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研究生: 曾品菁
Pin-Jing Zeng
論文名稱: 探討以循環經濟模式進行品牌延伸之效果 ― 以台泥公司為例
Exploring the effect of circular economy model on implementing brand extension ―The case of Taiwan Cement Corporation
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 邢姍姍
San-San Hsing
Wei-Ning Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 循環經濟聯合品牌知覺契合度品牌權益購買意願
外文關鍵詞: Circular economy, Co-branding, Perceived fit, Brand equity, Purchase intention
相關次數: 點閱:466下載:5
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  •   工業革命以來,人類社會一直奉行線性經濟模式(開採-製造-使用-丟棄),不斷刺激消費、盲目追求經濟成長,同時卻也犧牲了有限的資源與自然環境,原物料的成本與風險也逐漸攀升,因此近年國際上開始逐漸盛行「循環經濟」理念,強調從產品生命週期的設計階段開始考慮資源的取得、製造、銷售、拋棄等環節,透過可恢復、再生性、產業共生等等設計,以達到零廢棄,也使物質循環過程創造全新經濟效益。

      Since the Industrial Revolution, companies have adhered to a linear model of value creation (take–make–dispose system), stimulating consumption and pursuing economic growth blindly. Meanwhile, it has also ruthlessly sacrificed limited natural resources and raise the cost and risk of raw materials. As a result, the concept of “Circular Economy” has gradually become prevalent all over the world. Circular economy emphasizes “redesign” the acquisition, processing, and disposal of resources in the product life cycle to reach “zero waste”. With restorative, regenerative and industrial symbiosis design, the circular process also creates new economic benefits.
      At present, “Circular Economy” in Taiwan is still in its infancy. The case in this study is Taiwanese Cement Corporation(TCC), devoted to environmental protection services and biotech industry. This study explores (1) whether the introduction of circular economy in brand extension will positively affect consumers' perceived fit and purchase intention and increase the brand equity, and (2) whether adopting co-branding strategy at the same time will attain more significant results. There are two surveys conducted in this paper and analyzed by using T-tests.
      The results indicate that Study 1 is partially supported. With the introduction of circular economy, consumers have a significantly higher degree of perceived fit and purchase intention, and brand equity is partially improved (with no significant difference in brand awareness). Besides, Study 2 is supported by the results. Applying the concept of circular economy and co-branding strategy not only further enhances perceived fit and purchase intention, but also brings a comprehensive improvement in brand equity, which is in favor of brand extension in circular economy model.

    摘要 ................................ ................................ i Abstract ................................ ............................ ii 謝誌 ................................ ................................ iii 目錄 ................................ ................................ iv 圖目錄 ................................ .............................. vi 表目錄 ................................ .............................. vii 第一章 緒論 .......................................................... 1   第一節 研究緣起 ................................................... 1   第二節 研究動機 ................................................... 3   第三節 研究目的 ................................................... 6   第四節 研究流程 ................................................... 7 第二章 文獻探討 ....................................................... 8   第一節 循環經濟 ................................................... 8   第二節 品牌延伸 ................................................... 12   第三節 知覺契合度 ................................................. 13   第四節 品牌權益 ................................................... 15   第五節 購買意願 ................................................... 18   第六節 聯合品牌 ................................................... 18 第三章 循環經濟對消費者之影響 .......................................... 20   第一節 研究假說 ................................................... 20   第二節 問卷設計 ................................................... 21   第三節 操弄方法 ................................................... 22     第一項 參與者和設計 ............................................ 22     第二項 刺激 ................................................... 22   第四節 操弄檢測 ................................................... 23   第五節 結果 ....................................................... 23   第六節 討論 ....................................................... 25 第四章 聯合品牌策略對消費者之影響 ....................................... 26   第一節 研究假說 .................................................... 26   第二節 問卷設計 .................................................... 26   第三節 操弄方法 .................................................... 28     第一項 參與者和設計 ............................................. 28     第二項 刺激 .................................................... 28   第四節 操弄檢測 .................................................... 29   第五節 結果 ........................................................ 29   第六節 討論 ........................................................ 31 第五章 結論與建議 ...................................................... 32   第一節 結論與管理意涵 ............................................... 32   第二節 限制與建議 ................................................... 34 文獻 ................................................................... 35 附錄 ................................................................... 40

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