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研究生: 郭昱佐
Yu-Tso Kuo
論文名稱: 公宅集居模式轉型及公共空間演變之研究–以臺北市公共住宅為例
Research on the Transformation of Public Housing Co-living Models and the Evolution of Public Spaces: A Case Study of Public Housing in Taipei City
指導教授: 葉正桃
Chen-Tao Yeh
口試委員: 邱奕旭
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 公共住宅公共空間商業空間建築類型演變
外文關鍵詞: Public housing, Public Space, Commercial Space, Evolution of Building type
相關次數: 點閱:110下載:4
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  • 戰後(1945 年)作為台北市住宅歷史的轉捩點,相較於清末至日治的平房建築,由於國民政府遷臺隨之而來大量軍眷戶遷居臺北,國民政府進而興建大量眷村住宅以及違建建築,戰後的臺北市街道,來自不同背景及各行各業的人口熙來攘往,尋常的巷口不只是住民的通路,更是孩子們的遊戲場、小攤商設攤的一級戰區,豐富的生活文化在都市居民急促的步伐中建立,形成台北市特有的混居文化。
    本研究透過文獻回顧,整理自 1960 年至今162 處公宅作為背景資料,透過建築量體形式及所形成的公共空間進行分類,配合實地測繪及觀察其活動種類,配合建構數位模型模擬其公共空間之使用,進而整理公共住宅之公共空間發展演變及未來都市集居環境中生活模式轉型之契機。

    After the war with China government (1945), as a turning point in the history of residential development in Taipei City, compared to the single-story houses from the late Qing Dynasty and Japanese colonial era, the influx of a large number of military dependents accompanying the relocation of the Nationalist government to Taiwan led to the construction of numerous military dependents' villages and unauthorized buildings. Post-war Taipei's streets becamebustling with people from diverse backgrounds and professions. Ordinary alleyways weren't just thoroughfares for residents but also playgrounds for children and prime spots for small vendors to set up shop. A rich cultural life was established amidst the hurried pace of urban dwellers, giving rise to Taipei's unique mixed living culture.
    With the progression of time, the rise of American aid and industrial and commercial development caused a rapid population expansion in Taipei City. Realizing the pressure caused by population growth, as well as the threats of floods and diseases, Taipei initiated its first wave of residential reconstruction projects. The government provided relocation and partially sold reconstructed residential communities, integrating modern designs to transform the previously unauthorized settlements into large-scale residential complexes. These communities predominantly incorporated public spaces with fresh produce stores, snack stalls, hardware shops, etc., enabling residents to conveniently fulfill their daily needs. These reconstructed communities became paradigms of residential living at the time.
    However, with Taipei's continuous population growth and the prevalence of urbanization and modernized lifestyles, advancements in housing construction technology led to the rise of high-rise, large-scale, modern-equipped complexes with sophisticated gardens, playgrounds, community centers, and multifaceted spaces. This gradually led Taipei's military dependents' villages into history, as the dream of a prosperous and visionary urban area began to take shape.
    Until the economic bubble burst, the housing rights in the city were reconsidered, emphasizing the improvement of societal class cultures and aiding vulnerable groups, thus making the primary goal of public housing development the enhancement of public living conditions. In the process of transitioning the societal role of public housing, it's not just about bulldozing for reconstruction or urban renewal in aging communities. It's equally important to explore, on the socio-cultural level, which type of public space fosters better societal interactions and sustains environmental living quality.
    This study, through literature review and organizing data from 162 public housing sites since 1960, categorizes them based on architectural forms and resultant public spaces. This is complemented by on-site mapping, observing the types of activities, and constructing digital models to simulate the usage of public spaces. Consequently, this research aims to summarize the evolution of public spaces in public housing and identify opportunities for transforming lifestyle patterns in future urban living environments.

