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研究生: 陳品宏
Pin-Hong CHEN
論文名稱: 基於3D列印振幅與相位可調之Ka頻帶透射陣列天線
Ka-Band Amplitude and Phase Controllable Transmitarray based on 3D-Printing Technology
指導教授: 馬自莊
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
口試委員: 廖文照
Wen-Jiao Liao
Yuan-Chang Hou
Yen-Sheng Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 透射陣列天線全介質天線介質量測天線陣列毫米波3D列印振幅可控相位可控
外文關鍵詞: Transmitarray, full dielectric antenna, dielectric measurement, antenna array, millimeter wave, 3D printing, amplitude control, phase control
相關次數: 點閱:411下載:9
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在陣列天線中具有高指向性和低旁瓣位準可提高通信系統的可靠性和有效性。所以為了獲得較理想的波束指向及旁波瓣(Side lobe, SL),本研究透過3D列印印製多層架構,使單元具備振幅可調及相位可調之能力。在設計上分為兩部分進行設計,首先,振幅調控單元設計中分為四種不同型式,使穿透功率的振幅可在0.37-0.99之間變化,且每一型式之單元調控過程均可達成小於 ±15°之相位波動變化;其次,相位控制單元則透過不同介質厚度的中心層和兩個線性錐形匹配層組成,使相位可涵蓋完整 360°且 |S21| 均保持低於-0.25 dB。在實作量測時因計算誤差只使用相位可調之單元,完整整合將列為未來工作。
最終在中心頻率38 GHz實現以1268個單元組合而成直徑為13 λo(102.6 mm)的3D列印透射陣列天線,其量測最高增益為26.3 dBi,孔徑效率為23%。

This thesis develops a Ka-band amplitude and phase controllable transmitarray using 3D-printing technology. The rise of the low-orbit satellite communication industry has drawn considerable attention, which may capable of improving the coverage of current 5G system. Currently, the antennas are mostly manufactured by using the printed circuit board technology (PCB), which suffer from drawbacks including robustness and cost. To address the problem, 3D printed structures featuring high durability, low cost, and flexibility in manufacturing can be adopted.
The performance of an array antenna can be improved by enhancing the directivity and suppressing the sidelobe level (SLL). In this thesis, we propose a 3D printing transmitarray that is capable of adjusting its amplitude and phase distributions. The design is divided into two parts. Firstly, by using four distinct types of amplitude control units, the level of the transmitting power can be tuned from 0.37 to 0.99 with a limited phase fluctuation (±15° at maximum). Secondly, the phase control unit is implemented by the combination of a central layer with different dielectric thicknesses and two linearly tapered matching layers. The proposed design covers a complete 360°, while the value of |S21| is smaller than -0.25 dB. Due to miscalculation, there are only phase control unit is used in the final implementation verification. The whole integration will be a future work.
Finally, a 3D printed transmitarray with a diameter of 13 λo (102.6 mm) is fulfilled and experimentally validated by combining 1268 elements at a center frequency of 38 GHz, with a maximum gain of 26.3 dBi and an aperture efficiency of 23%.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 文獻探討 3 1.3 研究貢獻 6 1.4 論文組織 7 第二章 3D列印透射陣列之設計與分析 8 2.1. 前言 8 2.2. 3D列印透射陣列之設計流程 9 2.3. 3D列印材料介電系數之分析 11 2.3.1 概論 11 2.3.2 介電系數萃取方法之原理分析模擬 13 2.3.3 介電系數萃取方法之實作 18 2.4. 透射陣列單元分析及設計 26 2.4.1 3D列印振幅控制單元設計 26 2.4.2 3D列印相位控制單元設計 38 2.4.3 3D列印振幅控制單元及相位控制單元整合 44 2.4.4 3D列印單元斜向入射與極化關係 53 2.5. 結語 61 第三章 3D列印透射陣列之設計及驗證 62 3.1. 前言 62 3.2. 3D列印透射陣列之設計 62 3.2.1. 饋入天線特性分析 63 3.2.2. 孔徑效率分析及探討 65 3.2.3. 相控單元相位分佈計算分析與實現 68 3.2.4. 具振幅可控3D列印透射陣列之設計 72 3.3. 3D列印透射陣列之驗證 76 3.3.1. 饋入號角天線之驗證 76 3.3.2. 3D列印透射陣列之系統實作 79 3.3.3. 3D列印透射陣列之系統驗證 82 3.4. 透射陣列之比較 92 3.5. 結語 96 第四章 結論 97 4.1 總結 97 4.2 未來發展 98 參考文獻 100

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