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研究生: 呂俊毅
Chun-i Lu
論文名稱: 以二維影像輪廓疊合技術為基礎的改良式三維模型補洞演算法之研究
An Improved 3D Hole-Filling Algorithm Based on Image Contour Matching
指導教授: 邱士軒
Shih-Hsuan Chiu
口試委員: 溫哲彥
Che-yen Wen
Hsien-Tang Chiu
Chin-shyurng Fahn
Chang-chiun Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 破洞修補疊合二維影像輪廓三維模型表面
外文關鍵詞: Hole-filling, Matching, Contour, Slicing surface
相關次數: 點閱:368下載:2
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本論文提出一個利用二維影像輪廓疊合技術的改良式三維模型補洞演算法(Improved 3D Hole-filling Algorithm Based on Image Contour Matching, IHICM),使修補結果可更加接近真實物件的網格模型。首先,運用Advancing Front mesh(AFM)法對破洞區域產生新增點以完成粗略的修補;接著,擷取修補網格的切片平面,獲得三維物體的表面(slicing surface)資訊,並以二維影像輪廓(contour)為基準進行新增點的位置調整,使新增點能更符合真實三維模型。本論文使用電腦模擬的三維模型與實際物體掃描的模型,分別執行AFM與IHICM方法於三維破洞修復。其實驗結果顯示,IHICM能有效的修補模型上的破洞區域,其體積誤差與ICP計算較小於AFM的修補結果,並更接近真實三維模型原來的樣貌。

The hole-filling is an amending processing to fit the real appearance of real subjects, and it is an important issue for the construction of a 3D mesh model. Recently, there are many algorithms have been proposed to accomplish the hole-filling task upon voxel-based and triangle-based in the neighborhood. However, the construction of hole-filling may unreliable if the hole is independent to the neighborhood.

Instead of referring to the neighboring meshes, we propose an improved 3D Hole-filling Algorithm based on 2D Image Contour Matching (IHICM). First, the advancing front mesh technique (AFM) is applied to repair the hole by creating new vertices. Next, the new vertices from vertical slice are correspondent adjusting to the contour in 2D image, and the new vertices from vertical slice are repositioned according to the curvature of the surface. In the experiments, we use synthetic and real subjects to demonstrate that the proposed IHICM is reliable and valid in hole-filling. The experimental results show that IHICM algorithm can amend holes effectively, and the volume error and ICP of IHICM is lower than that of the AFM.

摘要I AbstractII 致謝III ContentsIV Figures IndexVI Tables IndexIX Chapter 1.Introduction1 Chapter 2.Introducing the 3D Hole-filling algorithms Based on Neighbor Information7 2.1Hole-filling Method – A piecewise hole-filling algorithm9 2.2Approximated Planar – Moving Least Squares10 2.3Non-parameter 3D Hole-filling Method11 2.4Hole-filling Method – The Advancing Front Mesh Algorithm12 Chapter 3.The Improved Hole-filling Algorithm by Contour Compare16 3.1The Surface Information from the 3D Scanner17 3.2The Contour Information from the Camera Capturing20 3.3The Coarse-to-fine Hole-filling Algorithm23 Chapter 4.Experimental Equipment26 4.13D Modeling Principle26 4.2The Device of Generating Point Clouds27 4.3OBJ Film Format30 Chapter 5.Experiments and Discussions32 5.1Synthetic Experiments32 5.2Realistic Experiments41 Chapter 6.Conclusions49 Reference51

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