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研究生: 連英順
論文名稱: 新四維度Lorenz系統之渾沌同步及其在FPGA上實現即時影片加密
Synchronization of New 4D Lorenz Chaotic System and Implement Real-Time Video Cryptosystem via FPGA
指導教授: 楊振雄
Cheng-Hsiung Yang
口試委員: 郭永麟
Yong-Lin Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: Lorenz渾沌系統順滑控制積分控制適應性控制離散化現場可程式化閘陣列即時影片加密
外文關鍵詞: Lorenz Chaotic System, Sliding Mode Control, Integral Control, Adaptive Control, Discretization, Field Programmable Gate Array, Real-Time Video Encryption
相關次數: 點閱:911下載:0
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Because multimedia applications affect many aspects of our life, multimedia data security is becoming an important problem. To protect the increasing use of multimedia, security technologies are being developed.
Based on the 3D Lorenz chaotic system, we redesign and produce the New 4D Lorenz chaotic system. And we apply the Matlab to analyze the new chaotic system’s properties which include 2D phase portraits, 3D phase portraits, equilibrium analysis, divergence analysis, power spectral density analysis and Lyapunov exponent diagrams. Then we simulate the new chaotic system by electronic circuit simulation software named Multisim. If the simulation is correct, we establish the real circuit on the breadboard and compare the result with simulation.
In the part of control theory, we use sliding mode control, integral sliding mode control and adaptive integral sliding mode control to implement the New 4D Lorenz chaotic system’s synchronization and compare the three kinds of controllers’ difference. After that, we discretize the new system and synchronize it. Therefore, we can implement on the FPGA platform.
Finally, we use the chaotic system’s property to implement real-time video secure encryption algorithm. Besides that, utilizing the synchronization of control for the real-time video decryption algorithm on FPGA. In this study, we convert the master and synchronized slave system to digital signals. The master system is used for real-time video encryption and the slave one is used for decrypting real-time video.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III List of FiguresVIII List of TablesXI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Objectives 2 1.3 Literature review 2 1.4 Thesis structure 3 Chapter 2 Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis of the New 4D Lorenz Chaotic System 4 2.1 Phase portraits 4 2.2 Equilibrium analysis 5 2.3 Divergence analysis 7 2.4 Power spectrum analysis 7 2.5 Lyapunov exponent 7 2.6 Design and realization of electronic circuit 7 Chapter 3 Synchronization of the New 4D Lorenz Chaotic System by Using Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode control 20 3.1 Synchronization of the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system by using the sliding mode control 20 3.1.1The theory of the sliding mode control 20 Sliding surface design 21 Design of the sliding mode controller 22 Stability analysis 23 3.1.2Construction of the sliding mode controller for the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system 23 3.2 Synchronization of the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system by using the integral sliding mode control 26 3.2.1The theory of the integral sliding mode control 26 Integral sliding surface design26 Design of the integral sliding mode controller 27 Stability analysis 28 Integral sliding surface’s principle 29 3.2.2Construction of the integral sliding mode controller for the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system 29 3.3 Synchronization of the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system by using the adaptive integral sliding mode control 31 3.3.1The theory of the adaptive integral sliding mode control 31 Sliding surface design 32 Design of the adaptive integral sliding mode controller 33 Stability analysis 34 3.3.2Construction of the adaptive integral sliding mode controller for the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system 34 Chapter 4 Hardware Implementation of New 4D Lorenz Chaotic System Synchronization by Using FPGA 43 4.1 Introduction to FPGA 43 4.2 Implementation of New 4D Lorenz chaotic system on FPGA 44 4.2.1 new 4D Lorenz chaotic system for FPGAs using DSP builder 44 4.1.2 Discretization of continuous new 4D Lorenz chaotic system based on the Euler’s method 45 4.3 Synchronization of the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system by using the sliding mode control in FPGA 51 4.3.1Design and simulation of sliding mode controllers for the synchronization of new 4D Lorenz system 51 4.3.2FPGA implementation of sliding mode synchronization for new 4D Lorenz chaotic system 54 4.4 Synchronization of the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system by using the integral sliding mode control in FPGA 56 4.4.1Design and simulation of integral sliding mode controllers for the synchronization of new 4D Lorenz system 56 4.4.2FPGA implementation of integral sliding mode control synchronization for new 4D Lorenz chaotic system 59 4.5 Synchronization of the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system by using the adaptive integral sliding mode control in FPGA 61 4.5.1Design and simulation of adaptive integral sliding mode controllers for the synchronization of New 4D Lorenz system 61 4.5.2FPGA implementation of adaptive integral sliding mode control synchronization for new 4D Lorenz chaotic system 65 Chapter 5 Encryption of Real-Time Video Based on New 4D Lorenz Chaotic System by using FPGA 68 5.1 Introduction to the real-time video cryptography based on the new 4D Lorenz chaotic system 68 5.1.1 XOR Encryption techniques 69 5.1.2 The architecture of proposed real-time video cryptography algorithm 70 5.2 Experimental results 73 Chapter 6 Conclusion 74 References 75

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