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研究生: 蘇茵蓉
Yin-Rung Su
論文名稱: 於無線射頻標籤辨識系統中新穎之通道感知查詢樹演算法
A Novel Channel Aware Query Tree algorithm in RFID Tag Identification
指導教授: 賴源正
Yuan-Cheng Lai
口試委員: 林伯慎
Bor-Shen Lin
Chih-Chung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 35
中文關鍵詞: 無線射頻標籤辨識標籤辨識防碰撞通道錯誤干擾
外文關鍵詞: RFID, tag identification, anti-collision, channel error, interference
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:3
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無線射頻標籤辨識技術(RFID)被廣泛應用在自動化辨識系統中,因其與傳統條碼系統相比具有快速、便利及辨識無需接觸物體等特性。為了提高標籤辨識的速度,許多防止RFID標籤訊號碰撞的演算法被提出來解決標籤碰撞造成的問題。但傳統的防碰撞演算法並沒有考慮快速變化的通道品質,然而在通道品質不佳的環境下會造成讀取器高估碰撞時槽的數量與為解決碰撞時槽而產生的閒置時槽。因此,為了解決通道品質造成的問題,本論文提出了通道感知查詢樹演算法(CAQT)以改善在易出錯的通道下的辨識性能。CAQT具有三個新的特點:(1) 讀取器透過估計整個標籤解決程序的通道錯誤機率(PER)來提高在變化快速的通道環境下的標籤估計的準確性;(2) 為減少閒置時槽,其透過統計方式決定要採用重傳或是切割時槽進行辨識,以選擇最有效率的方式來解決碰撞時槽;(3) 為了加速辨識過程,當碰撞發生且選擇切割時槽時,會透過估計的碰撞標籤個數來分成數群進行辨識。根據模擬結果表示在易出錯的通道環境下,CAQT與其他演算法相比可以最小化降低閒置時槽數量,並減少全部辨識過程的時槽總數達31%。

The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technique is broadly applied as the automated identification system because its feasibility, convenience, fast and contactless objects identification compared with the conventional bar-code system. In order to accelerate the speed of tag identification process, many RFID anti-collision algorithms were proposed. These conventional algorithms did not consider the rapid changed channel quality, leading that the reader would overestimate the number of collided tags and lots of idle slots thus increased. In order to cope with this problem, this thesis proposes the Channel Aware Query Tree algorithm (CAQT) to improve the identification performance under error-prone channel. The CAQT has three novel features: (1) it estimates PER during the whole tag resolution procedure in order to improve the accuracy of the tag estimation in the rapidly changing channel quality environment; (2) it statistically adopts the most efficient strategy, which is to ask the tag to retransmit it or to split the collide tags, in order to reduce the idle slots; (3) the number of the group which it splits is based on the estimated number of tags collide in current slot in order to accelerate the tag identification process. The simulation results show that CAQT can reduce at most 31% slots used by the conventional algorithm through minimizing the idle slots during tag identification in the channel error-prone environment.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III Table of Contents IV List of Figures V Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Background 5 2.1 RFID system overview 5 2.2 Error-prone channel 7 2.3 Previous studies 9 Chapter 3. Proposed Channel Aware Query Tree algorithm 12 3.1 Channel error rate estimation 12 3.2 The CAQT algorithm 15 3.3 The example of the CAQT algorithm 20 Chapter 4. Simulation results 22 Chapter 5. Conclusions and future work 29 Reference 30

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