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研究生: 陳欣宜
Hsin-I Chen
論文名稱: COVID-19疫情期間跨境電商消費者購買意向
Purchase Intentions toward Cross-Border E-Commerce Consumers during COVID-19 Period
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 新冠肺炎跨境電商SOR模型購買意向
外文關鍵詞: COVID-19, Cross-border E-commerce, SOR Model, Purchase Intention
相關次數: 點閱:844下載:0
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  當前爆發的Covid-19疫情對全球帶來巨大的影響,由於封鎖措施限制了消費者的行動,也改變了消費者的購買行為,更加速跨境電商購物蓬勃發展。本研究運用「刺激 個體 反應」模型 (Stimulus-Organism-Response, S-O-R) ,分別探討消費者對於選購品及便利品這二種產品類別,在疫情風險及跨境電商平台有用性的刺激下,所產生的態度與購買意向,同時也檢視消費者的愉悅與喚醒兩個心理狀態。

The current Covid-19 outbreak has had a huge impact on the world. Aside from restricting consumers’ actions, the lockdown measures are also changing consumers’ buying behavior and accelerating the development of cross-border e-commerce shopping. This study uses the “Stimulus – Organism–Response” model (SOR) to separately explore the impact of consumers on the two product categories of shopping and convenience products, stimulated by the wave of epidemic risks and the usefulness of cross-border e-commerce platforms. At the same time, it examines the two psychological states of pleasure and awakening.
The results of the study show that while the risk of the epidemic increases consumers’ willingness to buy, the usefulness of the platform is the key factor attracting consumers to purchase by comparison. The purchase of optional products will also affect consumers’ happiness, arouse their emotions, and enhance their willingness to buy. However, buying foreign convenience products cannot arouse consumers’ mental state.
Finally, based on the study results, it is recommended that cross-border e-commerce platforms and cross-border companies aim to enhance the full-process experience of consumers, integrate omni-channel sales channels, provide better quality purchases, and use digital marketing to operate the community. In the future, we will provide research directions by continuing to deepen the connection with consumers through sales and establish diverse communication channels to respond to the rapid changes in consumer buying behavior in the post-epidemic era.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致 謝 III 目 錄 III 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 4 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 研究重要性 4 1.5 研究流程 5 第二章、 文獻探討 6 2.1 新冠疫情 (COVID-19) 6 2.2 刺激-有機體-反應模型 8 2.3 COVID-19疫情認知風險 (Awareness of Infection Risk) 11 2.4 感知平台有用性 (Perceived Usefulness) 11 2.5 心理狀態 (Emotions) 12 2.6 產品類別 13 2.7 態度 (Attitude) 15 2.8 購買意向 (Purchase Intention) 15 第三章、 研究設計與方法 16 3.1 介紹:Amazon 16 3.2 研究模型 18 3.3 研究假設 18 3.4 研究設計 19 第四章、 研究結果及分析 23 4.1 問卷回收狀況 23 4.2 樣本基本資料分析 23 4.3 信度及效度分析 28 4.4 假說檢定結果 34 第五章、 研究結論及建議 38 5.1 研究結論 38 5.2 研究限制與不足及未來研究建議 41 參考文獻 43 附錄:問卷 51

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