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研究生: 郭德祥
Te-Hsiang Kuo
論文名稱: 黑鷹折翼:緊急空中轉診的反思與精進
Black Hawk Fell : Reflection and Improvement in Emergency Air Medical Transportation
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Yeh, Y. J.
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 業務流程再造系統建置領導力數位包容
外文關鍵詞: Business Process Re-engineering, System Implementation, leadership, Digital Inclusion
相關次數: 點閱:220下載:6
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  身為衛生福利部護理及健康照護司司長蔡淑鳳,經歷了2018年2月的空中轉診事故,在為黑鷹直升機意外落海悲痛之際,仍努力思考如何減少意外發生。因緣際會之下,參加了首屆總統盃社會創新黑客松大賽,設計出「空中轉診後送遠距會診平臺」的模式,秉持著發現問題,面對問題,解決問題的態度,以及勇於擁抱科技、擁抱新技術、積極進行跨部門溝通,突破現有法令限制的精神,帶領團隊勇奪首屆黑客松大賽TOP 5。

As the director of the Department of Nursing and Health Care of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Shwu-Feng Tsay, who is still deeply saddened by the Black Hawk helicopter crash in Feburay 2018, is still trying to develop ways and policies to help reduce air referral accidents. She participated in the first Presidential Cup of Social Innovation and designed a new model with the platform for remote consultation after referral in the air. She adheres to the attitude of discovering, facing and solving problems, while embracing new technology to help new methods. She actively conducts cross-departmental communication, and break through the existing legal restrictions to develop new solutions,thus leading her team to a the TOP 5 finish at the first annual hackathon competition.
The competition is just the beginning and only a process. What Director Shwu-Feng Tsay wants is to truly implement the original intention of the competition, that is to solve the problem of communication and coordination between "send", "review", and "receive" during air referral and/or evacuations. This is to provide the necessary information and video for real-time communication and shared decision making. In the process of meeting these needs, she reinterates the importance to improve the cumbersome and lengthy application mechanism to speed up the application process. Next she advises to shorten the policy and legal obstacles encountered by the instant “send”, “review”, and “receive” tri-party clinics. This allows for resources to be integrated through administrative procedures to make the consultation more accurate. By implementing these procedures it will give peace of mind in the face of doubts about the diagnosis of medical treatment by patients and their families; allowing them to make a easier decision and judgment on whether to stay or evacuate to the main island. Through technology and innovation, the improvement of medical and network technology equipment will affect people's perception of medical care, thus strengthening the trust between doctors and patients. In the deepest sense, Aeromedical Transportation and Teleconsultation Platform enable people to receive the right to be taken care of by the government, and does not discriminate in the quality of medical care due to the gap between urban and rural areas.

摘 要 II Abstract III 誌 謝 V 目 錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 個案本文 10 序場 10 黑鷹折翼,黃金救援內藏黑暗危機 11 合法等於安全? 14 抽絲剝繭,劍指問題核心 15 公民合作,黑客松拉出創新火花 18 新技術、創新服務,勇往直前無所畏懼 20 溝通,也需要發揮創意 21 巧婦難為無米之炊,比賽結束,才是真正的開始 25 領導力比管理力更重要 29 科技比我們想像的還能做更多 30 離島不孤、原鄉不偏,醫療照護一個都不能少 33 臺灣,值得擁有更好的未來 36 教學指引 40 個案總覽 40 教學目標 40 適用課程 41 課前準備 41 個案人物背景 41 教學流程 43 教學開始 44 附件 58 附件1 轉檢單 58 附件2 轉診單 59 附件3 空中救護適應症 60 附件4 空中緊急救護申請表 61 附件5 空中轉診申請表 63 附件6 授訪者授權同意書 66 參考文獻 68

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