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研究生: 吳承霖
Cheng-Lin Wu
論文名稱: 電力變壓器之油中氣體預測與風險評估
Prediction and Risk Assessment of Dissolved Gas in Insulating Oil for Power Transformers
指導教授: 陳坤隆
Kun-Long Chen
口試委員: 陳俊隆
Chun-Lung Chen
Jin-Lung Guan
Chien-Kuo Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 油中氣體故障診斷時間序列演算法長短時記憶時間卷積網路機器學習人工智慧
外文關鍵詞: dissolved gas analyzes, fault detection, time series algorithm, long-short term memory model, temporal convolutional network, machine learning, artificial intelligence
相關次數: 點閱:372下載:0
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本論文應用長短期記憶模型(long short-term memory, LSTM)與時間卷積網路(temporal convolution network, TCN)進行預測結果比較,及設計風險評估表,以利給定變壓器的健康狀態。在取樣油中可分析出各項氣體含量,包含氫氣(H2)、氧氣(O2)、氮氣(N2)、甲烷(CH4)、乙烷(C2H6)、乙炔(C2H2)、乙烯(C2H4)、一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化碳(CO2)等。藉由量測到的氣體濃度經過數據預處理後可降低取樣時的不確定性,並將得出的數據做為LSTM 及TCN 預測模型的輸入元素,而將需要預測的氣體做為輸出元素。再經由預測模型的評估指標進行比較,可發現各項氣體的預測性能皆不同。最後以本文所訂定的風險評估表做為最終審斷標準,從而給定變壓器的氣體在未來的健康狀態,且對於未來監測上可提早有效掌管運轉時可能發生的故障風險。

In recent years, due to the vigorous development of the power industry, the demand for power has increased, so the power quality has become more important, especially the reliability and stability of the power transmission and distribution system has a great relationship with the transformers, so it is necessary to track the health status of the transformers frequently to ensure the stability of power transmission. At present, gas detection methods in insulating oil mostly adopt gas chromatography (GC), which analyzes the gas dissolved in insulating oil, and uses the gas concentration or continuous increment to infer the potential fault. In addition to taking into account both economic and benefit aspects, this method can also achieve the best balance.
In this thesis, the long-short term memory model (LSTM) and temporal convolutional network (TCN) are used to compare the prediction results. Design a risk evaluation table to consult the health status of a given transformer. Various gas contents can be analyzed in the sampled oil, such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, ethane, acetylene, ethylene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, etc. In order to reduce the uncertainty of sampling, the gas data must be preprocessed, via preprocessed data is used as the input element of the LSTM and TCN prediction models, and the output element is the gas item that needs to be predicted. By comparing the evaluation indicators of the prediction models, it can be found that the prediction performance of each gas is different. Finally, the risk evaluation table established in this paper is used as the consult manner, so that the future health status of transformers is given, and the potential risks can be effectively controlled in advance for future monitoring.

摘要 I Abstract III 致謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 文獻探討 2 1.3 研究方法 4 1.4 論文架構 5 第二章 變壓器異常檢測方法 7 2.1 前言 7 2.2 電力變壓器結構組成 7 2.3 變壓器異常原因 11 2.3.1 絕緣油劣化 12 2.3.2 絕緣紙劣化 13 2.4 變壓器一般維護與測試方法 14 2.5 本章小結 16 第三章 變壓器絕緣油相關標準 17 3.1 前言 17 3.2 台灣電力公司 17 3.3 IEEE C57.104標準 25 3.4 IEC 60599標準 37 3.5 本章小結 38 第四章 神經網路用於油中氣體預測 39 4.1 前言 39 4.2 機器學習 39 4.2.1 深度學習 40 4.3 數據預處理 41 4.4 時間序列演算法 44 4.4.1 循環神經網路(RNN)介紹 44 4.4.2 長短期記憶(LSTM)介紹 46 4.4.3 時間卷積網路(TCN)介紹 51 4.5 建置預測模型之流程 54 4.5.1 LSTM / TCN預測模型建立 54 4.5.2 LSTM / TCN預測架構流程 57 4.6 模型擬合的指標評估 59 4.7 本章小結 62 第五章 預測模型評比與風險評估擬定 65 5.1 前言 65 5.2 多參數氣體選擇 65 5.3 LSTM / TCN模型預測評比 66 5.3.1 多參數預測 67 5.4 風險評估指標設計 74 5.5 預測結果分析 76 5.6 本章小結 82 第六章 實際案例探討 83 6.1 前言 83 6.2 預測分析結果 83 6.2.1 R_A變壓器誤判檢討 84 6.2.2 R_C變壓器誤判檢討 87 6.3 本章小節 89 第七章 結論與未來研究方向 91 7.1 結論 91 7.2 未來研究方向 91 參考文獻 93

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