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研究生: 徐士仙
Shih-Hsien Hsu
論文名稱: 九典作品之構築適應性研究
The Tectonics and Adaptability of Works of Bio-Architecture Formosa
指導教授: 施植明
Chih-Ming Shih
口試委員: 李威儀
Wei-I Lee
Ching-Hwa Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 九典構築性環境與空間的連結性適應性
外文關鍵詞: Bio-Architecture Formosa, tectonics, the environment and spatial connectivity, adaptability
相關次數: 點閱:952下載:15
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  • 現代建築以材料技術、需求及經濟性為主要的發展朝向,另有部分逐步重視環境與文化的反思,透過永續性創造的方式,保持構築性的建造軌跡,力圖建立空間與環境的協調性,平衡性成為當今共同追逐的價值。九典聯合建築師事務所正邁向科技及環境平衡的思維與創造永續性的現代建築,並於作品當中展現構築性的建造形式,從科學及理性的方式,面對在地環境及文化變遷的挑戰。



    In the present, the development of contemporary architecture toward materials and technology, the demands, and the economy has gradually emphasized on the environmental and cultural aspects. Through the creation of the sustainable way not only remain the tracks of the structure of the building, but also establish the balance on the space and environment. As a result, it’s become an issue to discuss until today. Bio-Architecture Formosa is moving towards technology, the balance of environmental, and the creation of sustainable modern architecture. Moreover, it not only reveals the construct of the buildings, but also through the ways of science and rational to face the challenges of local environmental and the cultural change.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between environment and space of six completed sustainable buildings, including the solar library (2007-2011), the Lioujia ITRI domoritory (2007-2010), the Chiayi Industrial Innovation Center(2009-2011), the Beitou Public Library(2003-2006), Taipei Flora Expo Pavilions(2008-2010), and the Namaxia Min-quan Elementary School(2010-2011) (the latter five have obtained Diamond Level certificate from EEWH). Most of them emphasized the association with the space, structure, form of architectural envelope and sustainable strategy; moreover, the research of the Bio-Architecture Formosa which stress on tectonic oriented, create-oriented, and explore adaptive thinking and regard the balance of creation as the direction of thinking.
    Results indicated that: (1) through the conversion material and the practical ways let composite as a kind of connection with the architecture media to establish the assignment and keep the balance between the cognitive and existing; (2) in order to promote the coordination of the space and environment, through the connection between public spheres to build a type of the relationship between original and innovative;(3) sustainable strategies regard architectural envelope as moderating intermediary and the meaning of form in the substantial and mental aspects, thus balancing the technical and environmental cognition relations. and (4) based on the thinking of translation, circulation, and balance, adaptability advocated of the environment and adjust the ways of the construction, and hopes to develop an understanding of the Modernization is Based on the Environment and Culture sustainable existence.

    第壹章 緒論1 一、研究背景1 三、研究動機與目的1 二、研究範圍2 四、研究方法2 五、研究架構3 第貳章 構材的本質與建造能力4 一、鋼筋混凝土構材4 1. 鋼筋混凝土構材的建造能力4 二、鋼構材5 2. 鋼構材的建造能力5 三、木構材7 3. 木構材的建造能力7 四、小結8 第參章 構築性與空間連結研究課題分析10 一、結構形式與空間形態11 1.結構形式11 2.序列關係13 3.空間形態17 二、外殼形式和綠色策略20 1.綠色策略-空間或造型手法20 2.綠色策略-構築手法28 三. 結構與外殼形式的構築性34 1.覆面材料轉換的方式34 2.結構與構材的關係37 第肆章 永續性建築之構築實踐個案研究44 一、太陽圖書館44 1-1構造與材料44 1-2空間與形態45 1-3外殼形式45 二、工研院六甲院區二期宿舍48 2-1構造與材料48 2-2空間與形態48 2-3外殼形式49 三、嘉義產業創新研發中心52 3-1構造與材料52 3-2空間與形態52 3-3外殼形式53 四、北投圖書館56 4-1構造與材料56 4-2空間與形態56 4-3外殼形式57 五、花博新生三館59 5-1構造與材料60 5-2空間與形態60 5-3外殼形式61 六、那瑪夏民權國小64 6-1構造與材料64 6-2空間與形態64 6-3外殼形式65 第伍章 適應性的類型與取向69 一、材料適應性69 二、功能適應性70 三、形態適應性71 四、文化適應性72 五、構築適應性分析74 第陸章 研究結論80 一、材料適應性的本體性與再現性之異同80 二、功能適應性從使用機能到綠色策略的區分80 三、形態適應性的內在性及外在性之關聯80 四、文化適應性的文化再現及表現力度81 五、綜合評析81 參考文獻82 附錄一 郭英釗 建築師訪談資料彙整83 附錄二 九典作品之構築細部剖面圖(以外殼為主)86



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