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研究生: 趙韋翔
Wei-Siang Zhao
論文名稱: 代言人策略討論:以台灣的數位銀行為例
A Discussion on Celebrity Endorsement Strategies of the Digital Banks in Taiwan
指導教授: 李嘉林
Chia-Lin Li
口試委員: 梁浩怡
Hao-Yi Liang
En-Sin Jhang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 品牌個性品牌聯想品牌酷炫代言人數位銀行
外文關鍵詞: brand personality, brand association, brand coolness, celebrity endorser, digital banking
相關次數: 點閱:267下載:3
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With the rapid development of the Internet and the widespread use of smartphones and tablets, we are now in an era of technological innovation. Many tasks, big and small, can be easily accomplished through mobile devices. Financial technology is no exception, as almost every bank has launched its own mobile banking app. As communication technology and media ecology mature, marketing methods have also diversified, with celebrity endorsements being a common approach.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of celebrity endorsements on the development of digital banking apps in banks. Specifically, it explores the impact of the consistency between the celebrity endorser and the brand personality, user attitudes towards digital banking apps, user intention to use these apps, and user willingness to recommend them.
A total of 440 valid questionnaires were collected through an online survey. The results indicate that the degree of consistency between the brand and the celebrity endorser positively affects user attitudes towards digital banking apps. User attitudes, in turn, influence user intention to use and recommend the apps. User attitudes mediate the relationship between brand-celebrity consistency and app usage intention, as well as between brand-celebrity consistency and app recommendation intention. Overall, this study highlights the significant associations between brand-celebrity consistency, user attitudes, user intention to use, and user willingness to recommend.

目錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 3 第三節 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 數位銀行之現況 6 2.1.1數位銀行的介紹 6 2.1.2數位銀行的品牌聲量 10 2.1.3數位銀行的潛在客戶 11 第二節 相關研究文獻回顧 13 2.2.1 品牌聯想(Brand Association) 13 2.2.2 品牌個性(Brand Personality) 14 2.2.3 品牌酷炫(Brand Coolness) 18 第三節 代言人相關研究 19 2.3.1品牌與代言人的一致性 19 第四節 消費者對APP的使用態度、使用意願與推薦意願 21 2.4.1 APP使用態度 21 2.4.2 APP的使用意願 22 2.4.3 APP的推薦意願 23 第三章 研究設計和方法 26 第一節 變數衡量與預先測試問卷設計 26 3.1.1銀行品牌聯想預先測試問卷 26 3.1.2預先測試的樣本挑選 26 第二節 資料分析方法 27 3.2.1中介效果 27 3.2.2逐步回歸分析法 29 第四章 資料分析結果 31 第一節 預先測試問卷結果 31 4.1.1資料收集 31 4.1.2問卷資料結構 31 4.1.3銀行品牌與代言人的品牌聯想 34 第二節 正式問卷 38 4.2.1資料收集 38 4.2.2問卷資料結構 38 4.2.3信度分析 41 4.2.4假說檢定結果-總和問卷 42 4.2.5假說檢定結果-以海綿寶寶作為代言人 50 4.2.6假說檢定結果-以戴資穎作為代言人 58 第五章 結論 67 第一節 研究結果總結 67 第二節 理論貢獻 68 第三節 實務貢獻 69 第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 69 參考文獻 71

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