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研究生: 林韋宏
Wei-Hung Lin
論文名稱: 科技賦能寵物經濟信任機制–以東詣科技PETZZO好好寵為例
Technology Enabled Trust Mechanisms of Pet Economy–A Case Study of MMXTION PETZZO
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 寵物保險創新商業模式徵用資源拼湊信任機制資源基礎理論組織靈巧性
外文關鍵詞: Pet insurance, Innovative business model, Appropriation, Resource bricolage, Trust mechanisms, Resource-based view, Ambidexterity
相關次數: 點閱:496下載:0
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While the aging society and declining of birthrate issues have attracted the attention and led a series of discussion in Taiwan, the rising numbers of companionship of pets become a trending topic. More people tend to have pets for accompanying instead of children. According to the official statistics, the number of pet cats and dogs will surpass the number of children between the age of zero to fourteen shortly. In this case, pet-related industries are booming and are estimated to have a more than 50 billion business opportunity in the pet market.

When pet cats and dogs are treated as family members, the longer companionship is expected, and the concept of pet medical cares has been proposed. In Taiwan, it is not easy for fur babies to get medical support as human do. The high medical expenses form a heavy burden. Therefore, the demand for pet insurance is rising day by day.

Pet insurance has been developed in Taiwan for more than ten years, but the insurance coverage rate is still less than 1%. Reviewing the current pet insurance market, there are many restrictions on the insurance and claims conditions, resulting in lower willingness to insure. Since insurance companies face fraudulent cases frequently, the insurance loss ratio remains high. Furthermore, due to lack of relevant data, it is difficult to provide a diversified content design. MMXtion, Rainmaking Innovation and MISG Mingtai Insurance see these pain points in the market so MMXtion uses its facial recognition technology, blockchain anti-counterfeiting and other technological tools to combine the veterinary hospitals, insurance company and pets’ owner together in the PETZZO platform which optimized services efficiently. One-click claim settlement, rapid diagnosis and treatment cost compensation are integrated on the platform, and an innovative pet insurance business model for mutual benefit and common prosperity has been achieved.

The case is adapted Harvard Case Study research method to discuss the following issues: innovative business model of pet insurance, resource appropriation and bricolage, resources–based Theory and ambidexterity.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 壹、個案本文 1 一、序場 1 二、台灣寵物經濟的龐大商機 2 三、台灣寵物保險的發展與趨勢 4 四、PETZZO好好寵–新型態寵物險數位好夥伴 8 東詣科技股份有限公司概述 9 首創一鍵理賠寵物保險APP 10 運用「數位科技」解決寵物保險痛點 13 PETZZO X 臉部辨識 13 PETZZO X 流程機器人 14 PETZZO X 數據收集分析 15 PETZZO X 區塊鏈技術 16 五、東詣科技的基礎:東宜資訊 17 東宜資訊股份有限公司概述 17 從「30年東宜」到「東詣再創業」 18 建立「信任關係」解決寵物保險痛點 21 PETZZO X Rainmaking Innovation 22 PETZZO X 明台產險 22 PETZZO X 獸醫院 23 六、展望「串起寵物生態系統」 25 七、附錄 27 貳、個案討論 28 一、個案總覽 28 二、教學目標與適用課程 29 三、學生課前討論問題 32 四、個案人物背景 33 五、個案分析 34 課程目標一:探討「寵物創新商業模式」35 課程目標二:探討「資源徵用與拼湊」 40 課程目標三:探討「資源基礎理論」 45 課程目標四:探討「組織靈巧性」 50 六、課程結論 53 七、課程建議 54 八、板書規劃 58 參、參考文獻 62 一、中文部分 62 二、英文部分 63 三、網站部分 64

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