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研究生: 鐘珮倫
Pei-Lun Chung
論文名稱: 基於自然語言處理之深度學習模型建立行動疏濬風險聊天機器人
Natural language processing-based deep learning model to build mobile dredging engineering project risk chatbot
指導教授: 周瑞生
Jui-Sheng Chou
口試委員: 周瑞生
Jui-Sheng Chou
I-Tung Yang
Jing-Ming Guo
Hui-Ping Tserng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 242
中文關鍵詞: 疏濬工程風險管理知識管理文本匹配自然語言學習模型
外文關鍵詞: dredging engineering, risk management, knowledge management, text matching, natural language processing model
相關次數: 點閱:368下載:0
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The dredging project is a significant water conservancy project for flood control in Taiwan. However, the implementation of dredging projects has three main difficulties. These are diverse natural and man-made risk events; the knowledge gaps caused by the retirement or resignation of senior dredgers, and the lack of experience sharing platforms preventing effective problem resolution. To solve these problems, the previous research established a dredging project risk knowledge base. This knowledge base not only provides comprehensive risk prevention assessment recommendations and the practical solutions for risk events, but also assists dredging personnel in Taiwan to make dredging decisions when encountering risks. However, the existing system has several shortcomings, including incomplete solution management methods, querying by expert system only, operation by computer only, and lack of response to unknown risk events.
Therefore, this study adopts the following methods to overcome the shortcomings of the previous system. First, this work collects the experience and knowledge of the dredging engineering personnel by interviewing ten River Management Offices, and collects practical solutions for risk events that are missing from the original knowledge base. This investigation also establishes a smart risk search system that includes a text matching method. The user can search related dredging risk prevention proposals in Taiwan by typing keywords. Second, this study establishes a smart risk prevention decision analysis system for unknown risk events. This system generates risk impact–frequency analysis maps and risk responses from keywords typed into a natural language processing risk classification model to assist the dredging personnel in the preliminary risk analysis of the unknown risks.
Finally, this study applies the proposed system to establish a dredging project risk knowledge map with LINE, the most popular communication software in Taiwan. Dredging project risk knowledge map enables relevant personnel to consult information on dredging project risk prevention programs and risk response measures at any time and place. This research will hopefully simplify the implementation of dredging projects, and reduce the possibility of risk.

摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1研究背景與動機 1.2研究目的與預期貢獻 1.3研究流程與論文架構 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1 疏濬工程知識管理對於風險控管之重要性 2.2 搜尋方式於工程領域之應用 2.3 疏濬風險分類預測 2.3.1傳統風險分類法 2.3.2自然語言處理之文本分類模型應用 2.4 聊天機器人設計開發驗證回顧 2.4.1設計開發 2.4.2驗證開發 第三章 研究方法 3.1深度學習自然語言處理模型 3.1.1 長短期記憶模型 3.1.2 門控循環單元模型 3.1.3 轉譯器雙向編碼表述 3.2 模型驗證及誤差評估準則 3.2.1文本匹配模型 3.2.2風險分類預測模型 3.3 專家系統檢索設計 3.4聊天機器人設計與驗證 3.4.1 聊天機器人之設計 3.4.2 聊天機器人之驗證 第四章 疏濬工程風險知識蒐羅及分析 4.1疏濬工程風險探討訪談與調查 4.2疏濬工程生命週期利害人關係 4.3疏濬工程風險分解結構(RBS) 4.4風險影響程度與發生頻率排名及分析 4.5知識庫拓展與其延伸 第五章 系統模型建立與驗證 5.1軟體及硬體設備說明 5.2文本匹配模型建立與驗證 5.2.1模型建立 5.2.2模型驗證 5.3風險分類預測模型建立與驗證 5.3.1 風險分類預測種類說明 5.3.2 長短期記憶風險預測模型 5.3.3 門控循環單元模型 5.3.4 轉譯器雙向編碼表述風險預測模型 5.3.5 結果驗證 第六章 聊天機器人系統整合與說明 6.1 系統框架設計 6.2系統驗證分析 6.2.1系統功能說明 6.2.2系統評估問卷設計 6.2.3系統問卷結果分析 6.3系統運行展示 6.4情境分析與系統貢獻 第七章 結論與建議 參考文獻 附錄一、疏濬工程風險知識庫 附錄二、文本匹配模型問卷 附錄三、聊天機器人整體評估問卷 附錄四、BERT文本匹配模型程式原始碼 附錄五、風險分類模型交叉驗證程式原始碼 附錄六、疏濬工程風險知識聊天機器人程式原始碼 附錄七、聊天機器人建立流程 附錄八、聊天機器人使用者操作流程教學

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