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研究生: 李宜勳
I-Hsun Li
論文名稱: 合併式模糊類神經網路的分析與應用
A Merged Fuzzy Neural Network: Analysis and Applications
指導教授: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
Wei-Yen Wang
口試委員: 鄭錦聰
J in-Tsong Jeng
Fan-Ren Chang
C.W. Tao
Chen-Chien Hsu
Chin-Ming Hong
Wen-June Wang
Sheng-Luen Chung
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 模糊類神經網路簡化式基因演算法電池電量量測直接適應性控制輸出回饋控制非線性系統
外文關鍵詞: fuzzy neural networks, reduced-form genetic algorithm, battery state-of-charge, direct adaptive control, output feedback control, nonaffine nonlinear systems
相關次數: 點閱:593下載:10
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  • 為了解決傳統類神經網路在輸入變數增加時會產生大量的權重參數以致於耗費大量運算時間甚至造成電腦無法運算的問題,我們使用了數個模糊類神經網路來達成階層式的學習架構,並將其稱之為「合併式模糊類神經網路」。在此論文中,我們證明此合併式模糊類神經網路近似器具有一般性。此合併式模糊類神經網路分別被應用到系統鑑別及控制器設計的問題。在系統鑑別的應用中,合併式模糊類神經網路的學習機制是藉由B-spline函數做為可區域調整之歸屬函數,並結合循序搜尋的簡化型基因演算法來調整網路的權重值以及BMF的控制點,來達成我們所近似的目標。在實際應用中,一2階層12輸入單輸出的合併式模糊類神經網路被使用來近似一個由四個鋰電池串聯的充放電機置。此機置包括了12個輸入4個輸出。在模擬的結果中,我們證實了合併式模糊類神經網路在簡化型基因演算法的學習下可得到比倒傳式類神經網路較好的效果。另一方面,在針對一般性非線性系統的控制器設計方面,合併式模糊類神經網路可大幅降低直接適應性模糊類神經控制器中的被調整的參數,因此可解決因為需要大量運算而造成的控制器延遲問題。在論文中,我們證明了合併式模糊類神經網路在直接適應性控制器設計中可以取代傳統的模糊類神經網路,並同時可減少運算時間及維持與傳統設計中的控制性能。

    To solve learning problems with vast numbers of inputs, this dissertation proposes a novel learning structure merging a number of small fuzzy neural networks (FNNs) into a hierarchical learning structure called a merged-FNN. In this dissertation, the merged-FNN is proved to be a universal approximator. Two different applications demonstrate that the merged-FNN has greater potential than the neural network and traditional FNN in real systems. One is the system identification and the other is the controller design for nonaffine nonlinear systems. In the system identification, the computing approach uses the merged-FNN using B-spline membership functions (BMFs) with a reduced-form genetic algorithm (RGA). The reduced-form genetic algorithm is employed to tune all free parameters of the merged-FNN, including both control points of the B-spline membership functions and weights of the small fuzzy neural networks. For a practical application, a battery state-of-charge (BSOC) estimator, which is a twelve input, one output system, in a lithium-ion battery string is proposed to verify the effectiveness of the merged-FNN. From experimental results, the learning ability of the newly proposed merged-FNN with RGA is superior to that of traditional neural networks with back-propagation learning. In the aspect of the controller design, we propose an observer-based adaptive fuzzy-neural controller for nonaffine nonlinear systems, structured by the merged-FNN to substantially reduce the number of adjustable parameters and the computation time of the controller. The traditional direct adaptive fuzzy-neural control scheme for nonaffine nonlinear systems has a vast number of free parameters if many inputs (linguistic terms) and membership functions of the fuzzy-neural network (FNN) are required. This leads to the problem of a huge computation time. Spending so much computation time adjusting these parameters results in a serious controller time-delay problem. To solve this problem, the traditional FNN is replaced by the merged-FNN to form an observer-based adaptive controller. We prove that the merged-FNN can take the place of the traditional fuzzy-neural networks under some assumptions while maintaining the property of stability. Moreover, the adaptive scheme using the proposed merged-FNN guarantees that all signals involved are bounded and the output of the closed-loop system asymptotically tracks the desired output trajectory. From experimental examples, the proposed merged-FNN has far fewer parameters than the traditional FNN, and the computation time is significantly reduced.

    CONTENTS ABSTRACT (In Chinese)…………………………………………………………….I ABSTRACT (In English)……………………………………………………………II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………………….III CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………….V LIST OF SYMBOLS………………………………………………………………VII LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES…………………………………….………….IX CHAPTER 1 Introduction…………………………………………………………….1 CHAPTER 2 A Merged Fuzzy Neural Network (Merged-FNN) And Its Approximation Capability……………………………………..….9 2.1 Continuous Functions with Hierarchical Structures………………...9 2.2 Description of Merged-FNN………………………………….…11 2.2.1 Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNNs)…………………………..…11 2.2.2 Merged Fuzzy Neural Networks (Merged-FNNs)…………11 2.3 Approximation Capabilities of the Merged-FNNs………………..16 CHAPTER 3 Reduced-Form Genetic Algorithms (RGA)…………………………...22 3.1 Basic Concept of GAs…………………………………………......22 3.2 Evolutionary Processes of the Reduced-Form Genetic Algorithm..24 3.2.1 Population Initialization…………………………………24 3.2.2 Fitness function………………………………..……………24 3.2.3 Single Point Crossover…………………………………….25 3.2.4 Sorting Operation………………………………………..….27 3.2.5 Mutation Operation………………………………………….27 3.3 Pseudo Code for the RGA…………………………………………29 3.4 Computer Simulations……………………………………….……30 CHAPTER 4 A Merged Fuzzy Neural Network and Its Applications in Battery State-of-Charge Estimation…………………………………..……..37 4.1 Merged-FNN with B-Spline membership Functions….…………..37 4.1.1 B-spline Fuzzy neural Networks…………………………….37 4.2 Approximation Capabilities of the 12-Input-2-Level Merged-FNN.44 4.3 Merged-FNN with Reduced-Form Genetic Algorithm…………....46 4.4 Experiment Design and Mathematical Expression………….…….49 4.5 Experimental Results of BSOC Estimations…………………...….55 CHAPTER 5 Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Controller Using A Merged Fuzzy-Neural Network………………………………………….……63 5.1. Problem Formulation ………………………………………...…...63 5.2. Merged-FNN and Observer-Based Direct Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Controller Design………………………………………………....67 5.3. Simulation results……….……………………………………...…76 CHAPTER 6 Conclusions……………………………………………………………93 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………...….95 APPENDIX A………………………………………………………………………105 BIOGRAPHY AND PUBLICATION………………………………………………109

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