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研究生: 李易霖
論文名稱: 混合型太陽光伏電池儲能系統之能源套利控制策略研究
Study on Control Strategy of a Hybrid PV-BESS System for Energy Arbitrage
指導教授: 郭政謙
Cheng-Chien Kuo
口試委員: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
Cheng-Chien Kuo
Hong-Cheng Chen
Nien-Che Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 混合型太陽光伏電池儲能系統充放電控制策略太陽能預測保護饋線能源套利
外文關鍵詞: Hybrid PV-BESS, control strategy, PV forecast, power line protection, arbitrage
相關次數: 點閱:273下載:0
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  • 為達成我國經濟部能源局2025年再生能源佔20%之目標,於2021年電力交易平台正式上線,為併網之頻率相關問題提出了一系列解決方案;而台灣的下一步,便是加速提升我國之主要再生能源-太陽能與風力之滲透率,在不更動既有饋線設備的情形下,加入更多的太陽能併網。

    When facing the crisis of energy and global warning, most countries increasing the investment to raising the renewable energy. As renewable energy raises rapidly, the impact to power Grid should not be neglect. In order to solve this problem, the renewable energy integrate with the battery energy storage system, BESS, becomes the most useful solution. The BESS, which couple with PCS and battery, can provide multi-service through their trait of quick response. It is the reason why that IRENA take BESS as the first place to achieve the NetZero project at 2050.
    In Taiwan, the government planned to increase the renewable energy rate at 20% of the total power generation. To achieve this target, on one hand, our government set the online power trading to relieve the frequency impact due to the renewable energy joined. On the other hand, the government’s next target is to raise the penetration both of wind and PV through increase the installed capacity without new power line.
    In this paper, the BESS control strategy is proposed to meet the government’s need with specific ratio of PV and BESS. The strategy takes the ratio of available PV generation and PV capacity as base and support with PV generation forecast which through multi-linear regression by temperature and humidity to achieve both of power line protection and arbitrage in matlab. The simulation shows that the strategy is suitable for the actual policy.

    中文摘要 I Absract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 3 1.3 研究流程 5 1.4 論文架構 6 第二章 再生能源與儲能系統 8 2.1 再生能源簡介 8 2.2 再生能源併網 12 2.2.1 常見併網方法 13 2.2.2 系統慣量不足 15 2.2.3 電壓穩定度 18 2.3 儲能系統簡介 20 2.3.1 儲能系統的組成 20 2.3.2 電池種類 21 2.4 儲能系統應用 23 2.5 能源管理系統 25 第三章 控制策略 27 3.1 系統架構 27 3.1.1 全系統架構圖 27 3.1.2 通訊架構 28 3.1.3 整體控制策略流程圖 29 3.2 太陽能預測 30 3.2.1 預測資料來源-Foreca 30 3.2.2 線性迴歸 31 3.2.3 太陽能預測流程圖 34 3.2.4 充電排程 35 3.3 儲能系統控制策略 40 第四章 模擬結果與討論 45 4.1 模擬情境 45 4.2 太陽能預測 46 4.2.1 多元線性回歸係數 46 4.2.2 發電量預測結果 46 4.3 執行結果 48 第五章 結論 56 第六章 未來研究方向 57 參考文獻 58

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