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研究生: 陳郁茜
Yu-Chien Chen
論文名稱: 「引導發現式學習」融入技高廣告創意課程對學生學習興趣、創意自我效能及學習成果之影響
The Effects of Guided Discovery Instruction in Advertising Creative Courses on Students’ Learning Motivation, Creative Self-efficacy, and Learning Outcomes
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 賴文祥
Wen-Hsiang Lai
Jin-Dean Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 引導發現式教學廣告創意課程學習興趣創意自我效能學習滿意度
外文關鍵詞: Guided discovery instruction, Advertising creative courses, Learning motivation, Creative self-efficacy, Satisfaction with learning
相關次數: 點閱:375下載:0
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The 12-year Basic Education System, which focuses on self-guided learning, has been implemented in 2019. The Ministry of Education (2014) proposed that the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum shall be based on the spirit of holistic education, emphasizing the concepts of "self-motivation," "interaction" and "common good." With students being viewed as self-guided and active learners, education aims to induce students' motivation and enthusiasm to learn, and guide them to develop the ability to interact properly with themselves, others, society, and nature. Therefore, the research motivation includes the following: adopt teaching methods and curricular activities appropriately, allow students to engage in meaningful discovery learning in Advertising Creative courses, enable students to become self-motivated learners, and effectively enhance students' learning motivation and learning outcomes.

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of didactic instruction and guided discovery instruction in Advertising Creative courses at a technical-vocational high school on students’ learning motivation, creative self-efficacy, and learning outcomes. Through the experimental course materials design and lecture, the study further explores the effects on students in the control group and experimental group with a same set of teaching materials but different teaching methods.

The findings of the experiment are as follows: (1) Didactic instruction in Advertising Creative courses did not significantly enhance the overall "course learning motivation" and "creative self-efficacy in advertising design," but had a positive effect on the "cognitive aspect" of learning motivation. (2) Guided discovery instruction in Advertising Creative courses had a significant effect on students' "course learning motivation." (3) Guided discovery instruction in Advertising Creative courses had no significant effect on students' overall "creative self-efficacy," but there was an increase in "contend against negative evaluation" in creative self-efficacy. (4) There was no significant difference in the effects of didactic instruction and guided discovery instruction in creative advertising courses on students' learning attitudes. (5) Students who received guided discovery instruction were significantly more satisfied with learning than those who received didactic instruction. (6) There was no significant difference in the effects of didactic instruction and guided discovery instruction in Advertising Creative courses on students' learning outcomes.

中文摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 誌謝 v 目錄 ii 表目錄 v 圖目錄 viii 壹、緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 5 1.3研究架構 6 1.4研究範圍與限制 7 貳、文獻探討 8 2.1教學及學習理論 8 2.1.1建構教學 8 2.1.2前導組織與有意義學習理論 10 2.1.3發現式教學與探究式教學 13 2.1.4引導發現式教學 15 2.2學習興趣 19 2.3 創意自我效能 20 2.4廣告創意 23 2.4.1廣告創意原則與評估 23 2.4.2廣告創意的分類 27 2.4.3廣告圖像表現策略 31 參、研究方法 32 3.1研究及實驗架構流程 32 3.2研究方法 33 3.3研究工具 35 3.3.1廣告學課程學習興趣量表 35 3.3.2創意自我效能評估量表 36 3.3.3廣告學課程學習態度量表 37 3.3.4廣告學課程學習滿意度量表 38 3.3.5廣告學課程學習成效量表 39 3.4前導研究 40 3.4.1學習經驗焦點團體訪談 40 3.4.2受訪者基本資料 40 3.4.3訪談規劃與架構 41 3.4.4訪談結果 43 3.5專家問卷 50 3.5.1問卷題目設計 50 3.5.2專家問卷調查結果之整理分析 51 3.6前導研究結論 58 3.7課程架構與目標 59 3.8課程設計 61 肆、研究結果與分析 71 4.1控制組與實驗組學習前前測差異分析 72 4.1.1控制組與實驗組學習興趣學習前前測差異分析 72 4.1.2控制組與實驗組創意自我效能前測差異分析 74 4.1.3控制組與實驗組學習前前測差異分析結論 76 4.2控制組前、後測差異分析 76 4.2.1控制組學習興趣前、後測差異分析 77 4.2.2控制組創意自我效能前、後測差異分析 78 4.2.3控制組前、後測差異分析結論 79 4.3實驗組前、後測差異分析 80 4.3.1實驗組學習興趣前、後測差異分析 80 4.3.2實驗組廣告設計創意自我效能前、後測差異分析 82 4.3.3實驗組前、後測比較分析結論 83 4.4控制組與實驗組學習成果比較分析 84 4.4.1控制組與實驗組學習態度差異分析 84 4.4.2控制組與實驗組學習滿意度差異分析 85 4.4.3控制組與實驗組學習成效差異分析 87 4.5學習後課程回饋問卷分析 89 4.5.1採用講述式教學之控制組課程回饋質性資料分析 89 4.5.2採用引導發現式教學之實驗組課程回饋質性資料分析 95 4.5.3學習後課程回饋分析結論 101 5.1研究結論 103 5.1.1引導發現式教學與講述式教學對學生學習興趣影響之差異 103 5.1.2引導發現式教學與講述式教學對學生創意自我效能影響之差異 105 5.1.3引導發現式教學與講述式教學對學生學習態度之影響 106 5.1.4引導發現式教學與講述式教學對學生學習滿意度之影響 106 5.1.5引導發現式教學與講述式教學對學生學習成效之影響 107 5.2後續研究建議 108 5.2.1對廣告創意課程教學之建議 108 5.2.2對未來研究之建議 109 參考文獻 111 附錄 120

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