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研究生: 莊育庭
Yu-Ting Chuang
論文名稱: 具雙向功率控制之儲能系統研製
Development of Energy Storage System with Bidirectional Power Control
指導教授: 吳瑞南
Ruay-Nan Wu
口試委員: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
Tsung-Huang Hsieh
Cheng-Chien Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 輸出功率控制數位信號處理器儲能系統市電併聯雙向功率轉換器
外文關鍵詞: output power control, digital signal processor, energy storage system, grid connection, bidirectional power converter/inverter
相關次數: 點閱:400下載:10
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  • 本文旨在研製以數位信號處理器為控制核心之儲能系統雙向充放電率控制器,用以協助家庭能源管理系統的電力調配。本架構以蓄電池做為儲能設備,透過雙向DC/DC、雙向DC/AC轉換器與市電併聯,協調電池與市電雙方能源間之供需,其特色能根據家庭能源管理系統之命令,對轉換器輸出功率與電池充/放電做立即性的控制,使家庭用電獲得削峰填谷的效果,進而達到即時性能源管理之目的。

    Using the digital signal processor as the control center, an energy storage system with bidirectional charging rate control to apply to the power dispatch of home energy management system has been developed. In the structure of the study, battery was set up as the energy storage system which got connected with AC grid by way of DC/DC bidirectional converter and DC/AC bidirectional inverter which regulate the power supply between battery and AC grid. The design can be applied to the home energy management system whose command can do the real-time control to the output power of the converter/inverter and the charging/discharging of the battery. Thus, the peak-shaving effect in home energy use can be achieved and the goal of real-time energy management can further be reached.
    In the energy storage system part, bidirectional buck/boost converter was employed as the regulator between battery and DC bus capacitor. In AC grid part, a single phase full bridge structure was used. This structure includes grid connection mode and rectification mode. Grid connection mode by using single-pole voltage switching technique can send the AC power of 110Vrms, 60Hz sinusoidal wave in DC bus capacitor to AC grid. Rectification mode can carry out the function of rectifier and power factor correction, and can send the power in AC grid to DC bus capacitor. The high-efficiency and low cost digital signal processor TMS320F28335 by TI (Texas Instrument) was used as the monitor center to integrate converter/inverter circuit, peripheral voltage and current feedback circuit. The closed-loop control was carried out by software which can freely regulate the bidirectional charging/discharging rate. Predictive current control technique was used to check the level of the current. Linear voltage regulation technique was combined to control the voltage of DC bus capacitor. The energy storage system in this study has established the bidirectional charging rate control which can range from 0 W to 350 W. Furthermore, the system can readily get connected with the AC grid. Experimental results prove the validity and feasibility of the control device proposed by this study.

    中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目錄 III 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 文獻探討 2 1.3 論文架構 4 1.4 本文大綱 6 第二章 儲能系統及雙向直流-直流功率轉換器 8 2.1 儲能設備 8 2.2 雙向直流-直流功率轉換器之控制分析 9 2.2.1 降壓模式之直流-直流功率轉換器電路動作原理 10 2.2.2 昇壓模式之直流-直流功率轉換器電路動作原理 14 2.3 預測式電流控制法搭配線性穩壓機制 19 2.3.1 降壓模式之控制分析 20 2.3.2 昇壓模式之控制分析 21 第三章 全橋式雙向換流器 24 3.1 市電併聯模式 24 3.2 市電併聯電路動作原理 25 3.2.1 市電併聯正半週期 25 3.2.2 市電併聯負半週期 26 3.3 功率因數修正模式 27 3.4 功率因數修正電路工作原理 28 3.4.1 功率因數修正正半週期 28 3.4.2 功率因數修正負半週期 29 3.5 預測式電流控制法與參考電流設計 31 3.5.1 市電併聯模式之控制分析 32 3.5.2 功率因數修正模式之控制分析 34 3.5.3 參考電流設計 35 第四章 硬體電路設計與系統軟體規劃 38 4.1 週邊硬體電路介紹 38 4.1.1 直流穩壓電容回授電路 38 4.1.2 直流與交流電流回授電路 39 4.1.3 交流電壓回授與零交越電路 41 4.1.4 直流穩壓電容預充電路 42 4.1.5 市電併聯電路 43 4.1.6 閘極驅動電路 44 4.1.7 緩振器電路與開關輔助二極體 45 4.2 系統軟體規劃 46 4.2.1 數位信號處理器 46 4.2.2 數位信號處理器程式流程 50 第五章 實作電路結果 60 5.1 雙向功率轉換器電器規格 60 5.2 控制法驗證 61 5.3 實測工作環境與實體電路 67 第六章 結論與未來研究方向 70 6.1 結論 70 6.2 未來研究方向 71 參考文獻 73 附錄 76

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