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論文名稱: Innovative Multi-Spiral Transverse Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Columns
Innovative Multi-Spiral Transverse Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Columns
指導教授: 歐昱辰
口試委員: 陳正誠
Cheng-Cheng Chen
Shyh-Jiann Hwang
Shyh-Jiann Hwang
Cheng-Chih Chen
Cheng-Chih Chen
Yung-Chih Wang
Yung-Chih Wang
Jui-Chen Wang
Jui-Chen Wang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 219
中文關鍵詞: Oblong columnsrectangular columnsspiral columnsmulti-spiral reinforcementshear strength
外文關鍵詞: Oblong columns, rectangular columns, spiral columns, multi-spiral reinforcement, shear strength
相關次數: 點閱:304下載:8
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This study proposes innovative multi-spiral confinement for reinforced concrete columns. The proposed confinement schemes include of seven-spiral for oblong columns, six-spiral and eleven-spiral for rectangular columns. Three series of test were conducted to investigate the cyclic performance of columns with proposed innovative multi-spiral confinement. The shear and flexural behavior of the multi-spiral columns with 1/3 scale were examined in Phase I and Phase II, respectively. The seismic performance and construction cost of a large-scale rectangular column with six-spiral reinforcement was investigated in Phase III to compare with those of a corresponding rectangular column with conventional tied reinforcement. Test results showed that the columns with proposed innovative multi-spiral reinforcement exhibited better performance in both shear and flexure than the corresponding tied columns, even with less amount of transverse reinforcement. In addition, based on automation technology, multi-spiral columns have lower construction cost and construction time compared with tied columns. Multi-spiral confinement worked very effectively without any separation among the spirals. Multi-spiral columns with H-shaped as longitudinal reinforcement showed significantly higher ductility and energy dissipation, but lower overstrength than columns with deformed bars.
The discrete computation shear strength (DCSS) models were proposed to calculate shear strength provided by multi-spiral transverse reinforcement. Examination of the difference between the DCSS models and integral averaging method shows that the error of the later increases with increasing ratio of spacing to diameter of spirals. The limiting values of spacing to diameter ratios were proposed to control the error of integral averaging method to be equal or less than 10%. Plot of modification factors were proposed to be used with the simplification calculation when the spacing to diameter ratio is large.
Moreover, in term of shear failure point prediction, both Caltrans SDC and Sezen models are good to provide close estimates of experimental behavior. To predict the maximum probable moment strengths, only the Caltrans SDC method produced conservative result for all columns tested.

This study proposes innovative multi-spiral confinement for reinforced concrete columns. The proposed confinement schemes include of seven-spiral for oblong columns, six-spiral and eleven-spiral for rectangular columns. Three series of test were conducted to investigate the cyclic performance of columns with proposed innovative multi-spiral confinement. The shear and flexural behavior of the multi-spiral columns with 1/3 scale were examined in Phase I and Phase II, respectively. The seismic performance and construction cost of a large-scale rectangular column with six-spiral reinforcement was investigated in Phase III to compare with those of a corresponding rectangular column with conventional tied reinforcement. Test results showed that the columns with proposed innovative multi-spiral reinforcement exhibited better performance in both shear and flexure than the corresponding tied columns, even with less amount of transverse reinforcement. In addition, based on automation technology, multi-spiral columns have lower construction cost and construction time compared with tied columns. Multi-spiral confinement worked very effectively without any separation among the spirals. Multi-spiral columns with H-shaped as longitudinal reinforcement showed significantly higher ductility and energy dissipation, but lower overstrength than columns with deformed bars.
The discrete computation shear strength (DCSS) models were proposed to calculate shear strength provided by multi-spiral transverse reinforcement. Examination of the difference between the DCSS models and integral averaging method shows that the error of the later increases with increasing ratio of spacing to diameter of spirals. The limiting values of spacing to diameter ratios were proposed to control the error of integral averaging method to be equal or less than 10%. Plot of modification factors were proposed to be used with the simplification calculation when the spacing to diameter ratio is large.
Moreover, in term of shear failure point prediction, both Caltrans SDC and Sezen models are good to provide close estimates of experimental behavior. To predict the maximum probable moment strengths, only the Caltrans SDC method produced conservative result for all columns tested.

ABSTRACTi Acknowledgmentiii Table of Contentsv List of Tablesix List of figuresxi Chapter 1Introduction1 1.1.Background1 1.2.Objectives and scopes4 1.3.Organization4 Chapter 2Literature review6 2.1.Previous research about multi-spiral confinement6 2.1.1.Oblong two-spiral columns6 2.1.2.Square multi-spiral columns8 2.2.Confinement10 2.3.Shear12 2.3.1.Nominal shear strength by ACI 318-1112 2.3.2.Shear strength prediction models14 2.4.Moment18 2.4.1.Nominal moment strength18 2.4.2.Maximum probable moment18 2.5.Concrete models20 2.6.Reinforcing steel bar models20 2.6.1.Model for reinforcing steel bars under monotonic loading20 2.6.2.Model for reinforcing steel bars including buckling21 2.7.Idealized force-displacement procedure (FEMA 356)24 Chapter 3Proposed innovative multi-spiral confinement25 Chapter 4Specimen design and experimental program29 4.1.Specimen design30 4.1.1.Shear column30 4.1.2.Flexural column36 4.1.3.Large-scale column42 4.2.Test set up and loading protocol49 4.2.1.For 1/3 scale columns (Phase I and Phase II)49 4.2.2.For large-scale columns (Phase III)51 4.3.Instrumentation52 Chapter 5Shear behavior of oblong bridge columns with innovative multi-spiral transverse reinforcement55 5.1.Test results and discussion55 5.2.Curvature and shear strain distribution of shear columns65 5.3.Comparison of shear strength predictions with test results68 Chapter 6Flexural behavior of oblong and rectangular columns with innovative multi-spiral transverse reinforcement71 6.1.Test results and discussion71 6.2.Curvature and shear strain distribution of flexural columns82 6.3.Lateral confining pressure by multi-spiral reinforcement87 6.4.Nominal moment strength and maximum probable moment strength for capacity design90 Chapter 7Cyclic behavior of large-scale column with innovative six-spiral reinforcement94 7.1.Test result and discussion94 7.2.Nominal moment strength and maximum probable moment strength for capacity design100 7.3.Comparison of constructability and construction cost101 Chapter 8Discrete computational shear strength models for multi-circular-hoop and spiral reinforcement103 8.1.Motivation103 8.2.General DCSS model for single-circular-hoop reinforcement106 8.3.General model for single-spiral reinforcement108 8.4.DCSS models for two- and seven-circular-hoop and spiral reinforcement111 8.5.Normalized shear strength factor114 8.6.Critical shear crack114 8.7.The factor for critical shear crack123 8.8.Comparison with test results126 8.9.Shear strength models for rectangular columns with multi-circular-hoop and spiral transverse reinforcement130 8.9.1.Simplified shear strength calculation130 8.9.2.DCSS models131 8.9.3.Modification factor138 Chapter 9Design suggestions for confinement, shear and flexural strengths144 9.1.Confinement by multi-spiral transverse reinforcement144 9.2.Shear strength (Vs) provided by multi-spiral transverse reinforcement145 9.3.Maximum probable moment strength146 Chapter 10Conclusion and Suggestion147 10.1.Conclusion147 10.2.Suggestion149 References150 APPENDIX A: Design Transverse reinforcement155 APPENDIX B: Shear strength calculation example159 APPENDIX C: Specimen design170 APPENDIX D: Reading strain gauge179

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