簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳振國
Chen-kuo Chen
論文名稱: OTT產業的衝擊 - 愛奇藝台灣站的應變決策
The impact of OTT industry – The Emergency Management of iQIYI Taiwan Site
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 羅天一
Tain-Yi Luor
Hsi-Peng Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 個資保護資源拼湊企業轉型危機管理
外文關鍵詞: Personal Data Protection, Resource Bricolage, Enterprise Transformation, Crisis Management
相關次數: 點閱:434下載:7
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2020年三月初的一場立法院質詢,立法委員提出針對中國大陸的線上影音串流平台,在台非法經營許久,就以愛奇藝為主做統計,台灣民眾下載APP量高達六百萬人次,相當於每三個成年人就有一個人下載,立委質疑中國大陸是否透過中國製造生產的戲劇、電影之行為,向台灣民眾傳遞中國的文化感染,藉此達到洗腦台灣人民對中國的統一中心思想。 因此,行政院下令各部會開始研擬各種方案且立法,用以管束中國大陸的線上串流平台與協助運營之代理商,防止文化入侵的行為逐漸擴大。 企業在面臨政府突如其來的法令要求下,必須在短時間快速的反應事情的嚴重性,加以調整組織內的佈局,做好妥善的危機管理,使企業本身及員工的衝擊影響愈輕微愈好,如不能完全避免,則應該讓傷害降到最低,防止後續的企業組織發展深受影響。

In early March 2020, a legislator raised a subject of an interpellation that China’s OTT Platforms have been operating illegally in Taiwan for years. Based on the statistics of China’s OTT App downloads, Taiwanese people have downloaded iQIYI App over 6 million times which is one third adults downloaded in Taiwan, the legislator questioned whether China is passing the cultural infection and the concept of reunification to Taiwanese people by Chinese Dramas and Movies. Therefore, the Executive Yuan ordered National Communication Commission (NCC) to legislate the new laws to control China’s OTT Platform and its agents/contractors, in order to prevent the cultural invasion is gradually expanding. The law comes sudden without notice, enterprise must respond to the serious matters in a short time, in order to soften the impact as minor as possible. If it cannot be completely avoided, the damage should be minimized to prevent the subsequent development of the enterprise organization from being deeply affected.
This study is written in a Harvard-style case teaching method. Through the case study, the readers can fully understand how the enterprise faces the organization's crisis under the urgent administrative requirements in a limited time, with the key points of the case Personal Data Protection and Resource Bricolage, and how to solve the problem efficiently with the consideration of whether there is an opportunity to promote the Enterprise Transformation afterward.

摘 要 IV ABSTRACT V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章、個案本文 1 第一節、序曲 1 第二節、台灣OTT產業發展概況 2 第三節、愛奇藝台灣站的沿革與團隊 5 第四節、領先全球首創的OTT TV專法 7 第五節、台灣站會員的收視權益 9 第六節、動盪不安的香港機房 10 第七節、鐘響前絕殺的經濟部公告 13 第八節、步步驚心的未來 15 第二章、教學指引 18 第一節、個案總覽 18 第二節、教學目標與適用課程 19 第三節、學員課前問題討論 21 第四節、個案分析 21 課程目標一:個資保護 24 課程目標二:資源拼湊 27 課程目標三:危機管理 29 課程目標四:企業轉型 32 第五節、教學建議 38 第六節、板書規劃 40 參考文獻 43

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