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研究生: 陳聖汶
Sheng-Wen Chen
論文名稱: 高效率永磁同步電動機控制策略研究及其在智慧型自動追蹤系統之應用
Research of High Efficiency Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control Strategy and Its Application to Intelligent Automatic Tracking System
指導教授: 蕭弘清
Horng-Ching Hsiao
Chun-Yu Hsiao
口試委員: 胡能忠
Neng-Chung Hu
Hsiu-Ming Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 數位信號處理永磁同步電動機電壓空間向量脈波寬度調變人員位置演算
外文關鍵詞: Digital signal processing, Permanent magnet synchronous motor, Voltage Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation, Personnel position calculation
相關次數: 點閱:624下載:0
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  • 本論文探討智慧型高效能電風扇的設計研發,其目的在於使室內空間對流風的有效利用,創造較佳的舒適涼風生活空間品質。研究內容包含以高效率永磁同步電動機作為電風扇馬達的控制策略研究,及其在智慧型自動熱源追蹤系統之適應應用,技術研發部份包括多段對流風控制及智慧型多目標人員自動追蹤系統兩大主軸,風扇系統之外型、旋轉葉片設計有別於傳統,以環形陣列式及噴射機渦流葉片之外型為設計參考,並運用3D列印技術製作而成。
    多段對流風控制系統可追隨設定指令而控制風扇運轉性能,轉速調控範圍設計在900 rpm至1,400 rpm間,以100 rpm為一組實驗級距,共分為六段區間,並以實驗結果驗證其穩定性,精準度約為99%。智慧型多目標人員自動追蹤系統,偵測範圍為0度至180度,實驗分為四種量測:全區域、左半區域、右半區域及零區域人員偵測,並將偵測之溫度數值傳至數據庫,由監控視窗隨時更新數據,並利用人員位置用演算結果自動控制出風口之角度,使空間內每一位人員均可同時分配得幾乎同等風量與舒適感。

    This thesis is developing an innovative smart electric fan to create comfortable indoor living environment. The study included high performance control strategy of permanent magnet synchronous motor and its application to intelligent automatic tracking system. The research can be divided into two main categories, speed control strategy for multi-stage air flow control and automatic heat source tracking system to provide smart tracking multi-target person. The innovative electric fan appearance and blade are, quite different from the traditional model, constituted by ring matrix array of multi-fan units and the jet vortex blades referred, which were made with 3D printing technology.
    The multi-stage air flow control system can effectively control the running performance of the fan. The control range is between 900 rpm to 1,400 rpm, and being divided into six sections with 100 rpm apart from each other. The stability and operation error, the accuracy is about 99%. The smart multi-target tracking system can scan and detect person positions from 0o to 180o range and updated the person position/temperature in the database at all times. The scanning space is divided into four areas, full area, left half area, right half area, and zero area for personnel detection. The person position is used to automatically control the direction of the air flow outlet with the calculation results.
    The system takes a digital signal processing unit TMS320F28335 as the main control component, deployed with peripheral hardware including microcontroller, automatic tracking circuit, Hall sensor detection circuit, infrared temperature sensor and three-phase inverter, etc. The mathematical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor was formulated, relative manipulations included coordinate axis conversion, the closed-loop speed control scheme, voltage space vector pulse width modulation technique etc. are systematically together to complete the entire drive control system via the program writing in C-language.

    摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 第一章緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2相關文獻探討 4 1.3論文特色 5 1.4論文大綱 6 第二章永磁同步電動機數學模型建構 10 2.1前言 10 2.2永磁同步電動機之結構 10 2.3永磁同步電動機數學模型 12 2.4永磁同步電動機座標軸轉換 15 2.4.1 ABC軸及dq0軸之座標轉換 15 2.4.2靜止座標軸轉換(Clarke轉換) 17 2.5本章結語 21 第三章永磁同步電動機驅控系統 22 3.1前言 22 3.2轉速閉迴路控制系統 22 3.3轉子磁極角位置偵測 25 3.4三相電壓源變頻器之電力電路及開關模式 27 3.5脈波寬調變控制 29 3.5.1 Clarke座標軸及電壓空間向量之關係 30 3.5.2電壓空間向量脈波寬度調變控制 32 3.6本章結語 37 第四章系統實驗硬體電路與程式流程 38 4.1前言 38 4.2系統實體外型設計 38 4.2.1噴射機渦流葉片設計 38 4.2.2環形陣列出風口設計 39 4.3風扇電動機運用之種類 40 4.3.1永磁同步電動(馬唯科技公司型號WM-172-500) 41 4.3.2伺服電動機(輝盛公司型號MG90S) 41 4.3.3鼓風扇(台達電子公司型號BFB0712HF) 42 4.4控制系統實驗硬體電路 43 4.4.1數位信號控制器 43 4.4.2三相變頻器驅動開關 45 4.4.3霍爾感測器信號電路 46 4.4.4多目標人員自動追蹤系統控制電路 46 4.5智慧型人員自動追蹤系統程式目標 47 4.5.1多段對流風控制系統程式流程 48 4.5.2多目標人員自動追蹤系統程式流程與人員位置演算 51 4.6本章結語 54 第五章智慧控制系統實驗平台與量測結果 55 5.1多段對流風控制系統實驗結果 55 5.2智慧型多目標人員自動追蹤系統實驗結果 66 5.3本章結語 72 第六章結論與未來研究建議 73 6.1結論 73 6.2未來研究建議 74

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