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研究生: 宋炫慶
Xuan-qing Song
論文名稱: 基於粒子濾波技術的多個移動物體之即時視覺偵測與追蹤
Real-Time Visual Detection and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects Based on Particle Filter Techniques
指導教授: 范欽雄
noneChin-Shyurng Fahn
口試委員: 范國欽
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 視覺偵測視覺追蹤背景建立前景偵測陰影去除背景維護顏色機率直方圖粒子濾波
外文關鍵詞: visual detection, visual tracking, background generation, foreground detection, shadow elimination, background maintenance, color distribution histogram, particle filter
相關次數: 點閱:317下載:4
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  • 近十年來,隨著視訊產品的普及化及和電腦視覺技術的快速進步,使得動態影像偵測與追蹤的方法被應用在各種領域,例如監視系統、智慧型交通系統、停車場管理系統等,它們可用來取代許多無聊且費時的工作,也可避免因為人類的疲倦所帶來的疏失,而在時效上,它們具有即時回報突發狀況的能力,所以能大幅降低整體系統的時間成本。本論文所提的視覺偵測與追蹤系統,在偵測階段,共分成背景建立、前景偵測、陰影去除和背景更新四部份,其中背景建立部份,係採用中位數的方法來建立,而前景偵測部份,則使用擷取函數以間接相減的方式分辨前景與背景,另在去除陰影部份,是以決定性無模型為主的方法來除陰影,至於背景更新部份,則使用歷史圖來記錄背景變動的次數,進而達到更新背景的目的。又在系統的追蹤階段,本論文是採用粒子濾波器的方法來追蹤目標物,其中選取顏色分佈來當作目標物的特徵,而目標物的顏色記錄,則使用顏色機率直方圖來表示,並利用背景資訊來增加其權重,以獲得更好的追蹤效果。實驗結果顯示:在針對多目標物的一般情況下,我們的系統可以達到即時處理的速度,並且擁有良好的強健性。

    In the last decade, due to the popularization of video products and the rapid development of computer vision techniques, the detection and tracking methods for dynamic images have been widely applied in many kinds of fields, such as video surveillance, intelligent transportation, and parking area management systems. They can replace a lot of bored and time-wasting work, and avoid mannal mistakes caused by fatigue of human. On the effectiveness for a given period of time, these visual detection and tracking systems possess the ability of reporting sudden situations in real time, so that the whole time costs of such systems can be greatly reduced. In this thesis, the detection phase of our developed system consists of four parts: background generation, foreground detection, shadow elimination, and background maintenance. In the background generation part, the median method is used for constructing background images from the past N frames. In the foreground detection part, an extraction function is applied to indirectly perform differencing to obtain foreground images. In the shadow elimination part, a deterministic nonmodel-based method is adopted to remove shadows. As to the background maintenance part, a history map which records the number of times of the changes of corresponding pixels is employed to maintain background images. In the tracking phase of the system, this thesis exploits a particle filter to track moving objects. The color distribution of a moving object is chosen as its features represented by a color probability histogram. In order to raise the accuracy of tracking, the background information serves as the increase candidate weight of a moving object. The experimental results reveal that in general situations our system can achieve real-time processing and can obtain robust detection and tracking results for multiple moving objects.

    中文摘要I 英文摘要II 誌謝III 目錄III 圖表索引III 第一章 緒論1 1.1研究動機與目的1 1.2相關研究2 1.3主要貢獻2 1.4論文架構3 第二章 偵測與追蹤系統4 2.1建立背景4 2.2前景物擷取5 2.3陰影去除5 2.4背景更新6 2.5物體追蹤7 2.6系統流程7 第三章 物體偵測9 3.1Heikkila and Olli9 3.2 10 3.3Cutler11 3.4漸進背景影像建構11 3.5我們採用的方法15 第四章 陰影去除20 4.1統計無參數法(Statistical NonParametric Approach)20 4.2統計參數法(Statistical Parametric Approach)21 4.3我們採用的方法21 第五章 追蹤26 5.1如何描述一個物體的?26 5.2如何有效率的發現物體?27 5.2.1卡爾曼濾波器(Kalman Filter)27 5.2.2粒子濾波器(Particle Filter)28 第六章 實驗結果40 6.1物體偵測實驗結果40 6.2物體追蹤實驗結果47 6.3結果分析52 第七章 結論與未來研究方向53 7.1結論53 7.2未來研究方向53 參考文獻55

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