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研究生: 張振山
Chen-Shan Chang
論文名稱: 公司治理在公司經營績效及風險間所扮演的角色
Firm Risk and Performance:The Role of Corporate Governance
指導教授: 余尚武
Shang-Wu Yu
Cheng-Huang Hung
口試委員: 王怡心
Yi-Hsin Wang
Ming-Shen Chen
Woan-Yuh Jang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 公司治理公司經營績效公司風險中介效果抑制效果調節效果
外文關鍵詞: Corporate Governance, Firm Performance, Firm Risk, Mediating Effect, Suppression Effect, Moderating Effect
相關次數: 點閱:576下載:28
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This study established a set of corporate governance assessment indices for ex-amining the potential intermediary role of corporate governance in the relationship between firm performance and risk, and identified the key corporate governance var-iables that could affect both firm performance and risk based on 2008-2012 Taiwan empirical evidences.
The research results indicate that corporate governance has a suppressed mediat-ing effect on the relationship between firm performance and risk, both during and af-ter the financial crisis periods. Moreover, especially during a financial crisis period, corporate governance had a negative moderating effect on the relationship between firm performance and risk; therefore, it acted as a risk buffer to protect companies.
The empirical results suggest that corporate governance has a positive correlation with firm performance, and opposite correlation with firm risk for listed companies in Taiwan. Among corporate governance factors, annual general meeting participation, chairperson and CEO split, BOD composition, director compensation and discipline, director education and participation, information transparency, and social responsibil-ity and communication vehicles have significantly positive influences on firm per-formance, while annual general meeting participation, controlling shareholder rights, chairperson and CEO split, BOD composition, director compensation and discipline, and information transparency have strong and negative relationships with the firm risk.
This study provides statement to resolve the flaws of prior studies and existing corporate governance rating indices by developing a relatively comprehensive gov-ernance assessment system that incorporates shareholders’ rights, board of directors, information disclosure, and stakeholders’ rights dimensions. Moreover, this paper is to research the impact of corporate governance on both firm performance and firm risk.
The results shed light on the effectiveness of different aspects of corporate gov-ernance in terms of firm performance and risk. The findings suggest that companies should take into account both value creation and the control of risk when reconsider-ing the operation of corporate governance, and should give particular attention to shareholder participation, chairperson and CEO split, BOD composition, director compensation and discipline, and information transparency.

摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅲ 誌謝 Ⅴ 目次 Ⅵ 圖目次 Ⅷ 表目次 Ⅸ 第一章、 緒論 1 第一節、 研究動機 1 第二節、 研究目的 3 第三節、 研究流程 4 第二章、 文獻探討與假說 5 第一節、 公司治理相關文獻研究 5 第二節、 國際主要公司治理評量系統之研究 12 第三節、 公司治理的中介效果和調節效果 25 第四節、 公司治理與公司績效、公司風險之關係 27 第三章、 研究方法與設計 30 第一節、 評量指標之設計 30 第二節、 迴歸模型之設計 39 第三節、 評量指標之計分方法 46 第四章、 實證結果與分析 51 第一節、 構建有效之公司治理評量指標 51 第二節、 公司治理與公司績效及風險之關係 69 第三節、 小結 88 第五章、 研究結論與建議 93 第一節、 研究結論 93 第二節、 研究建議 96 參考文獻 97 附錄 105

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