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研究生: 黃浩哲
Hao-Che Huang
論文名稱: 公園共融遊戲場服務體驗品質與滿意度研究 :以台北市樹德共融遊戲場為例
A Study of Service Experience Quality and Satisfaction of Park's Inclusive Playgrounds – Evidence from Shude Inclusive Playground in Taipei City
指導教授: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
口試委員: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
Wan-Li Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 公園共融設計共融遊戲場服務體驗品質服務體驗滿意度
外文關鍵詞: Inclusive Design, Playground, Service Experience Satisfaction
相關次數: 點閱:931下載:52
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  • 由於都市人口集中及土地資源有限,共融遊戲場(inclusive playground)不再只是專為兒童建置,而是儘可能滿足所有人的遊戲需求。然而,目前台北市45座共融遊戲場中,多數仍是針對兒童而設計,較少考量其他民眾的體驗。為了實踐遊戲場的「共融」理念,本研究以服務體驗角度進行調查且應用服務設計及共融設計提升一般民眾於共融遊戲場的體驗感受。
    本研究概分為四個階段:第一階段「議題界定」,透過文獻回顧,探索「共融遊戲場」及「服務體驗品質」相關議題並規劃後續研究流程。第二階段「探索定義」,運用非參與式觀察法先瞭解民眾於共融遊戲場體驗概況,再採用問卷調查及關鍵事件法。本研究共蒐集206份有效樣本,分別來自「舞蝶共融遊戲場」105 份和「樹德共融遊戲場」101 份,進行民眾於共融遊戲場服務體驗品質分析;接著,本研究訪談關鍵利害關係人,發掘出5項影響服務體驗品質差異之關鍵問題。第三階段「設計發展」,根據上述關鍵問題擬定設計方針,並邀請設計師、使用者與利害關係人組成共創小組,以「樹德共融遊戲場」為例進行新服務設計概念發想,再透過啟發式評估選出「共融遊戲故事任務」成為「新服務設計提案」。最後一階段「成果評估」,針對樹德共融遊戲場,本研究以立意取樣方式邀請現場民眾參與「新服務設計提案」之模擬體驗且調查,最終蒐集有效樣本103份,並將調查結果進行分析與檢定。

    Due to limited land resources with increasing urban population, the aim of inclusive playground is built not just for satisfying a children’s but also for satisfying other citizens’ needs in public spaces. However, regarding to the current 45 playgrounds in Taipei city, most of them are still designed for children, with less consideration for other citizens. This study aims to investigate from the perspective of service experience quality of the playgrounds, and to apply service design and inclusive design to enhance the service experience in the inclusive playground.
    The study is divided into four stages: First of all, the study employed questionnaires and critical incident interviews to collect 206 valid samples, such as 105 samples from Wudie and 101 samples from Shude Inclusive Playground. Then, the study interviewed key stakeholders to verify 5 key issues. Secondly, this study proposed design guidelines based on the 5 key issues and co-created new service proposals with stakeholders through a service design workshop. Next, a new service design proposal for Inclusive Play Pack was developed. Finally, a total of 103 participants in Shude Inclusive Playground were invited and participated the assessment of the new service design proposal.
    The main findings of this study are:(1) the score of service experience quality in Shude Inclusive Playground is significantly lower than Wudie Inclusive Playground, especially in the two dimensions of hedonic and peace of mind; (2) five critical issues of sevice experience quality include less awareness of inclusive design, partners’ negative attitude, inappropriate servicescape, not applicable age for the game, and the limited scale of the playground;(3) a new service design proposal can improve the level of service experience quality; (4) the surprise dimension of service experience quality has significant effect on user experience satisfaction. Based on the above findings, this study also proposed some service design and research recommendations.

    目錄 第一章、緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究目的2 1.3研究範圍2 1.3.1研究限制2 1.3.2研究對象3 1.4重要名詞解釋3 1.5研究架構與流程4 第二章、文獻探討6 2.1公園6 2.1.1公園定義6 2.1.2都市公園功能7 2.1.3台北市公園綠地8 2.1.4小結11 2.2共融設計12 2.2.1共融設計定義12 2.2.2共融相關設計方法12 2.2.3共融設計內涵15 2.2.4小結19 2.3共融遊戲場19 2.3.1共融遊戲場定義19 2.3.2共融遊戲場設置原則與規範20 2.3.3台北市共融遊戲場現況21 2.3.4共融遊戲場案例23 2.3.5小結24 2.4服務體驗品質25 2.4.1服務體驗定義25 2.4.2服務體驗品質衡量25 2.5服務體驗滿意度28 2.5.1服務體驗滿意度定義28 2.5.2服務體驗滿意度衡量28 第三章、研究設計30 3.1研究步驟30 3.2研究方法31 3.2.1觀察法31 3.2.2問卷調查法31 3.2.3訪談法33 3.2.4共創工作坊35 第四章、研究發現40 4.1探索定義階段40 4.1.1共融遊戲場域概況探索40 4.1.2共融遊戲場體驗現況調查分析42 4.1.3共融遊戲場體驗現況之關鍵問題探討50 4.1.4探索定義階段小結55 4.2設計發展階段56 4.2.1設計方針擬定56 4.2.2樹德共融遊戲場體驗現況觀察57 4.2.3共創工作坊成果59 4.2.4啟發式評估63 4.2.5新服務設計提案及設計原型說明71 4.2.6設計發展階段小結81 4.3成果評估階段83 4.3.1新服務設計提案模擬與評估83 4.3.2後測問卷調查分析84 4.3.3成果評估階段小結94 第五章、研究結論95 5.1研究結論95 5.2研究建議96 5.2.1設計應用建議96 5.2.2後續研究建議97 參考文獻98

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    3.Park up_ Plan b 官方網站