantial changes in quality and quantity. "Quality" means the progress rapidly in digital technique and information technology, and "quantity" means small-volume production of a wide range of different items, short delivery and personalized trend is established.
The purpose of this study interprets the impact of digital technology makes the company introduces digital technique and integrates information technology, which is applied to considerable and customized production model. It changes the business model in order to follow the changes of "quality" and "quantity".
Harvard case-based teaching method to is used indicate the company encountered the changes of business management in the "quality" and "quantity", which means the traditional management model is not good enough for the changes in the market. Therefore, the enterprise’s leader reveals how to change old thinking to introduce innovative concepts, apply digital technique and information technology, develop product model with flexible and rapid response to offer various options to client so as to construct an optimal product mode in security printing industry.
This study has two parts, including content and teacher's manuals. It makes readers to understand the company use standardization, modularization and postponement strategy in the construction of a large number of customized production mode process. This study combines theory and practice, and it complement by other cases to illustrate .Thus, reader is referred for documentation and convert it to the practice in the future.

摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iii 目錄 iv 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 1 序曲 1 2 產業概況與公司背景 3 2.1 印刷產業概況 3 2.1.1 印刷產業發展現況 3 2.1.1 印刷產業環境分析及環境趨勢 7 2.2 印刷產業發展趨勢 11 2.3 個案公司背景 15 2.4 有價生產製程 16 2.4.1 圖文設計製程 16 2.4.2 印刷加工製程 18 3 個案本文 20 3.1 困境與衝突 20 3.1.1 客戶價值的轉變 20 3.1.2 小批量訂單趨勢 22 3.1.3 傳統生產的困境 23 3.2 工廠紀實 26 3.2.1小批量的訂單 26 3.2.2 無效率的生產,等待中的訂單 27 3.2.3 訂單生產,客製要求 30 3.2.4 客製訂單,生產困擾 30 3.2.5 追求效率的盲點 31 4 專案進行 32 4.1 流程再造思維 32 4.2成立自動化專案 33 4.3 工作開展 35 4.3.1 產品線模組化 35 4.3.2 產品線與生產製程整合 37 4.3.3 提供產品線模組生產彈性 38 4.3.4 製程與用料標準化 40 4.3.5 使用延遲生產策略 46 4.3.6 建立快速反應能力 51 4.3.7 發揮資訊關鍵角色 52 4.3.8 資訊引領流程改造 53 4.3.9 發展數位服務流程 54 4.4 課前討論問題 55 5 教學指引 56 5.1 個案總覽 56 5.2 教學目標 58 5.3 適用課程與對象 60 5.4 學員課前準備 60 5.5 教學總覽 61 5.6 教學個案分析與參考答案 62 5.7 教學建議 95 5.9 板書規劃 96 5.9 後記 108 參考文獻 109

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