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研究生: 謝廷彥
Ting-Yen Hsieh
論文名稱: 應用於微型電網規劃設計之迴路架構網路分析技術
Loop Frame of Reference Based Network Analysis Techniques for Microgrid Planning and Design
指導教授: 陳在相
Tsai-Hsiang Chen
口試委員: 楊金石
Jin-shyr Yang
Chih-Wen Liu
Men-Shen Tsai
Nien-che yang
Hong-Chan Chang
Horng-Ching Hsiao
Ruay-Nan Wu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 迴路架構微型電網規劃設計圖脈理論配電電力潮流短路故障分析諧波電力潮流儲能系統基因演算法多目標最佳化
外文關鍵詞: Loop frame of reference, Microgrid, Planning and design, Graph theory, Distribution power flow, Short circuit fault analysis, Harmonic power flow, Energy storage system, Genetic algorithm, Multi-objectives optimization
相關次數: 點閱:561下載:5
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本論文發展一套以迴路架構為基礎之配電網路分析技術,期應用於微電網系統之規劃與設計。首先,本論文以圖脈理論 (Graph Theory) 為基礎,提出一套適用於分析輻射型配電系統的網路矩陣建構法。接著,本論文研發出一套高效能配電電力潮流分析方法與程式,可以準確分析中性線及接地系統對微型電網系統運轉的影響。藉由模擬分析所獲得的系統運轉資訊,諸如:相線及中性線電壓與電流、系統不平衡率,及接地電流大小等,有助於微型電網系統電力品質、整體系統運轉效率及運轉安全等之提昇。
再者,本文提出一套基於圖脈理論與複數短路容量 (Complex Short-Circuit MVA) 表示法的故障分析程式,可應用於含分散式電源之輻射型電力系統之故障電流分析。本文提出兩種以複數短路容量表示的分散型電源模型,可用來評估微型電網內分散式電源對故障電流的影響。
又且,本文另基於圖脈理論發展出一套直接諧波電力潮流演算法,可用於計算輻射型配電系統之諧波電力潮流。本文利用新定義的分支-並聯支路關聯矩陣 Kshunt(Branch-Shunt Incidence Matrix) ,來計算並聯支路元件的各階諧波成份。模擬結果顯示本論文所提出的方法,具有較佳的表現及高運算效率等優點,尤其是在處理具有較多諧波源的大尺度系統上。

The main purpose of this dissertation is to develop a set of loop frame of reference based network analysis techniques for microgrid planning and design. First, a graph theory based method for formation of network matrices for radial distribution networks has been introduced. Second, a more accurate and efficient distribution power flow approach is provided in the dissertation to analyze the effects of neutral wire and grounding system on the system performance of a microgrid. Some operation information such as the voltages and currents of phase and neutral wires, system imbalance, and grounding currents can therefore be obtained to improve the power quality, whole system efficiency and operation safety of a microgrid.
Third, a novel fault analysis method based on graph theory and complex short-circuit MVA representation has been proposed as an alternative method for a radial power system with dispersed generators (DGs). Two major DG models represented in terms of the complex short-circuit MVA form have been provided to evaluate the effects of DGs in a microgrid on the fault currents.
Fourth, a direct harmonic power flow algorithm based on graph theory has been proposed as an alternative method of calculating harmonic power flow for a radial distribution system. A newly defined incidence matrix, the branch-shunt incidence matrix Kshunt has been applied to calculate the vector of shunt elements at each order of harmonics. Simulation results show that the proposed method has advantages which include better performance and high efficiency, especially for a large-scale system with large number of harmonic sources.
Finally, an optimized application for evaluation of advantages of an energy storage system using recycled electric vehicle (EV) batteries is given. To evaluate the better allocation of an energy storage system using recycled EV batteries (ESS-rEVb), the full effects of battery charge/discharge time, the typical daily load curve, and hourly renewable energy generation curve are involved in this dissertation. A genetic algorithm is used to solve a multiple objective optimization problem considering electric rates, line loss, and voltage deviation. The developed distribution network analysis techniques and optimized application are of value in planning and design of a microgrid and to improve the operation of a microgrid system safety, with profit.

