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研究生: 紀瑞祐
論文名稱: 使用跨機器數據概念漂移進行CNC工具機中的多狀態鐵屑狀態識別
Multi-state Metal Chips Status Recognition in CNC Machine Tools with the use of Concept Drift for Cross Machines Data
指導教授: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
口試委員: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
Yo-Ping Huang
Nai-Jian Wang
Mei-Yung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 概念標移CNC工具機影像識別影像處理網格分類鐵屑量狀態分類
外文關鍵詞: Concept drift, CNC machine tool, Image recognition, Image processing, Grid-based classification, Status classification of metal chips volume
相關次數: 點閱:462下載:2
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本研究提出了一種深度學習方法,使用跨機器數據概念漂移進行CNC工具機中的多狀態鐵屑狀態識別。本研究的目的是考慮在進行跨多機台數據資料學習的過程,會因為不同資料集之間的影像差異,包括影像色調、背景光源、錄影的角度與品質差異等因素,造成在訓練資料時的準確度無法提升。為了解決這個問題,將這些新的數據包括進來是一個直接的思路。在本研究中,為了獲得更好的學習效果,考慮了針對這些新數據的概念漂移方法。實驗的結果得出在加上2%調整後的影像資料準確率可提升至93.94%,比較初始模型(initial model)的結果提高了11%。同時也去調整訓練的次數(epoch)與學習率(learning rate)對訓練結果的影響,結果顯示增加訓練的次數無法顯著的提升準確率,但調整學習率的大小將會大幅地影響最終的學習結果。本研究的另一項任務是鐵屑量的狀態分類,透過將原始影像資料從RGB型態轉灰階影像,並進行二值化後,依照不同的灰度值大小對鐵屑量進行分類,並透過前一項任務所訓練的模型,將分類的結果印在每一幀的影像上,目的在於未來進行CNC工具機水柱清潔路徑的規劃能依據機台上遍布的鐵屑多寡,進行路徑最佳化。

In this study, a deep learning approach for considering multi-state metal chips status recognition in CNC machine tools with the use of concept drift for cross machines data is proposed. The purpose of this study is to consider the process of cross-machine data learning, in which the recognition accuracy may be degraded due to the image differences between different datasets, including the image color tone, the background light source, the recording angle and the quality differences. To include those new data become a straightforward idea to resolve this problem. In this study, in order to have better learning perform, concept drift approaches are considered for those new data. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the image data with the 2% adjustment can be increased to 93.94%, which is 11% higher than the result of the initial model. we also adjust the training epoch and learning rate and the results show that increasing the number of training cannot significantly improve the accuracy rate, but adjusting the size of the learning rate will significantly affect the final learning results. Another task of this study is the state classification of metal chips volume rather than only having chips or not. The classification results can be used in the planning of the cleaning path in the future based on the amount of metal chips spread on the machine.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III Table of Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Tables VII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivation 2 1.3 Contributions 4 1.4 Thesis Organization 5 Chapter 2 Related Works 6 2.1 Concept Drift 6 2.2 Metal Chips Recognition 7 Chapter 3 Metal Chips Recognition and Concept Drift 8 3.1 Methodology 8 3.1.1 Concept Drift 8 3.1.2 Grid-based Classification and Recognition 9 3.1.3 Network Architecture 10 3.1.4 Loss Function 12 3.2 Experiments 12 3.2.1 Datasets 12 3.2.2 Evaluation Metrics 17 3.2.3 Environment 18 3.2.4 Implementation Details 18 3.2.5 Results and Analysis 20 Chapter 4 Status Classification of Metal Chips Volume 78 4.1 Methodology 78 4.1.1 Image to Grayscale 78 4.1.2 Conduct Image Binarization 79 4.1.3 The Level of Status Classification of Metal Chips Volume 80 4.2 Experiments 80 4.2.1 Implementation Details 80 4.2.2 Results and Analysis 82 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 86 5.1 Conclusions 86 5.2 Future Work 87 References 88

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全文公開日期 2028/08/18 (校外網路)
全文公開日期 2028/08/18 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)