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研究生: 呂肯岳
Ken-Yueh Lu
論文名稱: 基於交流阻抗量測之線上鋰離子電池電荷狀態與健康狀態估測器研製
Development of an Online SOC and SOH Estimator Based on AC Impedance Measurement for Li-ion Batteries
指導教授: 劉益華
Yi-Hua Liu
Yi-Feng Luo
口試委員: 劉益華
Yi-Hua Liu
Yi-Feng Luo
Shun-Chung Wang
Huang-Jen Chiu
Jen-Hao Teng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 鋰離子電池類神經網路電池電荷狀態電池健康狀態交流阻抗降壓式轉換器
外文關鍵詞: Li-ion Battery, Artificial Neural Network, State of Charge, State of Health, AC impedance, Buck converter
相關次數: 點閱:812下載:0
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當前儲能系統(Energy Storage Systems, ESS)以及鋰離子電池(Li-ion Battery)的重要性及數量逐漸上升。鋰離子電池的健康狀態(State of Health, SOH)以及電荷狀態(State of Charge, SOC)是非線性變化的,很容易受到外在因素影響。因此如何線上估測電池狀態成為一大課題。
本文提出使用一降壓型轉換器(Buck Converter)在不新增任何電路元件的前提下,產生可變頻的弦波電流對電池進行主動交流擾動(Perturbation),並藉由此擾動量測其電池在各個頻率下的交流阻抗(AC Impedance)。接著利用事先訓練好且已經寫入微控制器(Microprocessor)中的類神經網路(Artificial Neural Network, ANN)進行線上SOC/SOH估測。在電池充滿電後,量測電池交流阻抗,更新電池目前狀態之SOH。而當電池處在休息狀態超過一小時後,也會量測電池之交流阻抗,更新靜態SOC。最後當電池處於放電狀態時,會依據放電電流、交流阻抗以及電池表面溫升來估測電池的動態SOC。

The importance and quantity of Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and Li-ion batteries are increasing. The State of Health (SOH) and State of Charge (SOC) of Li-ion batteries are non-linear and can be easily affected by external factors. Therefore, how to estimate the battery status online is a major issue.
This paper proposes to use a Buck converter to perturb the battery by generating a variable frequency sinusoidal current to the battery without adding any new circuit components and measuring the AC Impedance of the battery at each frequency. Then, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is written into the microprocessor for online SOC/SOH estimation. When the battery is fully charged, the AC impedance of the battery is measured to update the SOH at the current state, and when the battery is rested for more than an hour, the AC impedance is measured to update the static SOC. Finally, when the battery is discharged, the dynamic SOC is estimated based on the discharge current, AC impedance, and surface temperature rise of the battery.
In this paper, three groups of neural networks are trained based on the above three different situations and verified with different test data. The first neural network uses the AC impedance of the battery to estimate SOH with an average absolute error of 0.32% and a mean square error of 0.14. The average absolute error of the second neural network is 1.37% and the mean square error is 2.73 when estimating static SOC with static AC impedance and discharge current. The third neural network is based on dynamic AC impedance, discharge current, and surface temperature rise of the battery to estimate dynamic SOC, with an average absolute error of 1.06% and a mean square error of 1.76. The estimation results of these three neural networks on the microprocessor are the same as the results on the MATLAB platform.

摘要 II Abstract III 致謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 文獻探討 2 1.3 研究動機與目標 3 1.4 論文大綱 5 第二章 鋰離子電池介紹 6 2.1 構造及電化學反應介紹 6 2.2 種類及特性介紹 7 2.3 電荷狀態估測方法介紹 9 2.4 健康狀態估測方法介紹 13 2.4.1 實驗估測法 14 2.4.2 基於模型的估測法 15 第三章 電化學阻抗頻譜與類神經網路 18 3.1 電化學阻抗頻譜概要 18 3.1.1 奈氏圖 18 3.1.2 鋰離子電池等效模型 19 3.2 類神經網路基本概念 20 3.3 類神經網路架構 21 3.4 類神經網路建構 25 3.4.1 訓練與測試資料 25 3.4.2 類神經網路模型 32 第四章 實現交流阻抗量測之電路架構 38 4.1 電路架構介紹 39 4.2 控制方法 43 4.3 電路元件設計 44 4.4 韌體架構 44 4.4.1 程式流程 45 4.4.2 實現類神經網路模型於微控制器 47 第五章 實驗結果與數據 52 5.1 類神經網路驗證 52 5.2 電路實測結果 55 5.3 比較與討論 63 5.4 基於微控制器之類神經網路執行結果 66 第六章 結論與未來展望 69 6.1 結論 69 6.2 未來展望 70 參考文獻 71

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