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研究生: 蘇庭儀
Ting-I Su
論文名稱: 氣體絕緣開關設備之比壓器鐵磁共振分析與抑制方法研究
The Research of Ferroresonance and Suppression Solutions on Potential Transformer in Gas Insulated Switchgear
指導教授: 郭政謙
Cheng-Chien Kuo
口試委員: 郭政謙
Cheng-Chien Kuo
Hong-Chan Chang
Hung-Cheng Chen
Chun-Yao Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 鐵磁共振氣體絕緣開關設備電磁暫態模擬軟體
外文關鍵詞: Ferroresonance, Gas Insulated Switchgear, EMTP-RV
相關次數: 點閱:626下載:12
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  • 隨著科學技術之日新月異、經濟活動之蓬勃發展,當今社會對電力品質與供電安全越加重視,電力公司越加趨向採用以六氟化硫作為絕緣介質之氣體絕緣開關設備,其中包含匯流排、斷路器、分段開關、接地開關、比流器與比壓器等,不僅大幅縮減建置所需之空間,更提升維護之方便性與操作人員之安全。

    With the rapid development of science, technology and economic activities, the society has paid more and more attention to the power quality and supply security. Electric power companies increasingly adopt the gas insulated switchgear (GIS). It uses SF6 as insulated materials and contains bus, circuit breakers, disconnect switches, earth switches, current transformers and potential transformers. The design of GIS not only greatly reduces the construction space, but also improves the convenience of maintenance and the safety of operators.
    In order to effectively cut off the transient overvoltage caused by switching on, one solution is to connect a circuit breaker to a grading capacitance. However, while the circuit breaker opens, there will be a loop between the grading capacitance and the load. If and only if the core of the potential transformer is saturated, it is easy to happen ferroresonance, which causes the abnormally continuous overvoltage and overcurrent between the grading capacitance and the potential transformer. In some serious case, ferroresonance leads to insulation deterioration, short circuit, equipment damage or even blackout.
    Therefore, this thesis aims to propose a freeoresonance analysis strategy. With the EMTP-RV software, the overvoltage and overcurrent of ferroresonance will be simulated. Different suppression methods will also be evaluated. For related engineering personnel, the strategy can provide a faster way to rebuild the process of ferroresonance faults, accelerate the search of solutions and enhance the reliability of power supply.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XIV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.3 研究方法 4 1.4 章節概述 6 第二章 鐵磁共振理論 7 2.1 前言 7 2.2 RLC共振 7 2.3 鐵磁共振之原理 12 2.3.1 發生原因 12 2.3.2 發生條件 16 2.3.3 鐵磁共振之特徵 16 2.3.4 鐵磁共振之振盪模式 17 2.4 常見之鐵磁共振架構 22 2.4.1 三相不平衡 22 2.4.2 三相平衡 24 第三章 系統架構與模型建置 27 3.1 前言 27 3.2 研究案例說明 28 3.2.1 系統架構 28 3.2.2 事故經過 32 3.3 EMTP-RV電磁暫態分析軟體簡介 36 3.4 GIS設備 38 3.5 模擬模型建置 43 3.5.1 模擬模型架構 43 3.5.2 161kV電源、架空線與地下電纜模型 45 3.5.3 GIS模型 47 第四章 模擬結果分析 53 4.1 前言 53 4.2 模擬模型之正確性驗證 53 4.3 斷路器啟斷時間點之影響 60 4.3.1 開關三相非同步啟斷 60 4.3.2 斷路器於波谷位置啟斷 64 4.3.3 斷路器於波峰位置啟斷 67 4.4 極間電容之影響 70 4.5 使用阻尼電阻之抑制效果 75 4.6 使用阻尼電抗器與串聯電阻之抑制效果 83 4.7 小節 98 第五章 結論與未來展望 101 5.1 結論 101 5.2 未來展望 103 參考文獻 104

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