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研究生: 陳怡靜
Yi-Jing Chen
論文名稱: 貼於平面及柱面上之帶有大標誌的QR碼之編解碼
Encoding and Decoding of Big-Logo-Embedded QR Codes Posted on Planes or Cylinders
指導教授: 賴坤財
Kuen-Tsair Lay
口試委員: 廖弘源
Wen-Hsien Fang
Yi-Ru Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: QR碼平面柱面標誌交比投影轉換
外文關鍵詞: QR code, plane, cylinder, logo, cross ratio, projective transform
相關次數: 點閱:366下載:4
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本論文我們提出新的QR碼編解碼方式,將我們所需要的資訊透過標準QR碼編碼器進行編碼,決定好標誌大小、擺放位置和標誌參數後,將QR碼中被標誌覆蓋的位置之資料(under-logo data)搬移至不會被標誌覆蓋的位置(QR data)的LSB層(least significant bit),將傳統二階的QR碼轉為四階灰度值的QR碼,本論文將這種QR碼簡稱為BLEQR(big-logo-embedded QR code QR code )。
在解碼部分我們將會模擬兩種場景進行解碼,分別為BLEQR碼在平面上變形的場景與柱面上變形的場景,在平面上變形的場景,我們利用交比[4](cross ratio)找出模組數,接著使用投影轉換(projective transform)將BLEQR影像回正,切割模組再將雜訊去除後回復為標準QR碼即可進行解碼,柱面上變形的場景則是先使用預測邊緣點和交比讀取出標誌參數,知道標誌參數後即可產生標誌地圖,接著排除標誌區域並對BLEQR影像做切割,最後將所有模組區分好後去除雜訊,即可使用標準QR碼解碼。依據上述的方法,我們可以增加傳統QR碼放置標誌的大小和成功解碼出平面與柱面上變形的BLEQR影像。

QR code has become very popular in recent years. By using related applications, users can get the data that hidden in it easily. Stores use OR code as a kind of advertisement due to its convenience. Furthermore, they could put their logos on QR code so that customers know the content relevant to them. However, the biggest size of the logo depends on the difference of error correction ability. If the logo size is far beyond the error correction ability, the QR code would not be decoded successfully.
The thesis proposes new approaches to encode and decode the big-logo-embedded QR codes. First, we encode the data through standard QR code encoder. After deciding the size, position and shape parameters of the logo, we move the data that are covered by logo (referred to as under-logo data) to LSB (least-significant-bit) bit plane of the data which is not covered by logo (QR data). Transforming traditional binary QR code to four level gray modules QR code is abbreviated to BLEQR code (referred to as big-logo-embedded QR code) in this thesis.
We simulate two scenarios in decoding. Both of them are the deformations of BLEQR code but one is for the planes and the other is for the cylinders. We find the module number by cross ratio in plane deformation. Then, use the projective transform to rectify BLEQR image. After segmenting the modules and eliminating the noise, it returns to the standard QR code. In cylinder deformation, we use edge point prediction and cross ratio to get the shape parameters. Hence, we can get the logo map. After eliminating the edge of logo areas, we segment the remaining modules and remove the noise. Finally, we can decode it by the standard QR code decoder. According to the approaches mentioned above, we not only increase the logo size on the QR code but also successfully decode the deformed BLEOR images in planes and cylinders.

第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2研究動機 1 1.3本文架構 2 第二章 相關技術介紹 3 2.1 QR碼 3 2.1.1外觀特徵 3 2.1.2結構 4 2.1.3容錯能力 6 2.2 BCH碼 6 第三章 大標誌QR碼 8 3.1系統架構 8 3.2大標誌QR碼(BLEQR)編碼設計 9 3.2.1標誌地圖 9 3.2.2大標誌QR碼(BLEQR) 14 第四章 平面上的BLEQR碼解碼 18 4.1 PDP頂點 19 4.2 BLEQR右下頂點 22 4.3利用交比找出模組數 23 4.4利用投影轉換回正BLEQR影像 25 4.5切割BLEQR影像 28 4.6去除雜訊 30 4.7 BLEQR解碼 31 4.7.1計算標誌地圖 31 4.7.2還原標準QR碼 32 第五章 柱面上BLEQR碼解碼 33 5.1擬合左側PDP兩側輪廓和BLEQR右側輪廓 34 5.2擬合上面PDP上下輪廓和BLEQR下面輪廓 35 5.2.1邊緣預視 36 5.2.2粗略邊緣點與中心點距離差分 37 5.2.3候選邊緣點高度差分 38 5.3 PDP 模組切割 39 5.3.1左側PDP垂直方向內部切割 39 5.3.2 預測邊緣點 40 5.3.3右側PDP垂直方向內部切割 42 5.3.4 交比切割法 43 5.3.5 PDP水平方向切割 45 5.4經緯度模組區分法 47 5.5非標誌位置切割 49 5.6標誌位置切割與回復標準QR碼 50 第六章 實驗結果與討論 52 6.1平面上BLEQR碼影像 53 6.2柱面上BLEQR碼影像 59 第七章 結論與未來展望 71 參考文獻 73

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