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研究生: 韓宗翰
Zong-Han Han
論文名稱: 利用毫米波雷達訊號與特徵轉移深度神經網路之非接觸式心電訊號重建技術
Non-contact ECG signal reconstruction using millimeter wave radar signals and feature transfer deep neural networks
指導教授: 彭盛裕
Sheng-Yu Peng
Tsao Yu
口試委員: 陳怡然
Yi-Jan Chen
Yu-Juei Hsu
Yi-Zeng Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 毫米波雷達心電圖神經網路深度學習非接觸式生理訊號監測遷移學習
外文關鍵詞: Non-contact physiological signal monitoring, Conformer
相關次數: 點閱:464下載:0
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  • 心電圖是一種用來檢測心臟功能的醫療診斷工具,透過將電極貼在身體不同部位,測量身體的心電信號,以繪製出心臟的電活動圖形,以檢測心臟的異常。心電圖也可以用於監測心臟疾病患者的治療效果和預防心臟疾病的發展。但目前臨床上的量測方法都是以接觸式為主,也就是說在量測前醫護人員必須協助病患黏貼電極貼片,這樣不僅會增加醫護人員作業量,也因為量測時會接觸病患皮膚,因此也不利於燒燙傷病患的量測。同時在流行性傳染病的疫情之下如流感,長時間接觸病患也會讓醫護人員增加被感染的風險,因此本論文提出非接觸式60GHz毫米波雷達為基礎的心電圖量測系統,在量測過程中無須協助病患黏貼電極貼片,可以減少醫護作業量,也因為無須接觸病患,醫護人員也不會暴露在受感染的風險之下,其量測方式為,透過60GHz 毫米波雷達裝置,量測病患胸口的微震動,並經訊號處理和深度學習,還原出心電圖,其中在訓練過程,將模型分成兩部分Encoder 和Decoder,先訓練Decoder 具有還原心電圖的能力,再訓練Encoder 能從雷達訊號中,找出PQRST 波的位置,最後由預先訓練好的Decoder還原成心電圖。

    An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a medical diagnostic tool to test heart function. An abnormality in the heart can be detected by placing electrodes on different body parts and measuring the body's electrocardiogram signal. ECG can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for heart disease patients and to prevent the development of heart disease. Currently, clinical ECG measurement methods are based on contact methods meaning that medical personnel must assist patients in applying electrode patches before measurement. This increases the workload of medical personnel and is not conducive to measuring burn or scalding patients. Additionally, during outbreaks of infectious diseases such as the flu, prolonged contact with patients can increase the risk of infection for medical personnel.

    Therefore, this paper proposes a non-contact 60GHz millimeter wave radar-based ECG measurement system. The measurement process does not require assistance from medical personnel to apply electrode patches, which can reduce the workload of medical personnel. Additionally, because it does not require contact with patients, medical personnel are not exposed to the risk of infection. During the measurement process, the system uses a 60GHz millimeter wave radar device to measure micro-vibrations in the patient's chest. The signal is processed and reconstructed ECG signal using deep learning. During training, the model is divided into two parts: an Encoder and a Decoder. The Decoder is trained to have the ability to reconstruct the ECG signal, and the Encoder is trained to find the position of the PQRST wave in the radar signal. Finally, the pre-trained Decoder is used to reconstruct the ECG.

    中文摘要 III Abstract in English IV Acknowledgement V Contents VI List of Figures X List of Tables XIV Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Motivation for the Study 1 1.2 Study Purpose 2 1.3 Thesis Structure 3 2 Literature Review 4 2.1 Clinical ECG Measurement 4 2.2 Capacitive ECG 5 2.3 Physiological Monitoring Device and mmWave Radar 6 2.4 Radar Fundamentals 7 2.4.1 Chirp 7 2.4.2 Intermediate Frequency Signal (IF Signal) 8 2.4.3 Object Distance 9 2.4.4 Distance-related Parameters in Radar Systems 10 2.4.5 Micro Vibration Detection 11 2.5 Conformer 13 2.5.1 Feed Forward Module 14 2.5.2 Multihead Self-Attention Module 15 2.5.3 Convolution Module 15 2.6 Baseline ECG Reconstruction 18 2.6.1 Baseline Model 18 2.6.2 Convolutional Neural Network 18 2.6.3 Recurrent Neural Network 20 Chapter 3 Materials and Methods 21 3.1 Experiment Protocol 21 3.2 Participants 22 3.3 Data Preprocessing 23 3.3.1 Range-FFT 23 3.3.2 Range-Bin 24 3.3.3 Phase and Phase Difference 26 3.3.4 Bandpass Filter 26 3.3.5 Data Segmentation 27 3.3.6 Data Cleaning and Data Alignment 28 3.4 The Proposed ECG Reconstruction 30 3.4.1 Model Architecture 30 3.4.2 Conformer 31 3.4.3 ECG Encoder and Shared Decoder 32 3.4.4 Peak Detection 33 3.4.5 mmWave Encoder 34 3.5 Performance Evaluation 35 Chapter 4 Experimental Results 38 4.1 Signal Reconstruction Performance 38 4.2 Cardiac Events Integrity 41 4.3 Ablation Experiment 42 4.4 Comparison 43 Chapter 5 Discussion 45

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