中文摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V Contents VII List of figures XIII List of tables XV Symbols and abbreviations XVII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Historical background and motivation 1 1.2 Contribution of this dissertation 2 1.3 Organization of this dissertation 4 Chapter 2 Microgrid concept and recent development 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Microgrid concept 6 2.2.1 Micro-sources 6 2.2.2 Storage devices 8 2.2.3 Loads 9 2.2.4 Power electronic devices 10 2.3 Recent developments in microgrids 11 2.3.1 CERTs microgrid 11 2.3.2 NEDO microgrid 12 2.3.3 European Union (EU) microgrid 13 2.3.4 Canada microgrid 14 2.3.5 Taiwan microgrid 16 Chapter 3 Mathematical component models for microgrid analyses 17 3.1 Introduction 17 3.2 Conductors 17 3.3 Transformers 18 3.3.1 Single-phase transformer 19 3.3.2 Three-phase transformer 19 3.4 Loads 20 3.5 Distributed generation 22 3.5.1 Induction generator model 22 3.5.2 Synchronous generator model 23 3.5.3 Power converter model 23 Chapter 4 Formation of network matrices for radial distribution systems 29 4.1 Introduction 29 4.2 Definition of the primitive network 31 4.3 Definition of the incidence matrices 32 4.3.1 Bus incidence matrix A 32 4.3.2 Basic cut-set incidence matrix B 33 4.3.3 Basic loop incidence matrix C 33 4.3.4 Branch-path incidence matrix K 33 4.4 Bus admittance and bus impedance matrices 33 4.5 Branch admittance and branch impedance matrices 35 4.6 Loop admittance and loop impedance matrices 37 4.7 Application for Z-bus matrix building 39 4.7.1 Case #1 40 4.7.2 Case #2 42 4.7.3 Numerical result 45 4.8 Conclusion 46 Chapter 5 A more accurate and efficient distribution power flow approach for radial microgrids 47 5.1 Introduction 47 5.2 Modeling of major components 49 5.3 Basic concepts of graph theory for the proposed method 51 5.4 Power flow algorithm 53 5.4.1 Swing bus 54 5.4.2 Bus injected current 54 5.4.3 Proposed distribution power flow method 56 5.5 Validation and application 58 5.5.1 Single-circuit NEV test case 58 5.5.2 IEEE four-node test feeder 59 5.5.3 Practical microgrid system in Taiwan 62 5.6 Further discussion 65 5.7 Conclusion 65 Chapter 6 Graph theory and short-circuit MVA based fault analysis for radial power systems with distributed generation 67 6.1 Introduction 67 6.2 Relationship of bus impedance matrix and bus inverse short circuit MVA matrix 69 6.2.1 Generators, synchronous motors, induction motors 71 6.2.2 Transformers 71 6.2.3 Lines 72 6.2.4 Inverter-based distributed generation 73 6.2.5 Rotating machine-based distributed generation 74 6.3 Proposed algorithm 75 6.3.1 Basic concepts of graph theory 75 6.3.2 Key formula derivation 76 6.4 Applications to short circuit calculations 81 6.4.1 Calculating procedure 81 6.4.2 Case study 1 82 6.4.3 Case study 2 86 6.4.4 Comparison of execution time 89 6.5 Conclusion 91 Chapter 7 Graph theory-based direct harmonic power flow method for radial distribution networks 93 7.1 Introduction 93 7.2 Indices of harmonic distortion 94 7.2.1 Telephone influence factor (TIF) 95 7.2.2 Total demand distortion (TDD) 96 7.2.3 Total harmonic distortion (THD) 96 7.3 Formula derivation 97 7.4 Proposed method 101 7.4.1 Harmonic sources model 102 7.4.2 Harmonic power flow solution 102 7.5 Case study 104 7.5.1 Accuracy test 106 7.5.2 Efficiency test 107 7.6 Conclusion 108 Chapter 8 Evaluation of advantages of an energy storage system using recycled EV batteries 111 8.1 Introduction 111 8.2 Energy storage system using recycled EV batteries 113 8.3 Problem formulation 114 8.3.1 Genes and chromosomes 115 8.3.2 Format objective functions 115 8.3.3 Multi-objective function 117 8.3.4 Fitness function 118 8.4 Simulation and discussion 118 8.4.1 Case 1 119 8.4.2 Case 2 120 8.5 Conclusion 126 Chapter 9 Conclusion and further studies 127 9.1 Conclusion 127 9.2 Future studies 129 References 131  

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