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研究生: Luca Maximilian Rapp
Luca Maximilian Rapp
論文名稱: 製造部門數位轉型之多屬性評估: 以 Hilti 工廠數位轉型藍圖之發展為例
Multidimensional Evaluation of Digitalization Projects in Production Areas – Development of a Digitalization Roadmap for Hilti Plant 4
指導教授: 林希偉
Shi-Woei Lin
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Chih-Hung Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 數位化數位化專案多準則決策工業4.0目標目標系統數位化路線圖專案組合專案管理
外文關鍵詞: digitalization projects, multi-criteria evaluation, targets, project portfolio, digitalization roadmap, target system
相關次數: 點閱:528下載:0
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  • List of Figures ............................................................................................................... IX List of Tables ................................................................................................................. XI List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................... XII 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Problem Statement and Motivation ......................................................................... 1 1.2 Objectives of the Thesis ......................................................................................... 2 1.3 Structure of the Thesis ............................................................................................ 5 2 Theoretical Framework ............................................................................................... 7 2.1 Digitalization .......................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Industry 4.0 ............................................................................................................ 8 2.2.1 Historical Development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution ........................... 9 2.2.2 Enabler Technologies ................................................................................... 10 2.2.3 Horizontal and Vertical Integration ............................................................... 13 2.2.4 Maturity Level Index .................................................................................... 14 2.2.5 Opportunities and Risks of Industry 4.0 ........................................................ 16 2.3 Projects and Project Management ......................................................................... 18 2.3.1 Process and Phase Model of Project Management ......................................... 19 2.3.2 Stage-Gate Process Hilti Plant 4.................................................................... 24 2.3.3 Project Selection and Evaluation as a Cycle .................................................. 26 2.4 Multi-Criteria Decision Making ............................................................................ 27 2.4.1 Weighted Sum Method ................................................................................. 28 2.4.2 Weighted Product Method ............................................................................ 29 2.4.3 Analytic Hierarchy Process ........................................................................... 29 2.4.4 Technique for Order Preference by Similarity Ideal Solution ........................ 31 2.5 Field of View of the Functional Areas .................................................................. 33 3 Development of a Target System .............................................................................. 35 3.1 Explanation of the Methodological Approach ....................................................... 35 3.2 Development of the Strategic Target System for the Evaluation ............................ 36 3.2.1 Existing Criteria for Evaluating Digitalization Projects ................................. 36 3.2.2 Hilti AG Evaluation Criteria ......................................................................... 37 3.3 Definition of a Set of Evaluation Criteria .............................................................. 38 3.4 Formation of the Target System ............................................................................ 41 3.5 Expert Survey on the Weighting of the Target System .......................................... 46 3.6 Evaluation of the Expert Survey and Weighting of the Target System .................. 50 4 Development of Digitalization Projects .................................................................... 56 4.1 Identification of the Fields of Action .................................................................... 56 4.2 Elaboration of Possible Use Cases ........................................................................ 58 5 Implementation of the Evaluation Tool .................................................................... 66 5.1 Requirements for the Evaluation Tool .................................................................. 66 5.2 Selection of a Multi-Criteria Method for the Evaluation ....................................... 67 5.3 Program Flow of the Evaluation ........................................................................... 68 5.4 Implementation of the Evaluation Tool ................................................................. 69 5.4.1 Dashboard of the Evaluation Results ............................................................. 71 5.4.2 Evaluation Matrix and Booster Project List Worksheet ................................. 77 5.4.3 Enabler Worksheet........................................................................................ 79 6 Evaluation and Digitalization Roadmap .................................................................. 80 6.1 Digitalization Roadmap Assembly ........................................................................ 81 6.2 Quick Wins Hilti Plant 4....................................................................................... 83 6.3 Lighthouse Projects of Each Functional Area ....................................................... 85 6.4 Further Development of the Existing Digitalization Roadmap Projects Plant 4 ..... 86 6.5 Recommendations for Action - Enabler ................................................................ 88 6.6 Digitalization Roadmap Plant 4 ............................................................................ 90 7 Summary and Outlook .............................................................................................. 92 7.1 Summary and Conclusion ..................................................................................... 92 7.2 Potentials for Further Research ............................................................................. 95 8 References .................................................................................................................. 96 Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 106

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