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研究生: 薛家和
Chia-Ho Hsueh
論文名稱: 以服務設計觀點探討藝文活動平台介面設計
Exploring the Interface Design of an Art and Culture Event Platform from a Service Design Perspective
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 衛萬里
Wan-Li Wei
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 藝文活動服務設計雙鑽石設計流程介面設計狩野模式
外文關鍵詞: art and cultural activities, service design, double diamond design process, interface design, Kano model
相關次數: 點閱:306下載:0
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Art and cultural activities are thriving, and exploring activities during holidays has become a habit and a popular trend for many people. Art and cultural activity platforms provide the public with the desired information, which helps enhance their participation in such activities. However, the current platforms lack organization and have complex content, making it difficult for users to find what they need, leaving room for improvement. Therefore, this study aims to improve the service of art and cultural activity platforms by proposing platform design recommendations and future research directions from a service design perspective.

The study follows a double diamond design process with a four-stage framework. In the "Research Exploration" stage, relevant background information is collected and reviewed to establish a theoretical foundation. In the "Define Requirements" stage, preliminary research is conducted through qualitative interviews to understand the needs. Usability testing pertinent to task performance is also carried out quantitatively, revealing operational issues. Service gaps and pain points are identified through persona and customer journey map analysis. In the "Design Development" stage, experimental prototyping is conducted based on the previously identified design directions. In the "Test and Evaluation" stage, a questionnaire survey is conducted using the Kano model framework to evaluate the prototype design of new features.

The results of this study indicate the following: (1) Based on the findings from the preliminary research, service gaps and pain points in art and cultural activity platforms include "insufficient user activity preferences and system recommendations leading to information overload," "poor grasp of art and cultural activities resulting in missed participation opportunities," "insufficient information exchange about art and cultural activities leading to a lack of reference basis," "unclear search functionality hindering users from conducting comprehensive site-wide searches quickly," "poor information architecture planning making it difficult for users to find what they need quickly," and "difficulty in understanding icon functions and textual explanations leading to user confusion." (2) Following the service design process, new features and design optimizations are proposed, including "preferences and recommendations," "tracking and reminders," "evaluation and comments," "site-wide search," "information architecture," and "consistent icons." (3) Among these features, "site-wide search," "information architecture," and "preferences and recommendations" exhibit higher satisfaction levels. The study provides design recommendations for art and cultural activity platforms, including: 1. Clear and concise information architecture with a hierarchical structure. 2. Optimized site-wide search with visible and user-friendly prompts. 3. Appropriate tracking and reminders to provide timely information.

中文摘要 ii Abstract iii 誌謝 v 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 x 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 1 1.3 研究架構 2 1.4 研究範圍與限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 藝文活動 7 2.1.1 藝文活動參與 7 2.1.2 藝文活動平台 8 2.2 人機介面 8 2.2.1 使用者經驗 8 2.2.2 心智模式 9 2.2.3 資訊架構 10 2.2.4 人機互動設計 10 2.3 服務設計 11 2.3.1 服務設計定義 11 2.3.2 服務設計原則 12 2.3.3 服務設計流程 13 2.4 Kano二維品質模式 15 2.4.1 Kano 二維品質模式定義 15 2.4.2 狩野模式(Kano's model) 16 2.4.3 Kano品質模式問卷設計與屬性歸類 18 2.5 重要性-績效分析法(IPA) 19 第三章 研究設計 22 3.1 研究流程 22 3.2 實驗流程 23 第四章 前導性研究 27 4.1質性使用者研究 27 4.2 量化研究 42 4.3前導實驗之結果建議 60 第五章 原型設計與評估 63 5.1新的藝文活動平台設計 63 5.2 使用者經驗評估 70 5.2.1 受測者基本資料 70 5.2.2 新功能與設計優化量化評估 72 5.2.3 新功能與設計優化質化評估 76 5.2.4 驗證評估總結 79 第六章 結論與建議 81 6.1 研究結論 81 6.2 研究建議 84 6.2.1 驗證評估總結 84 6.2.2 後續研究建議 85 參考文獻 87 中文文獻 87 英文文獻 87 網路文獻 89 附錄一 藝文活動平台之使用訪談問卷 92 附錄二 前測實驗之受測者基本資料問卷 94 附錄三 前測實驗之系統使用性尺度量表(SUS) 96 附錄四 前測實驗之使用者互動滿意度問卷(QUIS) 97 附錄五 藝文活動平台之使用者經驗評估調查 99

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