    摘要 .................................................................... I ABSTRACT .............................................................. III 致謝 .................................................................... V 目錄 ................................................................... VI 表目錄 .................................................................. X 圖目錄 ................................................................. XI 1 第一章 緒論 ......................................................... 1 1.1 研究動機與背景 ...................................................... 1 1.2 研究目的 ............................................................ 2 1.3 問題意識及假設架構 .................................................. 3 1.4 研究流程及架構 ...................................................... 4 1.4.1 各階段公宅發展時期: ............................................ 4 1.4.2 公宅發展重要變革: .............................................. 4 2 第二章 文獻回顧 ..................................................... 6 2.1 歷年臺北市公宅研究取向 .............................................. 6 2.2 歷年公宅制度演變與相關計畫 .......................................... 7 2.2.1 貸款興建階段(1954~1975 年): .................................. 8 2.2.2 國宅六年興建計畫階段(1975~1981 年): .......................... 10 2.2.3 國宅興建與預售階段(1981~1989 年) ............................. 11 2.2.4 新社區發展計劃階段(1990~1999 年): ............................ 11 2.2.5 住宅政策檢討與都市設計萌芽階段(2000~2010): ................... 11 2.2.6 社會住宅發興建計劃階段(2010~現今): ........................... 12 2.3 臺北市公宅設計發展脈絡 ............................................. 13 2.3.1 1960~1975 整建住宅時期: ....................................... 13 2.3.2 1975~1990 國民住宅時期: ....................................... 14 2.4 建築空間計畫及使用需求調整 ......................................... 15 2.4.1 公宅供給區位 ................................................... 15 2.4.2 室內專用面積 ................................................... 17 2.4.3 建築內部空間構成與住戶組成關係: ................................ 18 2.4.4 公共空間及公共設施 ............................................. 21 2.5 國外公共住宅發展演變 ............................................... 22 2.5.1 「垂直化」的田園城市–柯布的高樓城市理想及馬賽公寓的實踐 ....... 22 2.5.2 理性主義下的城市治理術–「光輝城市」的實踐及烏托邦的泡沫 ....... 24 2.5.3 現代建築的沒落–普魯伊特–艾戈的經驗 ........................... 25 2.5.4 「誰」的城市–由下而上的城市規劃術 ............................. 26 2.5.5 臺北市公宅的現代化進程與案例比較 ............................... 27 3 第三章 臺北市公共住宅基本資料及公共空間分析 ........................ 31 3.1 臺北市公宅居住者基本資料 ........................................... 31 3.1.1 整建住宅居民資料統計(1960~1975) .............................. 31 3.1.2 國民住宅居民資料統計(1975~1990) .............................. 32 3.1.3 社會住宅居民資料統計(2010~至今) .............................. 34 3.2 臺北市公宅規模及建築量體形態與公共空間之關係 ....................... 36 3.2.1 整建住宅規模及建築量體型態整理(1960~1975) .................... 36 3.2.2 國民住宅規模及建築量體型態整理(1975~1990) .................... 49 3.2.3 社會住宅規模及建築量體型態整理(2010~至今) .................... 73 3.3 公共空間商業活動之形成與鄰里關係 ................................... 87 3.3.1 整建住宅時期公共空間商業活動之形成與鄰里關係(1960~1975) ...... 87 3.3.2 國民住宅時期公共空間商業活動之形成與鄰里關係(1975~1990) ...... 89 3.3.3 社會住宅公共空間商業活動之形成與鄰里關係(2010~至今) .......... 92 3.4 臺北市公宅公共空間商業活動之發展變革(1960~2023) .................. 93 4 第四章公共住宅商業空間轉型下社會福利性質空間形成之契機 .............. 96 4.1 臺北市公宅不同時期商業活動空間之演變 .............................. 101 4.2 公共住宅商業空間轉變與都市型商業空間結構之分析 .................... 107 4.2.1 都市公共空間 .................................................. 107 4.2.2 「半公共性空間」–商場空間 .................................... 108 4.2.3 臺北市公宅都市街道開放空間活動整理: .......................... 110 4.2.4 臺北市公宅公共空間及都市設計發展之關聯 ........................ 115 4.3 當代公宅公共空間與集居模式轉型 .................................... 115 4.3.1 臺北市公宅建築形態類型演變 .................................... 116 4.3.2 理性主義的悖論–防禦性空間與街道之眼 .......................... 120 4.3.3 社群關係的反思–群眾生活理念 .................................. 121 4.3.4 群眾生活的實踐人–本基礎重新定義公宅空間 ...................... 122 4.3.5 社群共融的實踐:尊重社會的多樣性建立互助互信的社群關係 ........ 123 4.3.6 尊重與包容–社會多樣性的認同與接納 ............................ 124 4.3.7 互助與互信–沒有人是一座孤島 .................................. 126 5 第五章結論與建議 .................................................. 129 5.1 歷年臺北市公宅空間活動轉型與公共空間演變 .......................... 129 5.2 臺北市公宅商業空間與使用者空間活動轉變之整理 ...................... 131 5.3 都市設計觀點下公宅公共空間角色轉變 ................................ 133 5.3.1 整建住宅時期(1960~1975)都市公宅公共空間角色定位:生活導向的空間互動 .................................................................. 133 5.3.2 國民住宅時期(1975~1990)都市公宅公共空間角色定位:專用商場與複合型 社區活動空間 ........................................................ 133 5.3.3 社會住宅時期(2010~現今)都市公宅公共空間角色定位:社群共享及社會福 利性空間 ............................................................ 134 5.3.4 結論:臺北市公宅公共空間角色定位演變之趨勢 .................... 134 5.4 臺北市公宅公共空間社群活動之成果與展望 ............................ 136 5.4.1 「共生」、「共好」:新時代下的居住倡議 ........................... 136 5.4.2 公共藝術參與社宅的社區改造 .................................... 136 5.4.3 結論:以「搬家」為前提的社區交往 .............................. 137 5.5 建議:從社群到都市–社會住宅的理想與現實 .......................... 138 6 第六章後續研究 .................................................... 140 7 參考文獻 .......................................................... 141

    沈孟穎、傅朝卿,2015,〈台灣「國民」住宅設計與現代住居空間再現〉,《住宅學報》第二十四卷 第一期。
    朱政德,2011,〈都市型集合住宅之住戶平面計畫的供給特性:以台北市集合住宅為例〉,《建築學報》第77 期。