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研究生: 吳耶惠
Jeffrey - Nurhakim
論文名稱: Key Management Protocol with End-to-End Data Security and Key Revocation for a Wireless Sensor Network Having Multiple Base Stations
Key Management Protocol with End-to-End Data Security and Key Revocation for a Wireless Sensor Network Having Multiple Base Stations
指導教授: 馮輝文
Huei-Wen Ferng
口試委員: 鄧惟中
Wei-Chung Teng
Jean-Lien Chen
I-Shyan Hwang
Chun-Ting Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 24
中文關鍵詞: wireless sensor networkdata securitykey managementmultiple base stations
外文關鍵詞: wireless sensor network, data security, key management, multiple base stations
相關次數: 點閱:484下載:0
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  • In this thesis, we focus on the key management issue in a large-scale wireless sensor network (WSN) with multiple base stations. Employing an end-to-end data security method for securely relaying data between a node and a base station or two nodes and a distributed key revocation for e±ciently removing the compromised nodes, a key management protocol is designed in this thesis. Through performance analysis, we show that our proposed protocol outperforms LEDS [21] in terms of efficiency of resilience against the node capture attack. Via analysis of key storage overheads, we demonstrate that this overhead of our proposed protocol is fewer than that of [24].

    In this thesis, we focus on the key management issue in a large-scale wireless sensor network (WSN) with multiple base stations. Employing an end-to-end data security method for securely relaying data between a node and a base station or two nodes and a distributed key revocation for e±ciently removing the compromised nodes, a key management protocol is designed in this thesis. Through performance analysis, we show that our proposed protocol outperforms LEDS [21] in terms of efficiency of resilience against the node capture attack. Via analysis of key storage overheads, we demonstrate that this overhead of our proposed protocol is fewer than that of [24].

    Abstract i Contents i List of Figures iii 1 Introduction 1 2 Related Works 3 3 Security Requirements, Assumptions, Threat Models, and Notations 5 3.1 Security Requirements 5 3.2 System Assumptions 6 3.3 Threat Models 6 3.3.1 Notations 6 4 The Proposed Key Management Protocol 8 4.1 Virtual Grid Construction 8 4.2 Key Management Framework 10 4.3 End-to-End Data Security Mechanism 11 4.3.1 Report generation 11 4.3.2 Cell-by-cell interleaving 12 4.3.3 Verification by the base station 12 4.4 Key Revocation 12 5 Security Analysis of The Proposed Protocol 14 6 Performance Analysis of The Proposed Protocol 15 6.1 Security Strength of Our Purposed Protocol Regarding Data Confidentiality 15 6.2 Security Strength of Our Purposed Protocol Regarding Data Authenticity 17 6.3 Security Strength of Our Purposed Protocol Regarding Data Availability 18 6.4 Performance Key Storage Overhead 19 7 Comparison Among Our Proposed Protocol, LEDS [21], and that in [24] 20 8 Conclusion 21 Bibliography 21

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